
作者&投稿:务浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, ass在口语中多为加强语气的脏话、粗话,所以你在美剧中经常听到这个词,了解这个就行了,不必花功夫去学。
2, Is it done?就是“事情做完了吗?”的意思,这里是被动语态的用法,it是主语,代指任何事,事情被(某人)完成了用被动语态表示,就是:it (主语) + is (be动词) + done (动词的完成形式)。变成疑问句,就是 Is it done? 如果你要用has动词强调完成的状态,就应该是:Has it been done? 你认为的"has it done?" 缺少Be动词,在语法上是错误的。
3,两句话语法都对,但因为really在句中的位置不对,意思略有不同,“You really don’t realize ”意思是“你真的没有意识到...吗?”而“You don’t really realize ”意思是“你没有真正地意识到....”really 是一个起强调作用的副词,你要把它放在句中的哪个位置,取决于你想强调句中的哪个部分,所以,原则是:把它和你想强调的那个词放在一起。
4,you of all people这种表达法很少见,你能不能说一下你是在哪里看到或听到这句话的?至于你所说的you and all of people也不对,所有人的表达法是:all the people, 或者:all of the people.
5, 句子意思是:政府优先考虑的是减少长期失业给社会和经济方面造成的最坏影响。分析如下:主语:the government, 谓语:makes (这里用的是第三人称单数),宾语:it (注意这里是个形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式"to cushion the worst social and economic impacts of long-term unemployment"). 宾补:a priority.
对这个冗长的真正的宾语怎么理解呢?它又是一个动宾形式,动词是cushion,表示减缓、缓和之意,后面的宾词是impacts,是影响的意思,连在一起就是减少影响之意。impacts前面的the worst social and economic 是定语,修饰impacts,表示程度及哪方面的影响之意。后面的of long-term unemployment也是定语,是后置定语,修饰前面的名词impacts,表示这个影响是由什么造成、引起的,相当于caused by的意思。

  你好,你问的是在主语含有either...or/neither...nor/none/as well as/with时谓语动词单复数问题,这是高考常考内容,每道题也很有代表性。下面我们一题题的来分析:

neither of sb/sth. 表示没有任何人或者任何事,我们可以理解为nobody/nothing,所以答案很清晰,谓语应该用单数,意为“无,没有”。
3. is
  "either of sb/sth"谓语动词也用单数。either表示的是两者之一,所以两者中的任意一个也是
4. like
  "the rest of sb/sth" 谓语动词的单复数要看of 后面所指内容,而of 表示所属的时候通常指三
者或三者以上,题中说的是”我们中剩下的人“,所以是复数。如果the rest 指代的是不可数
事物,则用单数,例如,如果the rest of the water/beer/milk之类的做主语谓语就用单数。
5. is
"as well as" 连接的短语,只看as well as 前面的主语,根据它来判断谓语动词的单复数。我
们可以这样理解,as well as 表示附带一样,两者之间不是并列的,区别于and. 这道题正确
的翻译为:史密斯教授现在正在实验室做实验,他的学生也一样。his students只是被附带
6. finish
7. fails
同"neither of",都表示无,没有的意思,区别在于neither of 指的是两者之中的任意一个都不
行,而none of 指的是三者或三者以上(为可数名词时)/无(为不可数名词时),所以谓语
8. watches
"with" 同as well as 一样,都表示伴随,附带,并不跟with之前的主语并列,所以不影响谓语

none of/neither ofeither of 谓语动词一律用单数;
as well as/with 谓语动词的单复数跟前面的主语保持一致,或者我们叫就远原则;
the rest of 谓语动词的单复数要看其所指内容,也就是前面的名词是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。



is/am was
have/has had
do/does did
go went
sit sat
visit visited
stay stayed
play played
watch watched
write wrote
study studied
see saw
clean cleaned
look looked
ask asked

What did you do last weekend? We went to the beach.

What did he do last weekend? He went to climbed the mountain.

was had did went sat visited stayed played watched wrote studied saw cleaned looked asked
What did you do last weekend? We went to the seaside
What did he do lsat weekend? He went climbing

was / had / did /went sit visited stayed played watched wrote studied saw cleaned looked asked

What did you do last weekend? We went to the beach.

What did he do last weekend? He climbed the mountain.

1 I'm going to buy some flowers.对的。2 I need a new jeans.I need a new pair of jeans.3 It's lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree.It's a lovely park with a lot of beautiful trees.4 There was a woman in the car with two mens.There was a woman in the car...

给我一些英语小问题(附答案)越多越好 急啊!
20 给我一些英语小问题,IQ之类的!题目都是英文,而且需要答案。英语谜语,或者英语谚语。越多越好,答案要准确!好的话我会加悬赏!... 给我一些英语小问题,IQ之类的!题目都是英文,而且需要答案。英语谜语,或者英语谚语。越多越好,答案要准确!好的话我会加悬赏! 展开 4...

1.What kind of dance are you learning ?2.My mother doesn't often do the housework on Sunday.3.What does Lingling's father do?4.She is sweeping the floor.5.The children are getting ready for the spring Featival 6.I am making lanterns.7.My mother is cooking the meal.8.He...

1.“你晚饭通常吃什么?”“面包和蔬菜。”---What do you usually ( have ) ( for ) dinner ?---Bread and ( vegetables )。2."托尼喜欢吃薯条吗?”“是的,非常喜欢.”---( Does ) Tony (like ) French fries ?---Yes ,he does . He ( likes ) ...

一些问题 用英语怎么说
some problems 或者 some questions

1.你去过汉城吗? 不,我没去过.——Have you ever been to Seoul?——No,I haven't.你什么时候将去那儿? 我明年去那儿.——When will you go to there?——I will go to there next year.2.她去过日内瓦吗? 是的,她去过.——Has she been to Geneva?——Yes,she has.她什么...


1.The life is full of troubles.2.It is exciting to take (磁悬浮列车)3.Look,these are the photos of my parents when they are young.They looked so happy.4.We are going to hold an English speech contest next Sunday.5.He doesn't have enough money to afford a house....

1. I am very glad to have you with us.2. I had the teacher explain the poem again.3. He has his computer working day and night.=== 1. It's getting dark.2. The suspect got arrested.3. He always gets his hands very dirty.4. The PE teacher got everyone running.5. ...

10咱们去买一些吧!Let's go to buy some.11我们不用买了。We don't have to buy them.12你有爷爷奶奶吗?他们多大岁数了?Do you have grandparents? How old are they?13看那两个男孩,他们是我的朋友。Take a look at those two boys, they are my friends.14玲玲的房间里有电视吗?

东阿县13018083103: 问一些有关英语的问题.1.You should not - ___ - eat noodles for supper.You should eat some other food.2.People should wash their hands - ___ - they have ... -
照胁醒脑:[答案] 1、always 2、before 3、pineapple 4、dishes 5、tomato 6、playing 7、to do 8、isn't free 9、aren't 10、C 11、C 12、roof 13、C

东阿县13018083103: 问一些英语的小问题.1:众所周知 Wanna等于want to.但是如果want to 变成过去式,意思就是wanted to,那么wanna会不会做相应的变化,做变化会如何变... -
照胁醒脑:[答案] 1.没有2.没有3.gotta一般单用,一般不再加have.英国人好像不大常用这种显得很随便的说法,一般都是you have to,you've got to ,而且have got to好像一般都是加重语气4.应该是可以的.我也见过,但这是非常不正式的写法,...

东阿县13018083103: 问一些英语问题31.问对方最近怎么样了,可以用how is it going .那how is going 可以么?what's going on 有 how is going on的么?2.all the day 和all day 有啥... -
照胁醒脑:[答案] 1.how is going不对,没有主语. what's going on可以. how is going on也是没有主语,可改成how is it going on. 2.all the day... 4.at this point 在这一点上. 5.what if 要是…又怎样;如果...将会怎么样;如果...又怎样. if 如果,是否.

东阿县13018083103: 我想问你一些问题用英语怎么说 -
照胁醒脑: 我想问你一些问题用I want to ask you a few questions表示.例句:Maria, I want to ask you a few questions 玛丽亚,我想问你一些问题.1、a few 发音:英 [ə fjuː] 美 [ə fjuː] 含义:几个;〔反语〕很多;一点点 例句:I made a few phone calls...

东阿县13018083103: 问一些英语上的问题
照胁醒脑: what is the price of.... how much... can you tell me the price of... on 在...上面,关于,继续的意思

东阿县13018083103: 问几个英语问题
照胁醒脑: 1.this is不能缩写成this's, 还有其它不能缩写的有:am not, may not, 等 2.show interest in 是固定短语,意为“对...感兴趣” show是动词,含有“显示,表现出”的意思;interest在这里是作名词用,表示“兴趣,爱好” 3. women teachers两个都用复数,是复合名词变复数的特殊用法,有这种用法的只有两个,一个是woman+名词,另一个是man+名词构成的复合名词

东阿县13018083103: 问几个英语的问题
照胁醒脑: how long 是询问时间段,回答时间一般是for+时间段.如:How long have been studying English? I have been studying English for two years. how soon是询问多久,一般用在将来时.How soon will you go to Beijing?I will go to Beijing in a minute...

东阿县13018083103: 问一些简单的英语问题 -
照胁醒脑: spend,cost,take和pay的区别是历年中考试题的必考内容之一,虽然它们都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同. spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours ...

东阿县13018083103: 问一些关于英语的问题
照胁醒脑: possibly

东阿县13018083103: 问一些英语问题 -
照胁醒脑: 分别对应是:seventeen,eighteen,nighteen,twenty,thirty,fourty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,nighty,one-hundred

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