
作者&投稿:原凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


we are study hard for english
he is learn hard for himself
she is sing song for happy
she is not leave for him
he is so tired for work
it is not die for kid
we are must hard for victory
he is must leave for exist
i do not speak for exam
you want to eat for interesting

1.None of these actions is organised by unions.

2.Could it be another example of self-organised criticality in the brain?

3.Fighters described how they have been organised into brigades sanctioned by the Transitional Nation Council.

4.Ever wished you could be more organised with your pantry and shopping?

5.Repositories can be organised as a place to share and exchange resources, meaning that people are either users or producers, or they can promote the collaborative production of common resources.

6.They have organised conferences in their countries to influence science policy.

7.In several pits, miners' wives groups organised the distribution of carnations at the gates on the day the miners went back, the flower that symbolises the hero.

8."So we need to keep our eye on the prize over the next six months and we need to work carefully, " she told the conference organised by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

9.Watch a video report on a discussion meeting on 'Science communication for development', organised by SciDev.Net and held at the Commonwealth Foundation in London earlier this year.

10."Europe risks being left behind," she said at a lecture in London organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development.

11.They followed this line of enquiry because another property of self-organised criticality is that each event, on average, triggers only one other.

12.That's how we have now organised our community.

13.That's how we have now organised our community.

1.I appreciate your comment.

2.I appreciate your generosity in the matter.

3.In order to appreciate the novel,one must be able to enter the spirit of the work.

4.Tell them you appreciate what they do.

5.People do not understand or appreciate what we go through.

6.They have come to appreciate it.

7.I appreciate his efforts and I wish him well.

8.Appreciate and honor what you have instead of focusing on what you do not.

9.While I love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share some of my passions, so we could bond over them.

10.Tell him how much you love, what he means to you and how much you appreciate all he does for you.

11.Tell another how much you believe in them, or how much you appreciate them.

12.Appreciate and support those you work with.

13.Appreciate you.

14.Today, I constantly tell my dad how much I appreciate what he did for me.

15.Others need to appreciate and understand you for who you are today, not some “ideal” version of you, or someone you might be in the future.

16.He knows how to appreciate poetry.

17.I really appreciate your cooperation.
18.If you are still with me, I appreciate what you just did.

19.So, again, we appreciate your time with us today.

20I appreciate the conversation!

21.You should all know that I appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart.

22.They can appreciate the differences between themselves and other people.

1.He lives by a strict moral code.

2.The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

3.Our teacher is strict; we have to do what she says.

4.If a partition denotes that all communication between it and other partitions must be directed through typed gateways, then it is said to be a strict partition.

5.They are heartless, so we have to create strict law and legislation.

6.If you want strict equalities in approximations means that we replace the function by its tangent approximation.

7.But sometimes she is very strict with us.

8.This idea fits with the views of some psychologists, who argue that strict classical logic only plays a small part in the human mind.

9.But this means they cannot always adhere to the strict codes of practice dictated in UN headquarters.

10.The task itself is structured into steps, although these steps do not have to be performed in a strict sequence.

1.It was like an energetic movement through me.

2.If you have strong, mildly zany or energetic interviewees, then rely on them as much as possible to carry the story.

3.For if many groups or individuals change and refine their energy field, this will attract another energetic reality to earth.

4.These we tend to be poor at recalling. The trick, therefore, is to transform these grey bits of data into something colourful through the use of some energetic imagination.

5.The Government is so concerned about keeping students in school for more hours—how about allowing teens to begin their school day more rested so they can perform in a more focused, energetic manner?

6.Hence, the limited perspective of active and energetic people, the banality of their thought and actions.

7.Most individuals are unaware that incorporating some exercise into their end of will make them more energetic since it increases energy and stamina levels.

8.When are you the most energetic and alert?
9.Not only are people with similar interests side by side on a daily basis, but the time they spend together is usually when they're most energetic and look their best.

10.Our patients want to look rested, energetic and, most of all, youthful like the celebrities they see in glossy magazines.

11.Our dates were, therefore, something like extensions of my school classes, only with energetic snogging and passionate groping in unfastened clothes to fill in the boring bits.
1.He put on a serious look.

2.It is beneath the attention of serious critics.

3.Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.

4.This proposal is hardly worth of serious consideration.
5.I want you to know we have some serious competition in the world.

6.I joked with him, but it was a serious joke.

7.But there are plenty of serious uses for the interface as well.

8.And yet these medications only slow the progression of the disease; many people have serious complications despite being on medications.

9.There is more serious talk of it, though not at the institute level.

10.If you’re serious about any goal, I would create a list of all the activities you do that you associate with that goal.

1.Intelligent people cannot be led by the nose.

2.He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.

3.While on the road you will be able to email or SMS in questions to it and get back immediate intelligent answers.

4.You should also prepare some intelligent questions to ask; then with a friend or, in front of a mirror, practice them.

5.Even if the contents of the message remained elusive for decades, we would know that there was someone “intelligent” at the other end.

6.I like Per very much, because he is a very intelligent boy and reads the game very well.

7.In addition, there is no intelligent association between SAP metadata and its corresponding test data.

8.But I see many otherwise intelligent people talk about what they’re interested in rather than what the audience is interested in.

9.I like to believe the audience is actually intelligent, because it's made up of other people like yourself.

10.I like Per very much, because he is a very intelligent boy and reads the game very well. He has a calming influence, a commanding influence.


1. 我师恩泽,在心永存。2. 如闻其声,如见其人。3. 学为人师,行为世范。4. 师生情深,永生不忘!5. 学贵得师,亦贵得友。6. 多采人生,师恩难忘!7. 经师易遇,人师难遇。8. 一生平安,永远快乐。9. 感恩的心,感谢师恩。10. 十年树木,百年树人。11. 千言万语,一声感恩。12. ...

会DOTA的英语高手帮个忙 100分
One word to best describe you? 用一个词形容你 Helpful 爱帮助别人 Smart 聪明 Greedy 贪婪 Cunning 狡猾 Shady 孤僻 Bored 急躁 In DotA, if you were Chen, what skill would you max out first?在dota里如果你是chen(圣骑士),你主生哪个技能?Penitence 赎罪 Test...

它进行读音对比,给我讲读单词,像一位老师一样。当我遇到困难的时候,它会“跳”出来为我解答。它真是我的良师益友。 二年级英语作文2 20xx年7月6日是个晴朗的早晨,爸爸要教我学英语啰!因为这个学期新开了一门英语课,爸爸教我学英语。 爸爸先是教我读二十六个英语字母,规定每天读写七个字母,很快我就学会了...

1. 气球上的单词挑战🎈准备:记号笔,吹好的气球 规则:家长和宝贝齐心协力,将6-8个单词轻柔地写在气球上。轻轻一拍,谁抓到就大声说出最近的单词。独自玩耍也能提升反应速度,每个单词都是学习的跃动音符。2. 井字连线游戏🎨所需:纸笔组合 规则:在井字格上,你我互为对手,每...

趣味学单词的6个方法 6种趣味学单词的方法
例如利用有卡通形象的卡片、利用处理好的PPT、视频等等,更直观地让学生产生印象、产生兴趣。6、在运动中学单词 心理研究表明,眼、耳、口、手多种感官并用远比用单一的感官获取知识的能力要强。充分调动学生多种感官,能使学生获取知识的水平达到最高。如在学完人体部位的单词后,可以跟着《健康歌》的...

当时我很惊讶。 虽然唐老师的运动天赋是偶露峥嵘,而其对工作时一丝不苟的作风却始终贯穿着每个学期。唐老师是六年级才接手我们班的,当时我们班的基础比较差。唐老师为了提高我们的成绩每天都花时间整理重点单词,词组和句子,再来帮我们默写,我们上副课时她总是牺牲自己的休息时间来为个别特别差的人补习,凡是遇上她...


6. Please repeat after me . 跟我读。7. Altogether. 一起读8. Will you pronunce the word again? 再发一次音好吗?9. Watch your pronunciation. 看你的发音方法。10. There are three syllables in the word. 这单词有3个音节。11. The stress is in the first syllable. 重音在第一个音节上。12...

1、Discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience。情迷设计师服饰对清理架可算是一个高峰的生活经验 2、I like the styles that are trendy but not too sexy.我喜欢流行的但又不太性感的款式。3、His views vary constantly just like the ...

I feel happy that I have a such great teacher.我有这样一个好老师让我觉得很高兴(定语从句 重点...6. 初一英语作文← My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is ...10. 急求一篇初一的英语作文,内容是描写老师外貌的,用初一学过的单词 My teacher Our senior division...

盐亭县13831204199: 求英语造句.用下列单词各造一个不少于10个单词的句子.本人水平较差,请大家帮忙! 非常感谢a ! -
斗炊磺胺: 有些字数可能不到10个的,但你可以根据意思自己加几个词进去,这样可以吗?1.The police have been unable to find any trace of the gang.警方一直未能找到那团伙的任何踪迹.2.Their celebrations at Christmas are not unlike our own.他们的圣诞...

盐亭县13831204199: 5年级英语单词造句
斗炊磺胺: blackboard黑板:Blackboard in front of us playground操场:Our playground is the broad library图书馆:There are many books in the library school学校:Our school is very beautiful building大楼:This is our school building headmaster校长:Our ...

盐亭县13831204199: 小学英语课堂有什么好的游戏? -
斗炊磺胺: 1、 弹钢琴 绝对经典的课堂游戏,找几个同学拿着单词卡,教师说哪个单词,哪个拿着那个单词的学生就蹦一下,并且读一下那个单词,既让孩子读了又练了反映能力,经久不衰的课堂游戏.2、萝卜蹲坑 和弹钢琴的玩法一样,不过是由向上蹦...

盐亭县13831204199: 用以下10个单词造10个句子
斗炊磺胺: 1 The girl acts as a princess in her family. 2 He became a famous actor because of a show. 3 She was no longer a actress . 4 Tom is a active boy in his classes. 5 The actual problem is very serious. 6 The money add up to 10000RMB. 7 Could you ...

盐亭县13831204199: 用几个英文单词造句
斗炊磺胺: leave-The train leaves the station in five minutes. 火车五分钟后从车站发车. get on -Get on with your work! 继续工作吧. arrive in -Good weather has arrived in Beijing at last.好天气终于来到了北京. have to -Children do not have to cross busy ...

盐亭县13831204199: 老师让把单词表每个词都造个句
斗炊磺胺: 主+谓 后者用短语加上i或者your等等

盐亭县13831204199: 将下面的5个单词,每个单词造一个句子 -
斗炊磺胺: I was so calm that he was afraid of me.(我很平静以至于吓到了他.) I advised him not to go away.(我劝他别走.) She left one day ahead of him.(她是在他离开的前一天离开的.) You gave me too much influence.(你给我太大的影响了.) My boss increased the pay of us today.(今天我的老板给我们加薪了.)

盐亭县13831204199: 我们英语老师布置作业叫我们用几个英文单词造句,...单词:leave、get on 、arrive in 、have to 、take a trip to.每个单词造两句话,简单一点就好,帮我写上... -
斗炊磺胺:[答案] I must take my leave. 我一定要离开了I must leave for school. 我一定要离开去学校了Let's get on with the work. 继续工作吧.Get on with your work. 继续你的工作吧.I am going to arrive in black. 我将会穿着...

盐亭县13831204199: 用这几个英语单词造句. -
斗炊磺胺: With your help,I learned to use the computer.在你的帮助下,我学会了使用计算机 I have as much gold as silver.我拥有的金子和银子同样多.I tell myself I must have faith.我告诉我自己必须要有信心.I want to go fishing with my friends.我想和我的朋友去钓鱼.Doing more exercise is helpful to our health 多锻炼有益我们的健康 I will try on my new coat.我会试穿下我的新大衣

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