bell the中文翻译

作者&投稿:威沾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

No one was quite ready to bell the cat .

Everybody present made suggestions but no one actually offered to bell the cat .

Aren ' t those bells the most beautiful sound

" to bell the cat " means to take an action that is risky

Br > < p > " to bell the cat " means to take an action that is risky

Everybody made suggestions , but no one actually offered to bell the cat

Everybody made suggestions but on one actually offered to bell the cat

Everybody made suggestions but no one actually offered to bell the cat

Whenever we are faced with difficulties , he is always the one who offers to bell the cat

Whenever we find ourselves in a difficult situation , he is always the one who offers to bell the cat

All agreed that it was a splendid idea , until one wise mouse stepped up and asked , " who will bell the cat ?
大家都认为这是个极妙的主意,但是有一只聪明的老鼠站出来问: “谁去给猫系上铃铛呢? ”

The whole class think it ' s a good idea to ask the teacher to reduce the amount of assignment . but who will bell the cat and talk to him

Someone had to defuse the time bomb or all the passengers on board the ship would be killed . the boatswain offered to bell the cat

" down with the weekend homework ! " shouted all the boys . however , none of them dared to bell the cat and say that to the teacher
所有的男孩子都大声欢呼起来: “让周未作业见鬼去吧! ”然而他们当中却没有一人有这胆量向老师说出。

Bringing his host down and kneepng he heard ine with his second bell the first bell in the transept he is pfting his and , rising , heard now i am pfting their o bells he is kneepng ang in diphthong

城步苗族自治县15219339620: bell中文是什么意思 -
幸天复方: 你好! bell 英[bel] 美[bɛl] n. 钟,铃; 钟声,铃声; 钟状物; [建] 圆屋顶; vt. 敲钟; 系铃于,给…装上铃; 使成铃状; 把…放在钟形罩内; vi. 使象钟状地张开; 鸣钟; [例句]I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class 我刚吃完饭铃声就响了,于是我赶去上第一堂课.

城步苗族自治县15219339620: Bell 的中文意思是什么英语中的Bell -
幸天复方:[答案] bellKK:[]DJ:[]n.[C]1.钟;铃;门铃He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.他随着一阵电铃的响声醒来.2.钟声;铃声[S1]3.钟状物(如吹奏乐器的喇叭口等)vt.1.装钟于;系铃于We belled the sheep.我们给羊系上铃.vi...

城步苗族自治县15219339620: Bell 的中文意思是什么 -
幸天复方: 响铃

城步苗族自治县15219339620: bell的中文是什么? -
幸天复方: bell [英]bel [美]bɛl n. 钟,铃;钟声,铃声;钟状物;[建]圆屋顶 vt. 敲钟;系铃于,给…装上铃;使成铃状;把…放在钟形罩内 vi. 使象钟状地张开;鸣钟 [例句]This work was done under contract to aspen systems and bell helicopter.这项工作是在阿斯彭系统和贝尔直升机公司之间的合约下完成的.

城步苗族自治县15219339620: 英语翻译 dead as a somebody out of house&home3.a lick & a dead as dodo5.bark up the wrong tree6.bell the eat7.bring to heel -
幸天复方:[答案] dead as a doornail 死定了! somebody out of house&home 把某人吃穷了! 吃定你了! 3.a lick & a promise 敷衍... 认错了目标.错怪了别人.努力错方向了!都可以用这句话形容! 6.bell the eat 这个是不是打错了?我没听过这句话,只听过...

城步苗族自治县15219339620: bell the cat是什么意思 -
幸天复方: bell the cat[英][bel ðə kæt][美][bɛl ði kæt] v.挺身而出; 为大家的利益承担危险;

城步苗族自治县15219339620: 为什么bell翻译成钟声而不是铃声 -
幸天复方: 从bell这个词的本意看,既有钟也有铃的意思,翻成哪种就看语境了.Bell同时也可以当做姓氏,翻译成贝尔.bell1钟,铃;门铃;【航】船钟;雾钟;轮班钟 2贝尔 3【姓氏】贝尔 4钟声 5(铁管的)承口;扩散管,漏斗;喇叭裤;【建】圆屋顶;【动】(水母等的)伞膜;【植】钟状花冠

城步苗族自治县15219339620: bell the cat 是什么意思啊 -
幸天复方: bell the cat KK: [ ] DJ: [ ]1. 为别人冒险 All the workers agreed that they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered to bell the cat and talked to their employer.所有的工人都认为要加薪,但却没人自告奋勇去跟老板谈.bell the cat bell the cat, 谁去给...

城步苗族自治县15219339620: miss manner wrings the bell怎么翻译 -
幸天复方: “miss manner wrings the bell”意思是(总是唠叨“你该遵守礼貌”的老太太.) “miss manner”是个比喻,比喻一直提醒别人“遵守礼貌”的人-“老太太”是有点诙谐的说法.“wrings the bell”意思是“不停的唠叨” :)~~

城步苗族自治县15219339620: there goes the bell.的中文意思是什么? -
幸天复方: 铃响了. there 放在句首,要倒装的. 再举个例子: Here comes the bus. 车来了

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