
作者&投稿:逮敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Sorry, sir? Could you please help me? (不好意思,请问你能帮一下我吗?)
B:Of course! What can I do for you? (当然,我能为你做点什么?)
A: Can you tell me if there is a bank near here? (你能不能告诉我这附近有没有银行?)
B: Yes.Go along this road,and turn left at the second crossing,you can see the bank on your right. It's next to the hosiptal.(有的,沿着这条路直走,在第二个路口往左转,你会看到你在右手边就有一家银行,它在医院的旁边。)
A: OK, thank you very much.(好滴,谢谢)
B: Anything else? (还有其他需要帮忙的嘛?)
A: er..... Oh, yes. I'm so hugry, if there is a resturant around here?(额。。。。 是的,我好饿,这附近有没有饭店?)
B: What kind of food you want to take? (你想吃什么样的食物?)
A: I have no idea. Can you give some advice?(我也不知道,你有没有什么建议?)
B: If you want to eat chinese food, you can go to the EAST RESTURANT. If you want Korean food, you can get it in the Korea House. And you can get to the Blue Ocean to eat western food like pizza , hamburger and so on.(如果你想吃中餐,就去东方餐厅。如果想吃韩国菜,那在韩国小屋就能吃到。当然你也可以去蓝色海洋吃西餐,如同披萨、汉堡等。)
A: Wow.... so much , I can't choice. All of them are great!(哇,好多种类啊,我都不能选择了,所有的食物都好吃。)
B: Oh, yes! A-ah, if you don't mind the space, you can go to the FOOD CENTER, there are much food there, include what i said before.(是滴。哦,如果你不介意距离的话,你可以去美食中心,那里聚集的很多中考的食物,包括刚刚我说的那些。)
A: Oh, it's great! But how i can get there?(哦,太好了。但是我要怎么去那里呢?)
B: You can get the NO.3 bus or take a taxi.(你可以乘坐3路公交车或者乘坐出租车)
A: How kind of you. Thanks! (谢谢,你人真好。)
B: My pleasure! Enjoy yourself! (不用可以,祝你玩得愉快。)
A: Thanks, good-bye! (谢谢,再见)
B: Bye! (再见)

1.--What makes you tube so much .
---You how so? If not my boyfriend you love how I do not care to tube
2.--You simply do not love me, all day and some of the young girls are mixed together, we separate so long did not see your phone, you every day in the bubble no me .
--You this is ask for trouble, every day I work in, and you are being unreasonable
3. ---you are really mean, he's my boyfriend
-----Kidding, it was here standing, you also dare to blunt before me
4.---Roll, don't again appeared in front of me
----Who you think you are? If it weren't for see in you before then love to me at the's sake, we would have never gone
5.----You are a mean thing
-----You will not than me how much, also don't you look in the mirror to see yourself what virtue
6.----Don't be so artificial line not line? In your body that's boyfriend, don't I nevertheless in here
-------Rest assured, I didn't say to you, it is also cast your pearls before swine, wasted my saliva
7.-----Know yourself ugly, don't run out
-----Is it? That you are still not once and I together? Are you saying his god no problem?
8.----The man is make mean biology, you are a typical of a typical
------You don't make mean you will and making the people together? Not to say that mated with humans, they just kind of people? Don't you also say you in

- Lovely weather, isn‘t it? It‘s a fine day for a walk.
  - Yes, the air is nice and clean.
  - Oh dear! But it's a little cold today.
  - Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes.
  - What‘s the weather like in your country now?
  - It‘s very hot. When you are in winter, we are in summer.
  -Oh, I prefer winter to summer. Because I can wear beautiful clothes in winter.
  - Yes, it's so hot in summer that you can hardly wear anything.
- But in my country it is not that hot. By the way, I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it?
  - Yes. It said partly cloudy tomorrow, with a strong wind from The northwest.

tiger:All right.Byebye,tiny guy.lion:bye,god bless you.中文意思:老虎:早上好,哥们。狮子:你好,小子。老虎:你吃过早饭了么?狮子:是的,我吃过了。老虎:那么,让我们继续昨天的话题。狮子:好的,我真的认为我就是森林中的大王。老虎:不不,你没听说过一句古老的中国谚语么:山中无老虎,...

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英语口语考试,双人对话,求个话题 字数要求是双人对话1-2分钟左右 内容...
like green.do you have any red t-shirts?clerk:yes,they are over there,please follow me.Mary:Oh,i see them!how much is this t-shirt?clerk:65yuan.,mary:ok,I will take it,thank you very much.clerk: you are welcome! 这是买东西的一段对话,希望能帮到你!

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