
作者&投稿:车轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The 博 guest the newly arisen medium with a kind of commentary conduct and actions comment on a form, it with borrow to open sex,liberalism,characteristic with interaction etc. the characteristics be subjected to people's more and more concerns, inspecting aspect in the public opinion, it also develops an important function.Be the 博 guest of one of the network medium, the animadversion speech in its hour 评 has with the traditional newspaper 评 different characteristics."The 博 guest China" hour 评 column at the 博 guest the representative who have typical model in the commentary, this text tries to use the more persuasive substantial evidence analysis method, getting conclusion on carrying on the foundation that the quantity turns analysis argument with the solid example to the original sample.The article explains a few important concepts first to know, then adhere to first argument analysis the rationality of[with] method, carrying on again the sequence of the concrete research, having realistic judgment to comment on to"the 博 guest China" hour 评 of the comparison and characteristics carry on analysis, adding among them with the traditional newspaper medium 《the southern city report 》with a little bit other newspaper samples of comparison.This text tries to pass the above analysis and argument, to the 博 guest commentary again the role fixed position of the medium public opinion direct carry on first step of study, then lay foundation stone to pave road surface for the later research, study realm to contribute a little meager strength in the medium.

Abstract: The rich tourism resources, tourism development in Gansu provinces advantage, Gansu Province will focus on the development of tourism as an industry, or even is a pillar industry and give some support to the growing industrial scale, significantly improved the competitiveness of tourism , a regional economic growth point. But we should also see the tourism industry in Gansu province is still in its infancy, far from resources into economic advantages and benefits. Furthermore, tourism is strong correlation industry, its development and regional development of other industries are closely linked, also reflects the development of other industries, and economic development of Gansu Province, played a significant role in .
Key words: Development of Tourism Resources Protection

·川剧 Sichuan Opera
·成都大熊猫生态公园 Chengdu Giant Panda Ecological Park

·成都和陵 Chengdu and Mausoleum

·成都昭觉寺 Chengdu Zhao Juesi
·成都永陵博物馆 Chengdu Yongling Museum
·成都凤凰山 Chengdu Phoenix Mountains
·成都文殊院 Chengdu Wenshu Yuan
·成都百花潭公园 Chengdu Baihua Tan Park

·成都文化公园Chengdu Cultural Park
·成都白水河国家级自然保护区 Chengdu Baishui He National Nature Reserve
·成都烟霞湖 Chengdu haze Lake

·成都朝阳湖Chengdu Chaoyang Lake
·成都野生世界Chengdu wild world
·成都青羊宫Chengdu Qingyang Gong
·成都云顶山 Chengdu Genting Hill

·成都杜甫草堂 Chengdu, Du Fu Thatched Cottage
·成都鸡冠山Chengdu Ji Guanshan
·成都九龙沟 Chengdu Jiulong Gou
·川西宝镜—白塔湖 Western Sichuan Baojing - Baita Lake
·成都天台山 Chengdu Tiantai Mountain
·白鹤山 Pak Hok Shan
·青城山 Qingcheng Mountain
·都江堰 Dujiangyan

·成都锦里古街Chengdu Jin, Heritage Streets
·成都武侯祠博物馆 Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum
·金沙遗址 Jinsha
·龙池国家森林公园 Longchi National Forest Park
·望江楼Wangjiang Floor

Wuhou Temple武侯祠
Qingcheng Mountain青城山
Jinli Street锦里

The whole world "the green plants medicine is hot" starting joins theWorld Trade Organization with our country, has provided the excellentopportunity for our country national essence -- Chinese nativemedicine participation world market development and the competition,the world had 120 national...

...next door.的句子成分真么划分。哪位大哥大姐能帮帮我?
上面的分析都不完整:He是主语 is是谓语系动词 the man是表语 而who引导的是定语从句 live是定语从句的谓语,(主语是the man),next door是地点状语。完毕,谢谢~

1. Test if you are a busybody.Time for exams is close, and you are reading diligently in the library. Suddenly you find the guy next desk is no longer there. What sight do you think it should be on his\/her desk?A. Only the table stood a co-author of the book B. ...

the library. Where students can read books, teaching building is across from the canteen, students and teachers a place to eat, and then the next time it will be able to see the student dormitory. This is our school's location.你弄错了吧,素翻译成英语吧.你应该素读高一的吧,...

Test whom hollow your wallet:Suppose you have the pleasure to participate in a free buying activity in the shopping centre, one minute limited, everything you have purchased is free when you arrive at the cashier to charge, what will you purchase first?A.The mobile phone which is...



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我终于有了一个不是我老公的男人! 那晚,他折腾了足足一个小时,终于倦极而眠。我却怎么也睡不着了,时针指在两点上, 是激情之后最难熬的深夜。 我扭亮台灯,在柔和的灯光下,打量着我的枕边人。 见过他的人都说是十成的帅哥,尤其是那一双总是含笑的眼睛有着所向披靡的魅力。可 我心底里却更...

哪位大哥大姐能告诉我35cr mo的化学成分
告诉我35cr mo的化学成分 你好,你只是给出了材料,35Cr属于合金钢,一般用于做10.9级的螺栓,12.9级的话会选择42CrMo或者SCM435,但是这不能说明螺栓一定是10.9级的。一般螺栓头部都有机械等级标识,10.9级螺栓的抗拉强度为1000N\/mm^2(MPa)。这个主要看其热处理过程了,还有就是你主要是想问什么...

松北区18015525976: 大哥大姐些,帮我写一下嘛,《我的家乡成都》英语的,字不要多!80字就够了,快,求你们了 -
貊琬通迪: My hometown-ChengDuChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang ...

松北区18015525976: 【初一}跪求大哥大姐们给我写一下英语作文(介绍旅游景点和写明信片),急啊第一篇:现在你在杭州请写一张明信片西湖给你在深圳的朋友第二篇:写一... -
貊琬通迪:[答案] Dear Friend, How are you?I am vevy happy that I will introduce shenzhen for you . Shenzhen is in the south of china,next to hongkong .Shenzhen has a pleasant climate,not too hot and not too cold.There are many scenic spots in Shenzhen,such as ...

松北区18015525976: 从重庆去成都旅游?大概要去欢乐谷、峨眉山、乐山等地.那位比较熟悉的大哥大姐能够提供一个全方位点的路线啊,第一次去很多不清楚的地方,如果可以的话也可以提供一些附近性价比比较高的宾馆,注:大学生出游!!!
貊琬通迪: 重庆的哥子朋友些,欢迎你们来成都耍哈.我帮你们推荐下该怎么耍,如果你们是耍5天的话,拿一天时间耍欢乐谷,两天时间耍峨眉山和乐山.在拿一天时间耍都江堰和青城山,剩下一天自己安排. 去乐山和峨眉山,去新南门汽车站坐车,先买票去乐山,好像是50几,耍了之后在去乐山肖坝汽车站乘坐前往峨眉山的车. 去都江堰直接去火车北站买快铁票,坐快铁过去半小时到都江堰. 了解成都的景点你去 http://www.chengdu-tour.com/cdtour_scape/ 看看 住宿的地方不是很好安排,不知道你们的预算是好多,你们只有自己网上看看了.你们耍的开心哈,

松北区18015525976: 英语单项选择 哪位大哥大姐帮个忙啊 小弟谢了1.Air - ___by all the living things A.needs B.is need C.is needed D.needed 2. - Close the door,____? - Of course. ... -
貊琬通迪:[答案] 1.答案:C.被动语态结构:be + 动词的过去分词 2.答案:B.祈使句的反意疑问句一般是:will you?3.答案:A.省略:I have.=I have (taken away your dictionary).4.答案:D.这是if引导的时间状语从句的虚拟语气.对过去...

松北区18015525976: 1:50用英文怎么表示哪位大哥大姐知道1:50、4:15、6:30、8:45、11:55用英文怎么表示? -
貊琬通迪:[答案] 1 fifty four fifteens six thirties eight fourty-fives eleven fifty-fives

松北区18015525976: 哪位大哥哥或大姐姐告诉我这两句英语的意思What did you do at the weekend We visited lots of places. -
貊琬通迪:[答案] What did you do at the weekend 你周末做了什么事? We visited lots of places. 我们参观了许多地方.

松北区18015525976: 哪位大哥大姐帮我写篇英语作文My good friend要求:句子通顺,注意大小写和标点,不少于10个句子.提示:可以介绍好朋友的年龄,职业,外貌、兴趣爱... -
貊琬通迪:[答案] .My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a ... She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school. ...

松北区18015525976: 作文翻译(哪位大哥哥,大姐姐能替我翻译一下成英文,现在考试中帮个忙!严重感谢.谢谢姐了,哥了)求求你们了,真心感谢.
貊琬通迪: Everyone because of their preferences with others, and have produced, or Which will lead to contradictions, we should seek common ground, mutual understanding and co-operation, can there be good results.

松北区18015525976: 山脚下,英语哪一位大哥大姐告诉我,我会加分的.感激不尽. -
貊琬通迪:[答案] 在山脚下 under a hill 在山脚下的军营 a base camp on the skirt of the mountain.他们在山脚下.They are at the foot of the hill.房子在山脚下.The house is at the foot of a hill.我们在山脚下扎营.We camped a...

松北区18015525976: 有哪个知道从常德临澧开车去湘西凤凰的路线?大哥大姐,帮个忙,明天
貊琬通迪: 你先从临澧走临岗高速开到桃源陬市(常德河伏)上高速,走常吉高速到吉首下,再走省道从吉首到凤凰,祝你顺利!

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