谁能帮下忙 翻译下 下面的一个摘要

作者&投稿:戢枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Since the discovery of continuous oxidation on the surface of TiO2 can occur in the water reduction reaction, photocatalytic materials as the representative has been studied extensively. In this experiment, the TiO2 nanotubes were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis method, on the formation of the nanotubes were characterized and analyzed. Nano and prepared for the tube photocatalytic reduction of CO2 solution to produce methanol, successfully simulated the organism photosynthetic CO2 fixation. Forefront of the development of this research based on CO2 this topic on photocatalytic reduction, TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalytic water solution of CO2 reduction, thus the preparation of methanol is an important chemical product, provides a new way for the utilization of CO2. At the same time, through the analysis of the prepared nanotube aqueous solution of CO2 reduction to produce methanol effect, explore the effect factors of the catalytic effect, catalytic reaction mechanism of the reduction process, has carried on the beneficial exploration enrich the theoretical system of photocatalytic reaction. And the TiO2 photocatalytic prospect


With the extensive use of computer technology, automaticcontrol has significant development, and process control plays an importantrole in different aspects of industrial manufacture which becomes an importantpart of automatic manufacture. This paper introduces process control, andanalyses the development trend of this technology as well as the latest use of advancedprocess control technology in different areas.

该吉兰丹州河的排水渠省的吉兰丹州东北部的马来西亚半岛。集水约一点二○万平方公里(上游硅里马德桥)和一高差以上的二千一百米生成一个平均径流量约500 m3/sec ,与变化的当地季风气候。变异的雨量与极端每月的价值观之间的零和1750毫米,干湿个月,分别为,已建议的主要问题:可靠性水资源为稻田,供应约12 %的国内生产。旱灾和水灾影响效率的灌溉系统,不断转变,土地利用,以及潜在的水质污染的集约农业构成了一系列的问题需要的创新工具为他们的解决办法。

该吉兰丹州河的排水渠省的吉兰丹州东北部的马来西亚半岛。集水约一点二○万平方公里(上游guillemard桥)和一高差以上的二千一百米生成一个平均径流量约500 m3/sec ,与变化的当地季风气候。变异的雨量与极端每月的价值观之间的零和1750毫米,干湿个月,分别为,已建议的主要问题:可靠性水资源为稻田,供应约12 %的国内生产。旱灾和水灾影响效率的灌溉系统,不断转变,土地利用,以及潜在的水质污染的集约农业构成了一系列的问题需要的创新工具为他们的解决办法。

江北区19789256663: 懂英文的帮个忙吧!写论文,有一段摘要要用英文 ,麻烦帮忙翻译下!摘要如下 -
呈疮愈舒: Financial management is to organize enterprise financial activities, dealing with the financial relationship between an economic management activities. Small and medium-sized enterprises are important components of the national economy, to ...

江北区19789256663: 求英语高手帮忙人工翻译下摘要,不要机器翻译的看得出来,英语高手帮帮忙了感谢! -
呈疮愈舒: China is a country that has thousand years of rich history; It has left us with many natural yet also man-made sights. These...

江北区19789256663: 我想要记承天寺夜游的原文及翻译 谁能帮下忙??
呈疮愈舒:记承天寺夜游 原文: 元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡,月色入户,欣然起行.念无与为乐者,遂至承天 苏轼与张怀民 寺,寻张怀民.怀民亦未寝,相与步于中庭.庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也. 何夜无月?何处无竹柏?但...

江北区19789256663: 我想知道孟郊 结爱 “心心复心心,结爱务在深. ” 这首诗的翻译 谁能帮下忙 -
呈疮愈舒: 心心复心心,结爱务在深.一度欲离别,千回结衣襟.结妾独守志,结君早归意.始知结衣裳,不如结心肠.坐结行亦结,结尽百年月. ——孟郊·《结爱》风也轻柔,雨也轻盈,悠长淡远的思念夹杂其间,沉醉在风雨凝结的无边寂寥之中....

江北区19789256663: 请各位高手帮忙翻译下面一段话,谢谢了~如题原文:上善若水,水善
呈疮愈舒: If the good water, water good all the known, place of all evil, so a few in the way. The good land, a good heart abyss, and good benevolence, said: "good faith, political good governance, things can good, good move, the husband is indisputable, so there's no especially.

江北区19789256663: 大家帮下忙,翻译下面的文言文实词也:1、师道之不传也久矣2、先生不知何许人也非:1、六国破灭非兵不利2、才能不及中人,非有仲尼、墨濯之贤3、非... -
呈疮愈舒:[答案] 也:1、表句中停顿语气.2、表句尾判断语气. 非:1、不是,2、不,无,没有.3、不能 或:1、有时.2、有的人.3、也许,或许. 得: 1、取得,获得. 2、形容词,合适,正确,指事情做对了或话说对了. 3、得以、可以、能够,不得已指不能够抑制或...

江北区19789256663: 有谁可以帮个忙,帮我翻译下面的句子
呈疮愈舒: 1、This soap smiles good! I can't wait to taste it. 2、We cannot speak Italian,and we'll supposed to speak which language when we arrived at Italy? 3、As though,it'll rani,don't forget to take umbrella with you. 4、He is a selfish man,you cannot ...

江北区19789256663: 各位 帮个忙 帮我翻译下下面的句子啊 翻译成英语 谢谢啦
呈疮愈舒: 1.He was not contented with the wage at present, so decided to leave the company. 2.I heard that their football team won the championship, which really makes astonishment. 3.He is particular with Chinese art. 4.This house needs to be painted ...

江北区19789256663: 英语好的请进来帮小弟一个忙!请问谁能帮我翻译下面几句话,第一句,"要面带微笑,尊重客户.当他们有问题的时候,尽自己最大的努力帮助他们解决问题... -
呈疮愈舒:[答案] "To smile and respect to your customers.Do your best to help them to solve problems once they met." "With amicable and accommodating attitude, I regard helping customers to solve problems as my honor." "Work as part of a team, we should ...

江北区19789256663: 帮下忙翻译摘要~~~请不要用软件翻译!!!! -
呈疮愈舒: The three dimensional design is refers to the three-dimensional space draws up the vivid image the three dimensional solid figure, in the real life, we saw the indoor three dimensional design exhibition of all forms, this time is mainly the design “7a...

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