
作者&投稿:莱屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



One day, I found myself, who was brought up in Beijing, realising Beijing was so familiar but also so distant. It was not only because of the big changes happening in the past 70 years, but also that its long history was again given creativity and fashion that alter from day to day. Walking in the Hutongs, I could still feel the charm of old Beijing. Walking out of Hutongs, it seemed as if I were in another age. It's not only the skyscrapers and the fast-going cars, but also the rhythm:ancient but modern, lyric and exciting. No matter scenery, things, or people, they all made me gain a lot. In my view, Beijing is the funniest place all over the world. Besides something that everyone is familiar with, the continuous new discoveries of old Beijing always attract me. Welcome to Beijing ,and it's actually exploring it with us.

From the above investigation we can know that in this context has two small supermarkets, six convenience stores, small supermarket chains have the advantage of good reputation, the relative convenience stores are cheap, but the disadvantage is also obvious that supply is not flexible. Convenience store advantage lies close to students and residents of the place of residence, more convenient, the disadvantage is that the price is relatively high, but not the quality of people rest assured that the brand is also less.
Our headquarters and warehouse stores because of interconnection, the first time we notice the needs of the headquarters of the goods, the former said, we skip the shop has two dealers, with prices relatively large supermarkets also have certain advantages, goods The type is to our advantage, we can in accordance with the actual local situation Peihuo, so in terms of price and variety, we have certain advantages. Our disadvantage, "appear for a" relatively little understanding of the people, supermarkets and convenience stores have a large number of elderly customers.


呵呵 我来凑凑热闹,没想到这么难呀~汗

From the above investigation we can know that in this context has two small supermarkets, six convenience stores, small supermarket chains have the advantage of good reputation, the relative convenience stores are cheap, but the disadvantage is also obvious that supply is not flexible. Convenience store advantage lies close to students and residents of the place of residence, more convenient, the disadvantage is that the price is relatively high, but not the quality of people rest assured that the brand is less.
Our headquarters and warehouse stores because of interconnection, the first time we notice the needs of the headquarters of the goods, the former said, we skip the shop has two dealers, with prices relatively large supermarkets also have certain advantages, goods The type is to our advantage, we can in accordance with the actual local situation Peihuo, so in terms of price and variety, we have certain advantages. Our disadvantage, "appear for a" relatively little understanding of the people, supermarkets and convenience stores have a large number of elderly customers

In 1991, Schumacher's first foray into F1, on behalf of Jordan took part in the Belgian Grand Prix. He finished seventh in qualifying, but because of clutch failure in the race failed to finish the first lap. It was his only time on behalf of Jordan Grand Prix competition, ...

财务审计 什么是审计?首先,你必须明白,有几个不同类型的审计。类型最相关的,这当然是所谓的财务审计,这是一个详细检查公司的财务报表和文件支持的资料,在这些报表。该审计工作包括在核查过程中,试验的可靠性,基本的会计制度,用于制作财务报告。财务审计是由注册会计师谁是被称为独立核数师。理解...

制造商所建议的零售价格;厂商建议零售价。PLC(Power Line Communication),是指利用电力线传输资料和媒体信号的一种通信方式。该技术是把载有资讯的高频载入于电流,然后用电线传输,接受资讯的适配器再把高频从电流中分离出来,并传送到电脑或电话以实现资讯传递。可以百度百科“电力线适配器”帮助理解 C...

这里有段英译汉,我翻译完了,希望大家帮忙改改。机器翻译的就不要来帮 ...

以色列国家高技术产业-五十年卓越 由科恩 高技术产业正在经历一场前所未有的增长速度开始在20世纪90年代初。其增长就是明证无论在总销售额-1 997年的销售总额为7 2亿美元,增长1 0.7% ,比1 996年-在出口-5 6亿美元在19 9 7年,增长1 4. 2%,超过1 99 6年。这是在一个国家的总人口...

一段英翻中 不要用翻译器 急~! 刚才发错了 预付10分 后再加
大多数摇杆刷房子的发射机刷马达低于枢纽,使他们不抑制布运动,让刷到下一个安装支架或以下。 一些洗车有多个mitters,或mitters组合 和 顶级的刷子。典型的“隧道”由内而外清洗车查看 变送器或顶部后刷(ES)的汽车可通过一wraparounds第二组。 这也可能是在高压水流用来清洁难以触及的汽车零件。



在安装VGA卡时,不要在其(安装)过程中按住冰箱盖。这里的transparent sheet我想也可以解释为透明的绳子,这样也许更准确一些 这里的cooler含义是制冷机,我想就是冰箱吧,你要说制冷机也行的 VGA是指variable-gain amplifier 可变增益放大器 ,我想是这样的,当然你可以不必把它翻译出来,直接用VGA表示就...

(一)1。她希望得到更多的帮助她的丈夫老钱。 2.它是在卡片上,他将很快得到晋升。 3,我再也看不到他,但我想吻他。 4。新的父亲戴着一得意的笑容。您们真的要拉你的袜子,如果你想在竞争中击败杰克。 6。如果你在字里行间,这封信是真的是一个金钱的请求。 7。请用大写字母类型。 8。

合水县17256791745: 谁能帮我翻译一下这段文字呀?急需!!最好是英语功底比较好的!非常?
尤瑾硫酸: The medicine in the two Song Dynasties (The North Song and South Song Dynasties) was an important period in the history of the development of Chinese Medicine, which ...

合水县17256791745: 麻烦帮我翻译这段英文,谢谢.不要用翻译软件的,要自己翻译的,谢谢了,我很急很需要知道它是什么意思,谢谢~!附送上我全部的分数,thank~i would ... -
尤瑾硫酸:[答案] 我会努力让你幸福,想更了解你,想某一天来到你身边 除了你我心里再也容不下任何人,我愿意用我的余生去了解你 我看不见你摸不着你,这并不意味着我不想和你在一起 我知道那很难,但只要你愿意,我会努力让它实现

合水县17256791745: 英语好的进来帮帮忙麻烦帮我翻译这段,看一下语法有没有错误,可不可以翻译过来?谢谢各位了. I like money.Because money is very good.But my no money... -
尤瑾硫酸:[答案] 可以翻译,语法错误较严重 翻译:我喜欢金钱,因为金钱很好,但我没有钱.我很高兴.我喜欢我的生活,因为我很年轻.(基本上没有语法,但是勉强能够懂意思)

合水县17256791745: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
尤瑾硫酸: At that moment, we hugged tightly, we fell in love, without too many words;At that moment, your hug was so warm and also warmed my heart;the first...

合水县17256791745: 麻烦英语好的帮我翻译这段文字 -
尤瑾硫酸: 没问题China's rapid economic growth is based on consumption of resources, the high-speed growth at the expense of, but the existing model of economic growth, the future...

合水县17256791745: 英文学的好的,麻烦帮我把这段翻译成英文 我会加分的
尤瑾硫酸: 您好,可翻译为:Once a person`s heart has been dead,do you think she will still faulse you?满意速采纳,谢!

合水县17256791745: 各位英语好的大侠谁能帮我翻译一下这段文字(中译英)、跪谢!!! -
尤瑾硫酸: With the English in the society of extensive application, English education has increasingly appeared in the low age tendency. However, long-term since, due to insufficient understanding of children psychology, causes in the teaching of English can...

合水县17256791745: 麻烦您帮我翻译一下这段英语呗?拜托i'm loving living everey single day but sometimes i feel so ...i hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to know ... -
尤瑾硫酸:[答案] 话说,您这是歌词吧?英语打出来真是错别字一大堆阿~ i'm loving living every single day but sometimes i feel so ... 我爱着,活着,每一天,但总有时候感觉很…… i hope to find a little peace of mind and i just want to know 我希望可以找到一点安静的...

合水县17256791745: 麻烦帮我用英语翻译下这段文字、懂的才好进吖、
尤瑾硫酸: "I'm sorry. I grammar believe such a flashy you! Please don't messed up my original happy life, even the lonely person happy... but now I don't want to crave what!"

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