
作者&投稿:洪菁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








贝尔·格里尔斯(Edward Michael Grylls) 1974年出生,是个登山家、作家、演讲家、前英军特种兵。并因其在主持节目中所食用的东西太过惊人,而被冠以“站在食物链顶端的男人”的称号。
Bear Grylls, who's full name is Edward Michael Grylls, was born in 1974. He was not only a mountaineer, a writer and a speech master but also a former soldier in the British special forces. But that's not what he's famous for. He's titled as “the Man on the top of the food chain” due to the horrible things he ate in the program he host.

Bear is a black-belt in karate, he had seviced in the British special force SAS(Special Air Service)for three years, his specialities were scouting and attacking targets closely. When he was on a mission of parachute jump in Africa during his service in 1996, an accident happened to him which got him several injuries in the back. So he had to leave the army. Surprisingly, in such case, he had still set out to climb the Everest in 1998, and became the youngest British climber who managed to reach the top of Mount Everest and survived.

Bear got talented in communication, he is good at giving a speech and also ridiculously telegenic. That makes him one of the most successful and youngest inspring speakers in the world. He has become a great writer and a host as well. Bear's passion and enthusiasm for outdoor activities have been shared with two billion people around the world who wacth his TV programm in more than 170 countries and regions.

The TV reality show "Man VS wild" which is well known by everyone shows various kinds of field survival skills. Nothing is more astonishing than the "food" he ate in the show. He ate almost everything!That gave him the title of “the Man on the top of the food chain” exactly.

Besides, this program has also taught people many survival skills in different types of hostile environment. In his show, there are just some basic personal survival kits bringing with him. However, he can deal with all kinds of emergent situation by means of his survival skills. It is also beneficial for us who live in urban aera to learn something from the show.

Greer, bell (Edward Michael Grylls) was born in 1974, was a mountaineer, writer, speaker, a former British commando. And for its edible things too in hosting programs, and known as "standing at the top of the food chain man" of the title.
Bear, the master of karate black belt, served in the British special forces - the British air force TeQinDui three years; Good at close range target reconnaissance and attack. In 1996, during the period of service, in Africa a skydiving accident, back three injuries, had to stop service, but is such, in 1998, he also went to climb mount Everest, and to become Britain's youngest successful govinda and alive.
Bell in the aspect of communication is very talented, good at speech, lens flu is extremely strong. Bear these experience plays a big role on people's life, made him the world's most young and one of the most successful motivational speaker, also became a great writer, host. Bell's passion and enthusiasm of outdoor activities have been Shared with the world's two billion people, with a total of more than 170 countries and regions of people watching his TV show.
Everyone should know his show "the wilderness survival", he showed in the show under the condition of all kinds of wild survival skills, one of the most amazing way to eat food, he almost no don't eat, so he is also known as "standing at the top of the food chain man" of the title.
In addition, this program also taught the people many skills in various harsh environment to survive. In his program, he carry only a few basic tools to survive, but he through their mastery of the various survival skills, can for all kinds of emergency. For those of us living in cities, learn something from this program is also good

Bell Grills (Edward Michael Grylls) was born in 1974, was a mountaineer, writer, speaker, former British special forces. And because of the food in the host program that is too alarming, and was dubbed the "standing on the top of the food chain of the title of" the man.


Baer is a black belt in karate master, served in the British special forces -- serving the British air force special teams for three years; at Yu Jin distance target reconnaissance and attack. In 1996, the service period, in Africa a skydiving accident, three back injuries, had to stop service, this is 1998, he climbed the Mount Qomolangma, and become Britain's most successful young up and coming down alive.


Baer is very talented, good at speech in communication, strong sense of the lens. Baer's experience plays a large role in people's lives, making him one of the motivational speaker the world's youngest and most successful, also became a great writer, presenter. Baer's passion and outdoor activities enthusiasm has shared with two billion people worldwide, with more than 170 countries and regions to watch his TV show.


Everyone should know his show "wilderness survival", he demonstrated the existence in various field conditions of the skills in this program, the most striking among food than he ate, he almost do not eat, so he is called "standing at the top of the food chain man" the title.


In addition, the program also taught many people living in various harsh environments skills. In his program, he carried on only some basic survival tool, but through his mastery of the various survival skills, can because of the various emergency situations. In the city we, from this program to learn something is also good

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