中翻英 “你将永远臣服于我”的英文?

作者&投稿:诸葛勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

God serve me

1. Your argument is vulnerable to refutation.
2. We are in the new era of information overflow.
3. The scientist analyzed this cup of milk and found out that there was too much water in it.
4. This young man likes to paste his favourite singer's photo on the wall.
5. When you look back on your past, what's stuff you cherish the most?
6. There are many police officers are deployed at Shanghai Conference/Convention Centre to deter the terrorist.

You will always succumbed to me.


You have to succumb to me .

You will always surrender to me

you shuld obey my words forever !


You will never be subservient to me

下花园区13054167497: 求翻译,中英翻译.把下面这段话翻译成英语. -
庄颜上清: Yi Bao Son. I want to hold your hand with you a take-off. I will hold you firmly in the hands of the essays. Forever. Baby. I love you.

下花园区13054167497: 迟早有一天你会臣服于我的英文 -
庄颜上清: 迟早有一天你会臣服于我 Sooner or later you will serve me

下花园区13054167497: 翻译两句话,中翻英 -
庄颜上清: 杨志取路,不数日,来到东京; Yang Zhi traveled several days and got to Dongjing. 入的城来,寻个客店,安歇下. He went in town, found a guest house, and rested there. 庄客交还担儿,予了些银两,自回去了. The owner gave his package back, provided him with some money, and left along.我古文不好,不知道庄客是什么意思,暂且翻为主人?你要是知道庄客是啥意思把owner一词替换了就好

下花园区13054167497: 我无条件臣服于你用英语怎么写? -
庄颜上清: I submit to you unconditionally! 注:unconditionally 无条件地

下花园区13054167497: 翻译一句话,中翻英
庄颜上清:You are my forever belief

下花园区13054167497: 谁可以帮我翻译一句中文?汉翻英!!! -
庄颜上清: wherever in paradise or hell no matter you are an angel or evil please, let me follow you, forever

下花园区13054167497: 一句话,中文翻译成英文,英语好的来 3Q -
庄颜上清: You would never tell me what you think.You would never let me know your thinking.

下花园区13054167497: 我会征服你让你臣服于我我的奴隶英语 -
庄颜上清: 我会征服你让你臣服于我我的奴隶 I will conquer you and let you surrender to me.my slave

下花园区13054167497: 帮我翻译一下<中翻英>
庄颜上清: You, the one in my dream, can always wander hither and thither under the blue sky. In my heart, there is a place kept for you only for ever.

下花园区13054167497: 英语高手!Bow and pledge your allegiance to me!什么意思啊!
庄颜上清: 向我鞠躬,并向我承诺你的忠诚.

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