we are going to come back at six o'clock

作者&投稿:璩厚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ when/what time are you going to come back?

仁和区18866407626: 英语,根据首字母填空:We are going to c - --- - the Mid - autumn Festival in September. -
喻馨泰罗: celebrate 庆祝 如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】 祝学习进步

仁和区18866407626: We are going to play sports ( ) tomorrow afternoon. a.in b./ c, on d.at -
喻馨泰罗: 答案选b,此处不用填任何冠词,afternoon前跟冠词一般是in the afternoon,没有on和at的用法,此处We are going to play (这个地方题目应该改为do) sports tommorrow afternoon. 译为“明天下午我们要去做运动.”

仁和区18866407626: We are going to( ) cinema this evening -
喻馨泰罗:[选项] A. the B. / We are going to( ) cinema this evening A.the B./ C. a D. an 谢谢,帮我

仁和区18866407626: we are going to the - -- - mall.a.shoping b. shopping c. shop -
喻馨泰罗: 答案选b. shopping the shopping mall 购物中心

仁和区18866407626: We are going to - - - there at half past seven?A.get to B.arrive c.arrive at D.get -
喻馨泰罗: D.没有go to arrive的说法,arrive本身就是前往到达的意思,不会跟go连用.there前面不加to,所以A也不对.只能选D

仁和区18866407626: We are going to have a picnic - ------this month. A.in the end B.at the end C.on the end D.at the -
喻馨泰罗: D.at the end of 在……末期

仁和区18866407626: we are going to go home 可以写成we are going home吗? -
喻馨泰罗:[答案] 这个是不好判断的:因为:be going to do表示主观打算、将要做某事be doing 可以表示正在做某事 是一种进行时,当然,还可以用进行表示将来,有两种意义.这两句话前面的是:我们准备/打算回家了 后面的有两种意思:(1)我们...

仁和区18866407626: we are going to the bookstore.you can come with us - --you can meet us there later. -
喻馨泰罗:[选项] A. buit B. and C. or D. then

仁和区18866407626: we are going to celebrate new year's day ( )january.A,in B,for C,at D,on -
喻馨泰罗: A January (一月)是个时间段, 一般用in 您好,很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢.祝学习进步

仁和区18866407626: We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, - --- - was decided last year -
喻馨泰罗: A 非限制定语从句,解释前面的整句计划going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou

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