
作者&投稿:上柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《活着》的英文是To Live. 这本书的英文版是由 Michael Berry 翻译, 出版社是Anchor.
To Live 的内容简介:
An award-winning, internationally acclaimed Chinese bestseller, originally banned in China but recently named one of the last decade’s ten most influential books there, To Live tells the epic story of one man’s transformation from the spoiled son of a rich landlord to an honorable and kindhearted peasant.
After squandering his family’s fortune in gambling dens and brothels, the young, deeply penitent Fugui settles down to do the honest work of a farmer. Forced by the Nationalist Army to leave behind his family, he witnesses the horrors and privations of the Civil War, only to return years later to face a string of hardships brought on by the ravages of the Cultural Revolution. Left with an ox as the companion of his final years, Fugui stands as a model of flinty authenticity, buoyed by his appreciation for life in this narrative of humbling power.


'I' when young received a idle career - go to the countryside to collect folk songs. Encountered in just came to the summer season, the old man by the name of your, to listen to him about his bumpy life experience: the landlord master your addicted to gambling, finally gambled away his possessions, your because of poor sick mother to the doctor, didn't think were caught by the kuomintang troops able-bodied man halfway, and captured by the people's liberation army, returned home he didn't know his mother has died, his wife will come almost brought a pair of children, but became deaf daughter misfortune.
However, the real tragedy from then on began to gradually. Jiazhen due to suffering from rickets do heavy work; Son the same as the headmistress blood group, to save the headmistress too much blood and die; Daughter of qi fengxia and captain partial number two in the city of xi tie the knot, after giving birth to a baby boy, because of the bleeding to death on the operating table; Three months after the death of the qi fengxia jiazhen also died; Two xi is a porter, because crane is wrong, be two rows of cement powder to death; Grandson bitter root, but with your back to the countryside, the life is very difficult, even on the beans are very bad, your love is bitter root cooked beans to eat, but eat bitter root, but because beans support dead... Rare warmth will be over and over again in life death tear it to pieces, only have the blessing of old your memories with a head of cow in the sun.

Alive, tells the story of an old man, about life and death DouZhengShi. The old man loved ones left in succession, until his only son also walked, he bought a head of dying, and the two sisters. But the old man is still alive, as if more than former days free and easy and strong. He's alive is a result, also is a new beginning. This itself is very intriguing. Yu hua said: "the man is living itself and live for, and not for the live outside of the nothing and live."
This article about the story of living is the living to the old man told. His name is XuFuGui, used to be a very rich young man. His grandfather started from scratch with chicken, from beginning, make chicken become geese, goose become sheep, become cows, sheep in ?


bb、Live well, love lots, and laugh often.

From 1987 to 1999, he directed red sorghum and other films, which won film awards at home and abroad.(1987年至1999年执导的《红高粱》、《菊豆》、《秋菊打官司》、《活着》、《一个都不能少》等影片令其在国内外屡获电影奖项。)After 2002, the commercial film hero, which was ...

alive 英 [ə'laɪv] 美 [ə'laɪv]adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 短语 Stay Alive 生存游戏 ; 仍活着 ; 保存游戏 ; 活着 Buried Alive 生人活埋 ; 活埋逃脱 ; 活埋 ; 活埋蓝调里 Dinosaurs Alive 恐龙再现 ; 恐龙活着 ; 恐龙探秘 ...

余华,四月三日事件,英译本,英文版,白亚仁译,The April 3rd Incident...

求 哈姆雷特 里"活着或是死"那一段英文对白.
Hamlet SCENE I. Elsinore. The Castle [Enter Hamlet.]Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them. To die- to ...



出自于余华《活着》 余华,当代作家,浙江海盐县人,祖籍山东高唐县。著有中短篇小说《十八岁出门远行》《鲜血梅花》《一九八六年》《四月三日事件》《世事如烟》《难逃劫数》《河边的错误》《古典爱情》《战栗》等,长篇小说《在细雨中呼喊》《活着》《许三观卖血记》《兄弟》,也写了不少散文、随笔、文论及音乐评论。


常州市13135812936: 求一篇《活着》英文简介 -
荆怖单硝: “Living”tells the story of a person's life.It is a life speech of an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and sufferings. It is a drama that deduces the sufferings of life. When I was young, the narrator of the novel acquired a loafing ...

常州市13135812936: 求一篇《活着》英文简介 -
荆怖单硝: Alive, tells the story of an old man, about life and death DouZhengShi. The old man loved ones left in succession, until his only son also walked, he bought a head of dying, and the two sisters. But the old man is still alive, as if more than former days...

常州市13135812936: 英语口语话题简述话题:我看过的一本书 书名:活着 作者:余华 内容:就是讲一个人的一生坎坷经历,这中间他经历了游手好闲的青年时期,战争、饥荒,... -
荆怖单硝:[答案] Topic :I have read the book title :alive author :Yuhua content :that stresses a person's life experience bumps,which he experienced dawdle among the youth period,war,famine,and loved ones have left....Feelings :Yuhua would like to tell readers :life is not ...

常州市13135812936: 用英语写篇小短文 every day talk 内容是介绍一本书 名字叫《活着》 改编的电视剧叫《富 -
荆怖单硝: 'I' when young received a idle career - go to the countryside to collect folk songs. Encountered in just came to the summer season, the old man by the name of your, to listen to him about his bumpy life experience: the landlord master your addicted to ...

常州市13135812936: 求余华小说《活着》的英文版片段! -
荆怖单硝: I a present am younger than ten year-old time, has obtained theoccupation which idles about, goes to the village collection folkballad. That year entire summer, I like identical only randomly flythe house sparrow, loafed has been knowing the rural ...

常州市13135812936: 英语翻译我最喜欢阅读的一本书是活着,它的作者是余华,余华是中国获得最多外国文学奖的作家.最开始想读这本书是因为别人的介绍,到我自己开始读时,... -
荆怖单硝:[答案] My favorite book is "Living" ,its author is Yu Hua.Yu Hua is the Chinese author that received the most foreign literature award.At the beginning,this book was recommended to me by others,but when I st...

常州市13135812936: 急求一篇英语作文《人为什么而活着》 -
荆怖单硝: Why live? This is a discussion has been the problem for thousands of years. A wide range of scientists and non-scientists, which made all sorts of interpretation, for example, people live to contribute to human life is to eat people alive is to make a ...

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荆怖单硝: alive

常州市13135812936: 求一篇葛优主演的《活着》的影评,高分悬赏! -
荆怖单硝: 活着,活着就是希望 ———《活着》影评 “活着”在我们中国的语言里充满了力量,它的力量不是来自于喊叫,不是来自于进攻,而是忍受,去忍受生命赋予我们的责任,去忍受...

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