we are wupposed to face it,try it and find its weakness.这句话对吗 ?动词词组能用逗号连接吗?

作者&投稿:恭闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
face-to-face和face to face的区别,以及此类短语还有么?~

1. face-to-face 为形容词,一般修饰名词做其定语。
如:I'm having a face-to-face talk with my teacher.
2. face to face 为副词短语,在句中做状语(修饰动词)。
如:I want to talk with you face to face.

我觉得lose face应该是林语堂先生首先在《吾国与吾民》一书中介绍给外国的(《my country and my people》当时林在外国名气、影响很大的),他在书中详细地介绍了中国人所谓的面子到底是一个怎样的概念,还举了好几个例子说明什么是面子,怎样是丢面子、怎样又是长了面子。
原来我只是怀疑,前几天我在一个外国人写的文章中看到他提到lose face 这个词,他说这词是源自东亚的一个概念,那除了中国还有是什么国家呢(多有中国特色的一词儿啊)

face to face 有什么特别的吗?好像挺普通的一词儿啊

we are supposed to face it,try it and find its weakness.
两个或者两个以上相同词性的词(词组)是可以通过并列连词连接的.连接的基本模式:A and B 或者 A,B,and C...

崆峒区15675942400: we are supposed to和we are supposing to区别? -
袁媛呋喃: are supposed to 应该 are supposing to 认为(很少见. 一般用suppose sb/sth to do sth)

崆峒区15675942400: 英语选择题: We aren't supposed to laugh at her. She is - - - any of the students in your class. -
袁媛呋喃: A 一种固定表达法.当as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式.as +形容词+ a +单数名词

崆峒区15675942400: We are supposed to have a history test tomorrow -
袁媛呋喃: 我们明天有一场历史测验 这里不是应该的意思 而是表示“被期望” 最好不换成 be thought of be thought of 表示被认为

崆峒区15675942400: we are supposed to save as much energy as possible 同义句 -
袁媛呋喃: 虞其君解答: We are supposed to save as much energy as possible ) (同义句) We are supposed to save as () energy()()() 答案:much; as we can. 中文:我们应该尽可能节省我们的精力.

崆峒区15675942400: be supposed to do与was/were supposed to have done -
袁媛呋喃: be supposed to do 是指应该去做什么 was/were supposed to have done 是指一种虚拟,是指本来应该做的,但是事实上并没有发生 例如you were supposed to have finished the work,but i haven't seen it now

崆峒区15675942400: 英语单选...we are supposed to know how we should adjust ourselves to - - - sure we are... -
袁媛呋喃: 我觉得to引导的是一个目的状语,因为地道的英语用法中,adjust如果和to连用的话,是不会再加一个句子的,一般都是直接加名词的,比如适应环境或是适应某件事物.

崆峒区15675942400: you aren't supposed to be here什么意思 -
袁媛呋喃: You aren't supposed to be here.意思是你不应该在这里.例如:You're not supposed to stop. 你不该停下来.Pupils are supposed to stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom. 当老师进入教室时,学生应起立.希望对你有帮助.望采纳.

崆峒区15675942400: was/were supposed to do 和is/are supposed to have done是一样的意思吗? -
袁媛呋喃: 我觉得基本意思是一样,个人理解 You are supposed to have met me here 【你本应该在这里见到我】 You were supposed to meet me here【你内会应该见我】

崆峒区15675942400: we are supposed to read english every morning改为一般疑问句 -
袁媛呋喃: 这句话的意思是:我们每天早晨都应该读英语.这是一个固定句型,即:be supposed to do sth,意思是:应该做什么,所以在变为一般疑问句时,只要把be动词提前即可,即:Are you supposed to read English every morning?

崆峒区15675942400: were suppoeed to meet的知识点是什么
袁媛呋喃: 答案是:主要是掌握这个 词组:be supposed to do sth 应该做某事,被期望做某事 ,比如:we are supposed to shake hands when we meet someone for the first time~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

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