
作者&投稿:文秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Romance of The Three Kingdoms (full name: Popular Romance of The Three Kingdoms, also known as Romance of The Three Kingdoms).

Luo Guanzhong, a novelist in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, annotated The Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou and Pei Songzhi.

And folk tales of The Three Kingdoms through artistic processing and creation of the long chapter hui historical novels.
With "Journey to the West" "Outlaws of the Marsh" "Dream of the Red Chamber" and known as the Four classical Chinese classics.


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four famous classical works in China. It is the first long chapter historical novel in China.
Its full name is The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms).
The author is Luo Guanzhong, a famous novelist in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.
After the completion of the book, many editions such as Jiajing Renwu edition were handed down.
By the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Mao Zonggang rectified the review, revised the diction and changed the poems and prose of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms describes nearly a hundred years of history from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Western Jin Dynasty.
It mainly describes the war. It tells the story of the struggle between the group of heroes in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the political and military struggle between the Wei, Shu and Wu Kingdoms.
Sima Yan eventually unified the three Kingdoms and established the Jin Dynasty.
It reflects the transformation of various social struggles and contradictions in the Three Kingdoms era, summarizes the great changes in the history of this era, and shapes a group of heroes of the Three Kingdoms.
The book can be roughly divided into five parts:
the Yellow Towel Uprising, Dong Zhuo's Rebellion, the struggle for deer, the tripartite confrontation of the Three Kingdoms and the return of the Three Kingdoms to Jin.
On the vast historical stage, there were momentous scenes of war.
The author, Lt. Luo Guanzhong, combines the thirty-six tactics of war into the lines, which includes plots and tactics.
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the first chapter novel in the history of Chinese literature, the pioneering work of historical novel and the first literati novel.



The Romance of the Three Kingdoms content essentials:
The Eastern Han Dynasty last years of a dynasty or reign , the Chinese room fall into a decline , the Yellow Turbans Uprising , every road hero multiplication puts down yellow that machine develops influence. Cao Cao has the emperor in self's power and order the dukes about in his name , strength is the strongest. Melee the successive years , jungle justice. War in Guan Du , Cao Cao kill Yuan Shao , unite the north. War in Chi Bi City , Wu Guo high-ranking officer in the army Zhou Yu defeat Cao Cao utterly , make Cao Cao be unable to infringe upon to the south of the Yangtse River for the moment , form a situation of tripartite confrontation , relatively stable aspect. And three national affairs Cao Cao's Wei Guo , Sun Quan's Wu Guo , Liu Bei's Kingdom of Shu Han. Cao Cao postmortal , Cao proclaim self emperor. High-ranking officer in the army Sima Zhao unites the whole nation , Shanxi Province having ended aspect of a situation of tripartite confrontation , having seized Wei Wei , founds Jin Chao .

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" content outline:
Eastern Han dynasty, the Han Dynasty weakened,黄巾uprising, various heroes of the machine by the development of yellow-and-destroy forces. Emperor Cao Cao to the lords, the strongest. Year after year fighting the law of the jungle. Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao Cao Cao out unified North. The Battle of Red Cliff, Wu general Zhou Yu defeated Cao Cao, Cao Cao temporary inability to make violations of the south of the Yangtze River, the formation of the three, a relatively stable situation. Three is Cao Cao's Wei, Sun Quan of Wu and Liu Bei of Shu.
Cao Cao's death, proclaim oneself emperor Cao horses. General Sima Zhao national unity, putting an end to the three on the situation, seizing Wei to Jin, the establishment of the Jin dynasty.


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中牟县17665602320: 三国演义简介英文
解适福里: 《三国演义》英文简介:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four famous classical works in China. It is the first long chapter historical novel in China. Its full ...

中牟县17665602320: 英语翻译《三国演义》描写的是从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近一百年的历史风云.全书反映了三国时代的政治军事斗争,反映了三国时代各类社会矛盾的渗透... -
解适福里:[答案] The romance of The Three Kingdoms described the history of almost one hundred years from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty.Reflecting the political and military str...

中牟县17665602320: 帮我找一找,<<三国演义>>的英文简介!!!! -
解适福里: ,<<三国演义>>的英文简介!!!! "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." Echoing the rhythms of Chinese history itself, the monumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. As important for Chinese ...

中牟县17665602320: 英语翻译翻译三国演义由罗贯中创作于十四世纪,是一部中国历史题材小说,小说以汉朝末年和三国时期的历史演变为背景,叙述了在这个动荡时期发生的一... -
解适福里:[答案] Created by Luo Guanzhong in Fourteenth Century,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a Chinese historical novel,which takes the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period as the background,describing a ...

中牟县17665602320: 三国演义概括和读后感 -
解适福里:1. 三国演义小说:英文名字:The romance of Three Kingdoms,是历史演义小说的经典之作.小说描写了东汉末年和整个三国时代以曹操、刘备、孙权为首的魏、蜀、吴三个政治、军事集团之间...

中牟县17665602320: 谁能提供《三国演义》的英文简介?简短的介绍,几句话就行! -
解适福里:[答案] 如果觉得太长选择第一段的几句就行Romance of The Three Kingdoms is one of the great chinese classics and is compiled into a semi-fictional literary masterpiece during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong.T...

中牟县17665602320: 英语作文关于三国演义解说100词左右 -
解适福里: This is about a chniese book "Three Kindoms “. The book that have three kindoms in old China. They often had wars each other ,just for some territory(领土).CaoCao,is a king of Wei kindoms .LiuBei,is a ling of Shu kindoms .SunQian,is a king...

中牟县17665602320: 高分:求一篇关于介绍三国演义的英语文章1000字左右 -
解适福里: The no怠丁糙股孬噶茬拴长茎vel Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the most famous Chinese classic novels written by Luo Guanzhong,and based on the same history of the Three Kindom Period (220AD-280AD).Its full title was "the San ...

中牟县17665602320: 高分:求一篇关于介绍三国演义的英语文章1000字左右 -
解适福里: The novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the most famous Chinese classic novels written by Luo Guanzhong,and based on the same history of the T...

中牟县17665602320: 三国演义的内容简介 -
解适福里: 三国演义》以东汉末年及魏、蜀、吴三国历史为题材.作者在民间传说和民间艺人创作的话本、戏曲的基础上,运用了陈寿的《三国志》和裴松之注的正史材料,结合自己丰富的生活经验,写成了《三国志通俗演义》.这部书版本很多,现存的...

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