
作者&投稿:上希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


my parents and I took part in a tour to Yunnan.


In this tour, the trip to Yulong Snow Mountain is my deepest mountain climbing experience.


According to the guide, Yulong Snow Mountain is a sacred mountain in the eyes of the local Naxi people, known as the "Oriental Alps".


At 6:30, we took a bus to the cableway station at the foot of the mountain at an altitude of 3356 meters. When we got there, I was stunned. There were so many people. Besides, everyone was wearing down jacket and carrying a light oxygen bottle. It seems that everyone was ready for a difficult journey.


On the way to the top of the mountain, I enjoyed the primeval forest, the sacred, magnificent and majestic Yulong Snow Mountain and glacier.


After 1150 meters, we came to the end of the tour bus. The remaining 174 meters were on foot. It was very difficult. Every few steps was very hard, but I still insisted on climbing to the pea.


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