
作者&投稿:第劳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #英语资源# 导语】在我们的生活里,有各种各样的事情,有些事情就如同流水一样地过去了,有些事情却给了我们难忘的印象。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  With the passage of time, many things have been forgotten. The only thing I can remember is that my father and I rolled snowballs together in the third grade.

  That day, after a heavy snow, I stayed at home carefree. My father was very happy that day. He said to me happily, "Son, let's go snowball?" I listened and jumped more than three feet high; "Good!" So we went downstairs and ran to the yard. We came to the same place and rolled the snowball from top to bottom. I thought it was fun, so I pushed it again and again. Once, we almost rolled down with the snowball. Dad said, "OK, I'll be taller than you soon." My father and I worked together to put it on the ground. Then we kept rolling back and forth like a game. Suddenly, a hard thing hit my leg. I saw that my father was hitting me with a snowball. I quickly grabbed a snowball and flew towards my father. In this way, the snowball flew back and forth between my father and me. Soon, we both became snowmen. At this time, a man came up and said, "What great artist made this snowman? Why is it like a living person? It's also painted with color." We both laughed, and the man heard the laughter. First, he was stunned, and then he said to himself, "Mommy, in broad daylight, hell." Then he ran out of the yard in a panic. Dad and I couldn't help laughing. Later my father suggested, "How about turning our snowballs into snowmen?" He was always happy. Dad made a snowball into a snowman with a few moves, and then we wrote a few words beside the snowman: Mommy, in broad daylight, hell.

  A few days later, the snowman melted, and I was very sad because there were unforgettable things that day.


  The most ordinary, but also the most moving. After all, ordinary things can not be ordinary, but will touch the hearts of many people.

  One news: In a small city in Anhui Province, a student was riding too fast in a hurry and accidentally knocked down a parked car. The high school student did not escape, but stopped beside the car to wait for the owner. However, he waited for nearly half an hour, but the owner still did not appear. So the high school student wrote a note and stuck it on the car, which indicated the situation and his personal information, and indicated that he was willing to compensate. The high school student also pressed his student ID card under the wiper of his car as a guarantee. Many passers-by praised the high school student's behavior and took photos to help students find the car owner. Finally, when the owner learned the truth, he took the initiative to contact the student, but he was not angry and did not ask for compensation. Instead, he praised the high school student and paid for the repair of the car. When the local TV station interviewed the middle school student, the student said frankly that he thought he would make a lot of compensation, and his behavior was nothing to be proud of.

  When I finished reading this news, I couldn't help praising the high school students. The most people in the society are good people. When you make a conscientious choice, you will not only feel happy, but also move others. In undertaking their own responsibilities, they have gained the trust and support of others and the recognition and praise of the society. This is an ordinary thing, but just this ordinary thing brings extraordinary spirit and influence. It moves more people and makes everyone pass on this feeling together.


  A lot of things have happened on my way to grow up, which makes me unforgettable.

  Once, I saw in a book that salt water can float eggs. I was curious and wanted to try it myself.

  So I found a stainless steel basin, put some water on it, grabbed two handfuls of salt, washed the eggs, put them in the water, and waited for the eggs to float. However, the eggs suddenly sank to the bottom. I thought, is there less salt? So I grabbed two more. However, the egg was still lying lazily in the basin, as if it was against me. The more I was worried, the less it would rise. I had no choice. I went to ask Grandma. Grandma told me that the salt might not be dissolved, so you should stir it with chopsticks. I took the chopsticks to stir it, but it still wouldn't work, I thought. Since I didn't dissolve it, I heated it. So I put the basin on the induction cooker. After a while, the water was hot, and I stirred for a while. I saw that the salt was almost dissolved, and I put the eggs in it. Wow! This time, the egg unexpectedly floated. I tried to press the egg down again, and the egg floated again. This is, I am very happy. I thought, I finally succeeded.

  Through this experiment, I learned that salt water is heavier than water, so the egg floats.

  This experiment also made me understand that everything is not as simple as I imagined. Only by trying, can I feel the joy of success, and only by trying, can I learn more knowledge.


  When I was in the third grade, there was one thing that had been deeply engraved in my mind for a long time.

  It happened in a Chinese class on a Wednesday afternoon. First, I took out the class to practice, grabbed the pencil, lowered my head, and began to write fast. " Brush, brush, brush "Soon, it was finished. I took my notebook with confidence and strode to the platform to ask the teacher to correct it. I was very happy to expect the teacher's praise. However, I did not get the praise I dreamed of. After correcting, the teacher said to me seriously:" You have made a mistake in this question, and you should read the requirements carefully. " He patiently explained it to me again.

  I went back to my seat vaguely and continued to revise. This time, I confidently handed the book to the teacher again, hoping to pass the test, but the teacher gave me a bright red "X". I faint! Wrong! I pray to God that I can pass early. So, I read the question again carefully, recalled the method of doing the question that the teacher taught me, and thought hard for a little while. Finally, at the last moment, when the bell rang, I handed it to the teacher. This time, I was right. A smile of triumph appeared on my face.


  There are many things in my mind, many of which have been blurred by the flowing time, but there is one thing that I can never forget.

  It was my third birthday. My aunt gave me a birthday gift. It was an orange red, somewhat handsome little bike. I was excited when I saw it. Up to now, the bike is still intact in our basement. The body of the bike is orange and red, and there are two auxiliary wheels behind it, just like our hands, which are used to support when riding.

  I remember that at that time, I couldn't wait to take my grandpa and grandma's hand to the big turntable in our community to go to school and ride a bike. At the beginning, my heart was like a deer, nervous and excited. Grandpa slowly held the back seat of the bike behind me, and later I got better and better. After a while, I let my grandpa let go, and I thought that it would be better if the auxiliary wheel were removed. So I boldly asked my grandfather to unload one of the auxiliary wheels. As a result, I almost fell down as soon as I sat on it. But I was not discouraged. After repeated failures, I became better and more skilled. I asked my grandfather to unload another auxiliary wheel, and then I swung left and right. After a while, even my grandfather couldn't keep up with me.

  That bike accompanied me for a long time. During that time, I often rode it to play in the community, and sometimes I would compete with other children!


  From childhood to the present, many things have happened to me, including successful, interesting, sad... One of the sad things I will never forget.

  It happened in the winter when I was 4 years old. It happened to be my brother's birthday. Because it was winter, the stove was burning vigorously. It happened that adults were eating. Everyone was talking and laughing. It was full of joy.

  I was just driving around in my "sports car", but my heart turned sideways! I accidentally bumped into the stove. Unfortunately, my right eyelid was burnt. I was in pain and cried.

  At this time, the adults also ran to the hospital and took me to the hospital in a hurry. After some treatment, my life was saved, but the doctor said, "Alas, the bones and skin were burnt." So far, he has not recovered, and the double eyelid of his right eye has always been a fake. Because of this, when meeting other people, they all said, "What happened to your right eye?" I always whispered, "Just a little hurt." But every time I said this, I always felt very sad and thought: If I didn't play at that time, it wouldn't be like this.

  Although it has been a long time, I still feel sad when I think about it.


  In my memory, there is one thing most unforgettable.

  I remember that it was a day last year. I carried my schoolbag to the school gate as usual and saw my brother standing in front of the big national flag. If grandpa and brother had been waiting for me before. Eh, where's Grandpa? I muttered in my heart. When I came to my brother, I asked him, "Did Grandpa not come?" The younger brother shook his head and said, "Did Grandpa forget to pick us up?"

  I looked at him and said, "It's impossible. Maybe there's something at home. Grandpa will come after he's busy. Maybe he's on his way."

  The younger brother said with half confidence: "Let's wait here. I believe grandpa will pick us up soon."

  The bustling crowd at the school gate has become sparse. I look around, but I still can't see Grandpa. My brother and I are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. What can we do? The younger brother said, "Sister, let's stand on the high platform in front of the stationery store. It's a high place. It's easy to find us when Grandpa comes." In this way, we waited and waited with anxiety

  The people at the school gate were almost gone, but grandpa still didn't show up. I was a little lost, and my brother squatted on the ground helplessly. Suddenly, my brother stood up and said to me with big eyes flashing: "Sister, since we can't wait for Grandpa, let's go back by ourselves. Maybe we can meet Grandpa on the way."

  My brother and I walked towards home hand in hand side by side. We agreed that if strangers played tricks, we would never be fooled by them.

  Soon, we got home safely.

  It turned out that grandpa went to a friend's wedding and forgot to tell grandma to pick us up, but grandma thought grandpa would take time to pick us up.

  This event has exercised my brother's independence. I feel that I have grown up. It is really an unforgettable experience!


  Many things happen in everyone's life, unforgettable, happy, sad, an unforgettable thing Li Weijia. There is one thing I regret when I think about it.

  I remember that when I was six or seven years old, my mother took me to climb the mountain. It was not easy to climb to the top of the mountain. I had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. It felt great. I wanted to jump off the mountain to embrace the beautiful scenery. At that time, I felt a special sense of achievement, so I was very excited. I jumped and jumped on the top of the mountain. I was very excited. At this happy moment, I suddenly tripped over a stone, and the upper right corner of my forehead hit a tall tree. I cried out with a "ah". When my mother ran over and lifted me up, I saw that my head was full of blood. I touched my forehead and saw that so much blood was flowing, Although it was not very painful, I still cried out with a fright. My mother quickly brought water and towels and wiped my wound. It was no big deal, but I had already cried into tears. My mother smiled and told me it was OK.

  A few days later, the wound on the forehead was healed, but it left a scar. Anyway, it was not obvious that it was covered by the hair.

  Alas~I regret when I think about it now. I was too careless at that time and forgot myself. I left a scar on my forehead.


  In my memory, I am not afraid of things, but when I first learned to ride a bike, I was as timid as a mouse.

  When I was eight years old, my mother bought me a bike that I always wanted, but I couldn't ride it, so I made up my mind: I must learn.

  My brother also has a bike, so I ride like him. First, put my hand on the handlebar, then put my right foot on the right side of the pedal, then quickly put my left foot on the left pedal, and then turn forward again and again. But I can't find a sense of balance. "Pa" fell down at once, so I cried all the time. I lifted up the bike while crying. I fell down several times in a row, The pain made me blossom. When I wanted to give up, my mother said to me: "Baby, we should stick with difficulties. If you give up now, your efforts will be in vain."

  So I got up, wiped my tears, and said to myself, "Come on! I am the best, I will be able to." It's getting dark, and I'm still learning.

  Sure enough, my kung fu is worth the effort. I finally learned it. Wow! It was really good to ride on the bike. I hopped home and said happily to my mother, "Mom! I finally learned." My mother saw that I was so tired that I was sweating. She wiped my sweat and said to me kindly, "Look, if you stick to everything, you will succeed."

  Through this incident, I understand that nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart.


  One thing has been hovering in my mind, and I feel proud when I think of it.

  That was a time when I took a bus after school. After getting on the bus, I quickly grabbed a seat because I was too tired. After the car started, at the first stop, there was an 80 year old grandmother with gray hair, leaning on crutches, and she looked very tired after getting on the car. At this moment, the young man next to him suddenly stood up and said to the old woman, "Come, old man, let me give you your seat." I was very surprised. Why did he make way for the old man? I thought for a long time, and finally it dawned on me that the radio on the bus was not always broadcasting: "Please make room for passengers in need, thank you." We should respect the old and love the young, and our teachers have been teaching us so earnestly.

  Another stop came. An old man got on the bus and looked very tired. So I learned from the young man and gave my seat to the old man. Grandpa smiled and praised me: "You are really a good and sensible child." After hearing this, I felt very sweet. The boy beside me also patted me on the shoulder and said to me, "Good boy." I was particularly impressed by this incident. Let me know that when others need help, we should extend a helping hand to make the world full of warm love. We should respect the old and love the young at all times and help them.

  This is an unforgettable thing I said. Do you want me to praise myself?

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I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。

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有一年春节,我和其他孩子们把‘冲天炮’,到了春节晚会开始,爸爸和妈妈叫我回家去看春节晚会,不愿离开家里看春节晚会。我的父亲,母亲,爷爷和奶奶看春节联欢晚会边吃水果,我很高兴! 我很开心,很幸福,希望每天都过年! 英语:The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework....

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