二龙湖浩哥内部电影里面有一首歌歌词是这样的 谁家的姑娘长的这么漂亮。求歌名

作者&投稿:任宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  The Sound of Music
  My Favourite Things
  Sixteen Going on Seventeen
  My Favourite Things (reprise)
  Do Re Mi
  The Lonely Goatherd
  So Long, Farewell
  Climb Every Mountain
  Something Good


  My day in the hills
  Has come to an end, I know.
  A star has come out
  To tell me it's time to go.
  But deep in the dark green shadows,
  There are voices that urge me to stay.
  So I pause and I wait and I listen,
  For one more sound,
  For one more lovely thing
  That the hills might say!
  The hills are alive
  With the sound of music,
  With songs they have sung,
  For a thousand years.
  The hills fill my heart,
  With the sound of music.
  My heart wants to sing every song it hears.
  My heart wants to beat like the wings
  Of the birds that rise from the lake
  To the trees.
  My heart wants to sigh
  Like a chime that flies
  From a church on a breeze,
  To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls
  Over stones on its way
  To sing through the night,
  Like a lark who is learning to pray.
  I go to the hills
  When my heart is lonely.
  I know I will hear
  What I heard before.
  My heart will be blessed
  With the sound of music
  And I'll sing once more.


  She climbs a tree
  And scrapes her knee
  Her dress has got a tear.

  She waltzes on her way to mass
  And whistles on the stair.

  And underneath her wimpole
  She has curlers in her hair!

  Maria's not an asset to the abbey.

  She's always late for chapel,

  But her penitence is real.

  She's always late for everything,
  Except for every meal.

  From all of which, I take it,
  That you very firmly feel

  Maria's not an asset to the abbey!

  I'd like to say a word in her behalf.
  Maria makes me laugh!

  How do you solve a problem like Maria?

  How do you catch a cloud and bring it down?

  How do you find a word that means Maria?

  A flibberti gibbet!

  A willo' the wisp!

  A clown!

  Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her,
  Many a thing she ought to understand.

  But how do you make her stay
  And listen to all you say,

  How do you keep a wave upon the sand?

  Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?

  How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

  When I'm dazed and confused,
  Out of focus and bemused,
  And I never know exactly where I am.

  Unpredictable as weather,
  She's as flighty as a feather,

  She's a darling,

  She's a demon,

  She's a lamb.

  She'd out-pester any pest,
  Drive a hornet from his nest,

  She could throw a whirling dervish
  Out of whirl.

  She is gentle,
  She is wild,

  She's a riddle.

  She's a child.

  She's a headache!

  She's an angel!

  She's a girl.

  How do you solve a problem like Maria?
  How do you catch a clown and pin it down?
  How do you find a word that means Maria?
  A flibberti gibbet!
  A willo' the wisp!
  A clown!
  Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her,
  Many a thing she ought to understand.
  But how do you make her say,
  And listen to all you say?
  How do you keep a wave upon the sand?
  Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?
  How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?


  What will this day be like?
  I wonder.
  What will my future be?
  I wonder.
  It could be so exciting,
  To be out in the world,
  To be free!
  My heart should be wildly rejoicing.
  Oh, what's the matter with me?
  I've always longed for adventure,
  To do the things I've never dared.
  Now here I'm pacing adventure
  Then why am I so scared?
  A captain with seven children...
  What's so fearsome about that?
  Oh, I must stop these doubts,
  All these worries.
  If I don't I just know I'll turn back!
  I must dream of the things I am seeking.
  I am seeking the courage I lack.
  The courage to serve them with reliance,
  Face my mistakes without defiance.
  Show them I'm worthy
  And while I show them
  I'll show me!
  So, let them bring on all their problems,
  I'll do better than my best.
  I have confidence
  They'll put me to the test!
  But I'll make them see
  I have confidence in me.
  Somehow I will impress them.
  I will be firm, but kind.
  And all those children,
  Heaven bless them
  They will look up to me
  And mind me!
  With each step I am more certain,
  Everything will turn out fine.
  I have confidence,
  The world can all be mine!
  They'll have to agree
  I have confidence in me.
  I have confidence in sunshine,
  I have confidence in rain.
  I have confidence that spring will come again!
  Besides, which you see
  I have confidence in me.
  Strength doesn't lie in numbers.
  Strength doesn't lie in wealth,
  Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers,
  When you wake up, wake up!
  It can be all I trust I leave my heart to,
  All I trust becomes my own!
  I have confidence in confidence alone.
  I have confidence in confidence alone!
  Besides, which you see,
  I have confidence in me!


  Raindrops on roses,
  And whiskers on kittens,
  Bright copper kettles
  And warm woolen mittens.
  Brown paper packages
  Tied up with string,
  These are a few of my favorite things.
  Cream colored ponies,
  And crisp apple strudel.
  Doorbells and sleighbells
  And schnitzel with noodles,
  Wild geese that fly
  With the moon on their wings,
  These are a few of my favorite things.
  Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
  Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
  Silver white winters that melt into springs
  These are a few of my favorite things.
  When the dog bites,
  When the bee stings,
  When I'm feeling sad.
  I simply remember my favorite things,
  And then I don't feel so bad!


  You wait little girl on an empty stage for fate to turn the light on
  Your life little girl is an empty page that men will want to write on
  To write on
  You are sixteen going on seventeen baby it's time to think
  Better beware be canny and careful baby you're on the brink
  You are sixteen going on seventeen fellows will fall in line
  Eager young lads and roues and cads will offer you food and wine
  Totally unprepared are you to face a world of men
  Timid and shy and scared are you of things beyond your ken
  You need someone older and wiser telling you what to do
  I am seventeen going on eighteen I'll take care of you.

  I am sixteen going on seventeen I know that I'm naive
  Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet and willingly I believe
  I am sixteen going on seventeen innocent as a rose
  Bachelor dandies drinkers of brandies what do I know of those?
  Totally unprepared am I to face a world of men
  Timid and shy and scared am I of things beyond my ken
  I need someone older and wiser telling me what to do
  You are seventeen going on eighteen I'll depend on you.


  Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
  Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
  Brown paper packages tied up with strings
  These are a few of my favorite things

  Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
  Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
  Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
  These are a few of my favorite things

  Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
  Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
  Silver white winters that melt into Springs
  These are a few of my favorite things

  When the dog bites
  When the bee stings
  When I'm feeling sad
  I simply remember my favorite things
  And then I don't feel so bad.

  Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
  Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
  Brown paper packages tied up with strings
  These are a few of my favorite things

  Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
  Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
  Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
  These are a few of my favorite things

  Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
  Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
  Silver white winters that melt into Springs
  These are a few of my favorite things

  When the dog bites
  When the bee stings
  When I'm feeling sad
  I simply remember my favorite things
  And then I don't feel so bad.


  Let's start at the very beginning
  A very good place to start
  When you read you begin with ABC
  When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi
  Do Re Mi Do Re Mi
  The first three notes just happen to be Do Re Mi
  Do Re Mi
  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
  Let's see if I can make it easier
  Do - a deer a female deer
  Re - a drop of golden sun
  Mi - a name I call myself
  Fa - a long long way to run
  So- a needle pulling thread
  La - a note to follow so
  Ti - a drink with jam and bread
  That will bring us back to Do
  Do - a deer a female deer
  Re - a drop of golden sun
  Mi - a name I call myself
  Fa - a long long way to run
  So- a needle pulling thread
  La - a note to follow so
  Ti - a drink with jam and bread
  That will bring us back to Do
  - a deer a female deer
  Re - a drop of golden sun
  Mi - a name I call myself
  Fa - a long long way to run
  So- a needle pulling thread
  La - a note to follow so
  Ti - a drink with jam and bread
  That will bring us back to Do
  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do
  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
  So Do La Ti Do Re Do
  So Do La Ti Do Re Do
  Now let's put it all together
  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
  So Do La Ti Do Re Do
  When you know the notes to sing
  You can sing most anything
  When you know the notes to sing
  You can sing most anything
  Do - a deer a female deer
  Re - a drop of golden sun
  Mi - a name I call myself
  Fa - a long long way to run
  So- a needle pulling thread
  La - a note to follow so
  Ti - a drink with jam and bread
  That will bring us back to Do
  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
  Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re
  Do Mi Mi Mi So So
  Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti
  Do Mi Mi Mi So So
  Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti
  When you know the notes to sing
  You can sing most anything
  Do - a deer a female deer
  Re - a drop of golden sun
  Mi - a name I call myself
  Fa - a long long way to run
  So- a needle pulling thread
  La - a note to follow so
  Ti - a drink with jam and bread
  That will bring us back to
  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
  So Do La Fa La So Fa Ti Re Ti Do
  So Do


  High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd
  Folks in a town that was quite remote heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard
  Ho ho Ladiodeliho
  Ho Ho ladiodelay
  Ho ho ladiodeliho
  A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  Men on a boat with a load to tote heard
  Men in the mists of a chapel dote heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard
  One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
  Soon her mama with a gleaming gloat heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  What a duet for a girl and goatherd
  Oh Oh Oh Oh Ladiodeliho
  Oh oh ladiodelay
  Oh Oh Oh Oh ladiodeliho
  One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo
  She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
  Soon her mama with a gleaming gloat heard
  Laiodelaiodelay mmm mmm
  What a duet for a girl and goatherd
  Happy are they ladio ladiliho oh ladioladilayhihoo
  Soon their duet will becoma a trio


  There's a sad sort of clanking from the clock in the hall
  and the bells in the steeple too.
  And up in the nursery an absurd little bird is popping up to say cukoo!
  Cukoo! Cukoo!
  Regretfully they tell us
  But firmly they compel us to say goodbye to you.

  So long Farewell Aufwiedersehn Goodnight
  I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

  So long farewell Aufwiedersehn Adeiu
  Adeiu Adeiu to yieu and yieu and yieu

  So long farewell Au 'voire Aufwiedersehn
  I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne

  So long farewell aufwiedersehn goodbye
  I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye Goodbye

  I'm glad to go I cannot tell a lie
  I flit I float I fleetly flee I fly

  The sun has gone to bed and so must I
  So long farewell aufwiedersehn goodbye


  Climb every mountain
  Search high and low
  Follow every byway
  Every path you know
  Climb every mountain
  Ford every stream
  Follow every rainbow
  Till you find your dream
  A dream that will need
  All the love you can give
  Every day of your life
  For as long as you live
  Climb every mountain
  Ford every stream
  Follow every rainbow
  Till you find your dream
  A dream that will need
  All the love you can give
  Every day of your life
  For as long as you live
  Climb every mountain
  Ford every stream
  Follow every rainbow
  Till you find your dream


  Perhaps I had a wicked hildhood
  Perhaps I had a miserable youth
  But somewhere in my wicked miserable past
  There must have been a moment of truth
  For here you are standing there loving me
  Whether or not you should
  So somewhere in my youth or childhood
  I must have done something good
  Nothing comes from nothing
  Nothing ever could
  So somewhere in my youth or childhood
  I must have done something good.
  For here you are standing there loving me
  Whether or not you should
  So somewhere in my youth or childhood
  I must have done something good
  Nothing comes from nothing
  Nothing ever could
  So somewhere in my youth or childhood
  I must have done something good.
  Nothing comes from nothing
  Nothing ever could
  So somewhere in my youth or childhood
  I must have done something , something good


  Edelweiss, Edelweiss
  Every morning you greet me
  Small and white clean and bright
  You look happy to meet me
  Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
  Bloom and grow forever
  Bless my homeland forever.
  Small and white clean and bright
  You look happy to meet me
  Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
  Bloom and grow forever
  Bless my homeland forever.

张鹏《谁家的姑娘》 谁家的姑娘,长得这么漂亮,哎呀呀呀呀哎呀呀! 在我心里就是一朵最美的玫瑰花, 虽然我长得就是一朵普通的喇叭花, 虽然我有点傻,身材像冬瓜。你的眼睛眨呀眨一直在说话。 你的笑容就像那美丽的梦娜丽莎,为了你我愿意把那星儿摘下。 谁为你牵挂,爱为你留下。如果你愿意我就把你娶回家。 哎呀呀呀呀哎呀呀呀呀!谁家的姑娘啊 ? 哎呀呀呀呀哎呀呀呀呀!我已经爱上她 !



黄勇 哎呀姑娘


在酷狗上搜索 谁家的姑娘dj

二龙湖浩哥之今生是兄弟 (2014) 导演: 张浩 主演: 张浩 类型: 喜剧 制片国家\/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 片长: 33分钟25秒 抗战时期一群混吃混喝的穷弟兄们,因为老三父亲意外被抓。混日子的“好时光”一去不复返了。


1. 《二龙湖浩哥之今生是兄弟》这部电影以大东北浩哥的独特搞笑风格,讲述了一群东北汉子抗击日本侵略者、拯救亲人的故事。2. 影片的主线围绕着磨埋老三的父亲被日军抓走展开。3. 老大自然地带领着兄弟们踏上了救父的抗日期程。4. 他们不仅抢劫日军,还伪装成日军混入城市,打探父亲的消息。5. 得知...


拍摄日期:2012年 导 演:张浩 编 剧:张浩 类 型:喜剧,友情,爱情,剧情,网络剧 主 演:张浩,蓝波,张赢,李野,王晓哲,张运金,刘磊,郑国亮 故事大纲:《四平青年》作为一部史诗乡村电影,讲了这样一个故事,一个叫做二龙湖浩哥的四平郊县青年带着几个兄弟在玉米地里骑摩托,本来是去找人...

二龙湖浩哥偷渡去香港的电影叫《四平青年之浩哥大战古惑仔》。《四平青年之浩哥大战古惑仔》是由新片场、四平青年传媒、派格影业、哈尼比传媒联合出品,新片场、拾壹影业、米饭传媒联合制作,新片场独家发行,“二龙湖浩哥”张浩执导并主演的网络电影。中文名:四平青年之浩哥大战古惑仔 出品时间:2016年 上映时间...

影片简介 抗战时期一群混吃混喝的穷弟兄们,因为老三父亲意外被抓。混日子的“好时光”一去不复返了。之后偶然的一次计划抓到了日军的一名军官在各种搞笑奇葩之后,又恰巧遇到了一群前来扫荡的日本兵。几位兄弟用让观众无法想象的方法,不仅干掉了鬼子们。而且成功的混进了城里。这部电影是二龙湖浩哥之...

二龙湖浩哥之江湖学院 蓝莓的扮演者

二龙湖浩哥之江湖学院蓝莓是郑丹蕾演的 郑丹蕾在,二龙湖浩哥之江湖学院之后我超喜欢他。郑丹蕾,1994年3月7日出生,毕业于南开大学,中国内地新生代女演员。郑丹蕾代表作品有《逆光之恋》、《天下第一刀》、《班淑传奇》、《二龙湖浩哥之江湖学院》等,郑丹蕾外表清新甜美,表演灵动,充满潜力,获得业界...


南华县15584324431: 二龙湖浩哥之风云再起在蓝氏集团里面的一首歌叫什么名字在蓝百万回公司那段 -
魏法牛痘: 你到底有没有爱过我 - 蓝波 词:蓝波 曲:蓝波 假如此刻还有许些的难过 也许是美丽夜色伤感了我 天长和地久若只是个传说 何必去追问谁对谁错 曾以为得到的就是快乐 筋疲力尽还要彼百此折磨 海誓和山盟变成了泡沫 难道只有放弃才能解脱 为...

南华县15584324431: 二龙湖浩哥电影有首歌词叫,出门在外,四海为家的歌,歌名叫什么 -
魏法牛痘: 曾经的你 作词:许巍 作曲:许巍 演唱:许巍 曾梦想仗剑走天涯 看一看世界的繁华 年少的心总有些轻狂 如今你四海为家 曾让你心疼的姑娘 如今已悄然无踪影 爱情总让你渴望又感到烦恼 曾让你遍体鳞伤 DiLiLi…… DiLiLi…… DiLiLi…… 走在勇...

南华县15584324431: 二龙湖浩哥大战古惑仔在赌场里面的闽南语插曲是什么歌 -
魏法牛痘: 歌曲名字叫做《浪子的心情》,是由叶启田演唱. 歌词如下: 浪子的心情亲像天顶闪烁的流星 浪子的运命亲像鼎底蚂蚁的心理 我嘛是了解生命的意义 我嘛是了解七逃无了时 我嘛是想要好好来过日子 我嘛是想要我嘛是想要重新来做起 谁人会了...

南华县15584324431: 电影《二龙湖浩哥之风云再起》片尾曲是什么? -
魏法牛痘: 电影《二龙湖浩哥之风云再起》片尾曲是《你到底有没有爱过我》.歌名:你到底有没有爱过我 原唱:蓝波 填词:蓝波 谱曲:蓝波 编曲:蓝波 歌词: 假如此刻还有许些的难过 也许是美丽夜色伤感了我 天长和地久若只是个传说 何必去追问谁对谁错 曾以为得到的就是快乐 筋疲力尽还要彼此折磨 海誓和山盟变成了泡沫 难道只有放弃才能解脱 为什么付出那么多 你还是让我感到悲伤难过 是我自己太过的软弱 还是上辈子欠你的太多 为什么付出那么多 竟然却越来越感到了迷惑 找不到你想要的结果 你到底有没有爱过我

南华县15584324431: 二龙湖浩哥之风云再起中mc麻木的那首歌叫什么名字 -
魏法牛痘: 兄弟难当 歌手:杜歌 词:韩信 曲:韩信 专辑:《兄弟难当》 歌词 我说兄弟难当 咱们有难一起闯 一杯酒啊到天亮 再和从前一样 我说兄弟难当 咱们有福一起享 一辈子的兄弟情 比天还要长 . 你有什么烦心事 就对兄弟讲 不要苦往心里藏 一个人来...

南华县15584324431: 二龙湖浩哥之狂暴之路电影里面唱的歌那几首歌曲是叫什么名,,那个大神知道谢谢了 -
魏法牛痘: 我是浩哥 今生是兄弟 干了这杯酒

南华县15584324431: 我为你付出那么多!你却留下悲伤难过!那首歌里面的歌词 -
魏法牛痘: 正确的歌词是“为什么付出那么多 你还是让我感到悲伤难过”,出自蓝波的歌曲《你到底有没有爱过我》. 歌名:你到底有没有爱过我 歌手:蓝波 作曲 : 蓝波 作词 : 蓝波 歌词: 假如此刻还有许些的难过,也许是美丽夜色伤感了我 天长和地...

南华县15584324431: “为什么付出那么多”这个歌词的歌叫什么名字啊? -
魏法牛痘: 这首歌叫做《你到底有没有爱过我》,是由蓝波作词作曲并演唱的一首歌.是电影《四平青年·二龙湖浩哥之风云再起》主题曲.歌曲歌词:假如此刻还有许些的难过也许是美丽夜色伤感了我天长和地久若只是个传说何必去追问谁对谁错曾以为得到的就是快乐筋疲力尽还要彼此折磨海誓和山盟变成了泡沫难道只有放弃才能解脱为什么付出那么多你还是让我感到悲伤难过是我自己太过的软弱还是上辈子欠你的太多为什么付出那么多竟然却越来越感到了迷惑找不到你想要的结果你到底有没有爱过我

南华县15584324431: 哪部电影里有也很值得这首歌 -
魏法牛痘: 《也很值得》为电影《二龙湖浩哥之风云再起》电影在玉米地里的配音主题插曲.

南华县15584324431: 我为你付出那么多,你为何还会感到悲伤难过求歌名 -
魏法牛痘: 正确的歌词为:为什么付出那么多 你还是让我感到悲伤难过. 歌名:《你到底有没有爱过我》 演唱、填词、谱曲 : 蓝波 歌词: 假如此刻还有许些的难过,也许是美丽夜色伤感了我 天长和地久若只是个传说,何必去追问谁对谁错 曾以为得到的...

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