pick up有哪几种意思?

作者&投稿:贲师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
pick up 有几种意思~

pick up 的意思很多,根据《柯林斯词典》,pick up有如下意思:捡起、得(病)、染上(疾病)接收到(信号或声音)、 接载、学会、逮捕、 发现、找到 、(健康)好转、恢复原状、 指出…的错误、纠正等多种意思。以下6中为生活中最常用的意思:
1、pick something up 捡起来
【例句】Pick up your socks. They’re on the floor. 把你的袜子捡起来,在地板上。

2、pick something up 拿
【例句】I’ll pick my book up at your place. Are you gonna be home?

3、pick up the phone 接电话
【例句】Someone’s calling you. Are you gonna pick up? 有人在给你打电话,你要接吗?

4、pick something up 买
【例句】Can you pick up some milk on the way home? 你回家的路上能买些牛奶吗?

5、pick someone up 用交通工具接某人
【例句】I’ll pick you up at school. Meet me at the front gate. 我去学校接你,前门见。

6、pick up from last time 从上次结束的地方开始
【例句】Alright class, let’s pick up from last time. 好的,同学们。我们接着上一次的来。

pick up 例句

(1)Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.
(2)We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan
(3)Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office
(4)Where did you pick up your English?
(5)He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer.

英语口语 重点词汇pick up 有几种意思?口语中分别怎么表达?

pick up 的意思很多,根据《柯林斯词典》,pick up有如下意思:捡起、得(病)、染上(疾病)接收到(信号或声音)、 接载、学会、逮捕、 发现、找到 、(健康)好转、恢复原状、 指出…的错误、纠正等多种意思。以下6中为生活中最常用的意思:

1、pick something up 捡起来

【例句】Pick up your socks. They’re on the floor. 把你的袜子捡起来,在地板上。

2、pick something up 拿

【例句】I’ll pick my book up at your place. Are you gonna be home? 


3、pick up the phone 接电话

【例句】Someone’s calling you. Are you gonna pick up? 有人在给你打电话,你要接吗?

4、pick something up 买

【例句】Can you pick up some milk on the way home? 你回家的路上能买些牛奶吗?

5、pick someone up 用交通工具接某人

【例句】I’ll pick you up at school. Meet me at the front gate. 我去学校接你,前门见。

6、pick up from last time 从上次结束的地方开始

【例句】Alright class, let’s pick up from last time. 好的,同学们。我们接着上一次的来。


pick up 例句

(1)Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. 


(2)We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan 


(3)Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office 


(4)Where did you pick up your English?


(5)He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer. 


.拾起, 捡起; 抬起 He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.他抱起孩子, 让她骑在自己的肩膀上。I picked up your book by mistake.我拿错了你的书。I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。2.安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救 The ship calls at each port on this coast to pick up passengers and mail.那艘轮船在沿海每个港口停下, 搭载乘客和接取邮件。Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there.请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.一艘过路的船只搭救了遭受船难的水手。3.爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来 His spirits picked up.他的精神振奋起来了。Pick yourself up and brush yourself down.自己爬起来, 把衣服掸干净。It's hard to pick yourself up after such a terrible shock.经历这样可怕的打击后, 就很难再振奋起来了。4.使增加〔加快〕 The car began to pick up the moment the vehicle got onto the motorway.一开上高速公路, 车子的速度就加快了。The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.这辆车只要你一触加速器就会加速。5.收拾东西〔屋子〕 Children, it's time to pick up and have supper.孩子们, 该收拾吃晚饭了。Pick up your room before you go out, please.请在离开之前整理好房间。The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.这个房间在客人到达之前必须收拾出来。6.掘, 挖 The peasants were picking up in the field.农民们在田里翻地。The man was picking up the ground very hard.那个人正在使劲地挖地。The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.这冻土必须挖过后才能用掘土机掘土。7.染上 He must have picked up a cold—he's begun to snuffle.他开始鼻塞, 一定是感冒了。8.捉住, 逮住 He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up.他和一宗凶杀案有牵连, 迟早他们会逮捕他的。He is picked up on a charge of killing a man.他因犯有杀人罪而被逮捕。9.好转; 恢复 When is the weather going to pick up? It's been bad for weeks.天气什么时候转好?几周来一直很糟糕。Trade has been slack for the past six months, but it is now picking up.在过去六个月中贸易一直不景气, 但现在状况正在好转。He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital.他自出院以来, 身体恢复得很慢。The writer's personal appearance picked up the sales of the book considerably.那位作家亲自到场, 使那本书的销售量大增。A bit of exercise will pick you up.你稍微运动运动就会恢复健康的。10.(跌倒后)使(自己)起来,再爬起来11.(尤指偶然地、无意地、不费劲地)得到;偶然获得,偶然找到;无意地学会(技术、语言、游戏等);无师自通地学会;理解;懂得;意识到;注意到 She picks up a lot of imformation.她偶然得到许多信息。12.停下来把…带走;中途把…带走 Will you please pick up my parcel at the post office as you pass by?请你路过邮局时把我的包裹带回来好吗? 13.把(某人)拘留起来;逮捕;捉到;拿获(罪犯等) The prisoners who had missed from the place of reform through labour were picked up within 24 hours.从劳改场所逃走的囚犯在24小时之内被捉到了。14.(病后)恢复健康、体力等;好转 This tonic should pick you up .这种补药会增强你的体质。15.中断后重新开始(活动、叙述等);重新开始 The engine coughed for a few minutes,and then picked up.发动机嘭嘭地响了几分钟,然后又重新开动了。16.(在广播、电视里)收听、收看到;(用雷达、探照灯等)看到,偶然发现17.收进或接受(账单)准备付款 It is the custom for the new wife's father to pick up the bill for the wedding.由新娘的父亲承担婚礼的费用这是个惯例。18. (偶然、随便地)结识、结交(尤指结交与之发生性关系的异性) He went home with a girl he'd picked up at a party.他带着一个在宴会上结识的姑娘回家。

1-作“拾起,捡起”解,如 He picked up the pencil. 2-作“接某人坐车”的意思,如 I will pick her up after shool. 放学后我要驾车去接她。

1.捡起,拾起 2.开车接某人 3.接收 4.收听 5.偶然学得知识技能 6.增加速度

小短语pick up常用的四种含义

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: pick up(英语词组) - 搜狗百科
咸有特尔: 给你找了点资料,希望有用 pick up to take up (something) by hand: 拿起:用手拿起(某物): pick up a book. 捡起一本书 to collect or gather: 收集或聚集: picked up the broken pieces of glass. 拾起玻璃碎片 to tidy up: 整理,收拾: let's ...

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: pick up 有几种含义
咸有特尔: 1.捡起,拿起(某物);扶起(某人) 2.(在无线电中)收听,接收 3.(用车)来接 4.跌到后(自己)站起来 5.收拾;整理 6.(指不是通过正规教育和指导)学会;掌握 7.无意的买到;顺便去买 8.恢复精神健康;生意好转 9.加快(速度) 10.(未经正式介绍)结识 11.挣得某物(犹指一笔钱) 12.捉住;逮捕

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: pick up 的具体含义有哪些? -
咸有特尔: pick up1. 拾起, 捡起; 抬起2. 安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救3. 爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来4. 使增加〔加快〕5. 收拾东西〔屋子〕6. 掘, 挖7. 染上8. 捉住, 逮住9. 好转; 恢复10. (跌倒后)使(自己)起来,再爬起来11. (尤指偶然地、无意地、...

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: pick up 的中文意思? -
咸有特尔:[答案] 有很多意思哦.1、拾起,捡起; 抬起He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.他抱起孩子,让她骑在自己的肩膀上.I picked up your book by mistake.我拿错了你的书.I would have picked it up if I had no...

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: pick up有哪几种意思? -
咸有特尔: pick up 完整意思破解,哈哈 1. 拾起 The boy picked up the hat for the old man. 男孩替老人拾起了帽子. 2. 收拾 You should pick up the tools after work. 工作结束后应该把工具收拾好. 3. 学到;获得 He was picking up the skills quickly. 他正在很快地掌握技术. 4. 【口】与...偶然结识(常指与异性调情) We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday. 上星期五我们在酒吧结识了几个女孩.

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: "pick up"的11种解释和例句 -
咸有特尔:[答案] 1.Mary picked up the wallet on the ground. 2.I've got to pick this room up before the guests arrive. 3.Now let's figure out whose car will stop to pick us up. 4.The hotel business always picks up in summer. 5.Bob has never had a French teacher;he picked ...

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: 英语:Pick up有几种意思? -
咸有特尔: 收听,接收 ;(用车)来接 捡起,拿起 学会

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: 求pick up的多种意思及例句据说有10种以上 -
咸有特尔:[答案] pick upTo take up (something) by hand:拿起:用手拿起(某物):pick up a book.捡起一本书To collect or gather:收集或聚集:picked up the broken pieces of glass.拾起玻璃碎片To tidy up:整理,收拾:Let's pic...

阿克塞哈萨克族自治县13561661085: 求pick up的多种意思及例句 -
咸有特尔: pick up To take up (something) by hand: 拿起:用手拿起(某物): pick up a book. 捡起一本书 To collect or gather: 收集或聚集: picked up the broken pieces of glass. 拾起玻璃碎片 To tidy up: 整理,收拾: Let's pick up the living room. 我...

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