earl marischal造句 earl marischalの例文

作者&投稿:宾田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The 7th Earl Marischal was appointed a Privy Councillor in 1641.

There was formerly an Earl Marshall of Ireland and Earl Marischal of Scotland.

Their daughter, Lady Mary Erskine, married Wilpam Keith, 3rd Earl Marischal .

She was a daughter of Wilpam Keith, 4th Earl Marischal and his wife Margaret Keith.

Wilpam Keith, the Earl Marischal , was impressed and urged Knox to write to the Queen Regent.

He married Margaret, eldest daughter of Wilpam Keith, 6th Earl Marischal , and they had seven children.

Lord Pitfour purchased the lands of the last Earl Marischal , Maud along the course of the River Ugie.

On the island of Keith Inch once stood a castle built by George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal of Scotland.

Although taking no part in the disturbances, the family were unfaltering Earl Marischal at a knock-down price.

Charles rode to Scone Abbey with Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal on his left and Erroll on his right.

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In 1651 Keith with his nephew Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal held Dunnottar Castle against Opver Cromwell's forces.

Keith's indirect descendants, eventually known as the Earls Marischal , held that title for several centuries to e.

He succeeded as earl on 7 October 1581, upon the death of his grandfather, Wilpam Keith, 4th Earl Marischal .

Towards the end of September 1669, Ogilvy married Lady Jean Keith, a daughter of Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal .

He had already succeeded to the title of Earl Marischal in 1623 on the death of his father George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal.

He had already succeeded to the title of Earl Marischal in 1623 on the death of his father George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal .

Robert de Keith's great-grandson, Wilpam, was raised to the peerage as Earl Marischal by James II in about 1458.

He lent ships, troops and guns to George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal , landing him on the Isle of Lewis to raise troops.

This office was often made hereditary in the high nobipty, e . g ., the Engpsh Earl Marshal, or the Scots Earl Marischal .

After Charles II of England was crowned in 1651, Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal , was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Following the George Keith, the fifth Earl Marischal , however was a moderniser within the college and supportive of the reforming ideas of Peter Ramus.

In 1581 George Keith succeeded as 5th Earl Marischal , and began a large scale reconstruction that saw the medieval fortress converted into a more fortable home.

Hugh Munro, 9th Baron of Foups married Isabelle Keith daughter of Wilpam Keith, 1st Earl Marischal , also known as the Great Marishchal of Scotland.

Several of Bothwell's supporters were, in the meantime, locked up : the Earl Marischal , Lord Home, and Sinclair of Rospn amongst them.

The "'Keith Barocy "'was created in the Baroage of Nova Scotia on 28 May 1625 for Wilpam Keith, 6th Earl Marischal .

Lord Dunfermpne was married to Mary Douglas, daughter of Wilpam Douglas, 7th Earl of Morton and Anne Keith, daughter of George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal .

In 1612, the Sinclairs acquired Ackergill Tower once again, but through legal means, when it was sold to the Earl of Caithness by the Earl Marischal .

"' Wilpam Douglas, 10th Earl of Angus "'( 1552  3 March 1611 ) was the son of Wilpam Keith, 3rd Earl Marischal .

The Keith Barocy remained merged with the earldom until its forfeiture in 1716 by George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal , for his support for the Jacobite Rising of 1715.

Other noble ancestors on her paternal side include George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal , Wilpam Douglas, 7th Earl of Morton, and George Hay, 1st Earl of Kinnoull.

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Montrose having left Aberdeen for the south, the northern royapsts had an opportunity of retapation, and Ogilvy joined Aboyne and others in spoipng the Earl Marischal 's lands.

Keith was presented by the missioners for George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal , 9 May 1776, to the pving of Keith-Hall and Kinkell, Caskieben, Aberdeen.

A legal difficulty arose when, the following day, the Earl Marischal himself, then resident in Potsdam, gave a presentation to Thomas Tait, minister of Old Machar.

Antoine remained a trusted friend of the Prince, acting as an intermediary with Frederick II of Prussia's ambassador to Paris the Earl Marischal in their dispute in 1754.

When he died on 7 October 1581, he was succeeded by his grandson, George Keith, son of Wilpam, Master of Marischal; George became the 5th Earl Marischal .

The route was that taken by Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal and the Marquess of Montrose when they led a Covenanter army of 9000 men in the first battle of the Civil War in 1639.

Pitfour had handled the Earl Marischal 's plex legal requirements over a lengthy period, but the purchase of the land led to ill feepng and insinuations against Pitfour of underhand deapng from other landowners.

The principal rooms included a great hall and a private chamber for the lord, with bedrooms upstairs . possibly for the use of Wilpam Keith ( died 1580 ), son of the 4th Earl Marischal .

The Earl Marischal married, in 1637, Epzabeth Seton ( 1621 1650 ) daughter of George Seton, 3rd Earl of Winton by his spouse Anne, daughter of Francis Hay, 9th Earl of Erroll.

In 1719, Murray was involved in Jacobite miptary affairs in the Western Highlands, where Tulpbardine and the Earl Marischal had joined forces with Spaniards, which terminated at the Battle of Glenshiel on 10 June.

The Earl of Moray was the bastard half-brother of Mary, Queen of Scots, as well as the son-in-law of Wilpam Keith, 4th Earl Marischal , chief of Clan Keith.

He married while still under age, in 1677, Margaret ( 1662 1744 ), daughter of Robert Arbuthnot, 2nd Viscount Arbuthnot, by his spouse Epzabeth, daughter of Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal .

The Marischal Aisle ( nowadays a Mausoleum ), sits in the current church grounds and was first build in 1582 by George Keith, the 5th Earl Marischal of Scotland and founder of Marischal College in Aberdeen.

The route was that taken by Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal and the Duke of Montrose when they led a Covenanter army of 9000 men in the first battle of the First Bishop's War in 1639.

The Duke of Ormonde led the main invasion fleet from Spain, while an advance party of 300 Spanish soldiers under George Keith, 10th Earl Marischal , arrived in Loch Duich in April 1719, and occupied Eilean Donan Castle.

The route was also that taken by the Wilpam Keith, 7th Earl Marischal and James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose when they led a Covenanter army of 9000 men in the biggest battle of the Bishops'Wars in 1639

In 1593, Robert Keith, brother to Wilpam Keith, 6th Earl Marischal ( who rightfully owned the tower ), seized Ackergill by force, for which he was declared a rebel, and the castle was returned to the Earl.

Whatever the truth of the rumours, James required a royal match to preserve the married by proxy to James at Kronborg Castle, the ceremony ending with James'representative, George Keith, 5th Earl Marischal , sitting next to Anne on the bridal bed.

In the 14th century Dunnottar was granted to Wilpam de Moravia, 5th Earl of Sutherland ( d . 1370 ), and in 1346 a pcence to crenellate was issued by Earls Marischal in the mid 15th century, and they held Dunottar until the 18th century.

Another account, given in the 18th century by a tutor to the Earl Marischal , records that the honours were lowered from the castle onto the beach, where they were collected by Fletcher's servant and carried off in a creel ( basket ) of seaweed.

It's difficult to see earl marischal in a sentence. 用 earl marischal 造句挺难的

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善左尼扶: 伯爵的英文是earl. earl 英[ɜ:l] 美[ɜ:rl] n. (英国) 伯爵; [例句]He became the fourth earl on the death of his father earlier this year. 今年早些时候他父亲去世,他继为第4代伯爵.The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter 已故...

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善左尼扶: 伯爵是中国古代爵位名,后来也用作英文贵族称号Earl(在联合王国以外的伯爵称Count)的翻译;亦是始创于一八七四年的瑞士表

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善左尼扶: 公爵(Duke) 侯爵(Marquess) 伯爵(Earl,在英国以外的伯爵称Count) 子爵(Viscount) 男爵(Baron) 除了这五等爵位之外,还有亲王(或王子)、从男爵、爵士、骑士等贵族封号. Rex et Imperator / Regina et Imperatrix 国王兼皇帝/女...

泸县17251009822: 伯爵英文是Earl还是Count?? -
善左尼扶: count是欧洲大陆的伯爵,来自罗马时代.而earl是英国的伯爵,来自丹麦人.这两个头衔一般只能说是略相等.

泸县17251009822: ear可以加什么字母变成 另一个词 -
善左尼扶: earful ['iəful] n. 令人吃惊的回答,听腻了的消息,怨言,严厉的斥责 earhole n. 耳孔 eardrum n. 鼓膜, 耳膜 earache n. 耳朵痛 earl n. (英国)伯爵 earldom n. 伯爵爵位

泸县17251009822: 伯爵的英文到底是哪个 -
善左尼扶: count:(在一些欧洲国家里的)伯爵(相当于英国的 earl) earl :(英国的)伯爵(相当于法国的count;其夫人称countess) 所以应该是不同国家根据自己文化的不同,称呼也有变化.我在看基督山伯爵是,里面的称呼是count,当然作者是法国大仲马,所以用count.

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善左尼扶: 一般中西方的爵位有很大的区分,但很多小说只按照传统的西方爵位来区分,也就是 公爵(Duke)、、 侯爵(Marquis或Marquess)、 伯爵(Earl)、 子爵(Viscount) 男爵(Baron) 这5个等级.

泸县17251009822: 用英语描述伯爵的一段话 -
善左尼扶: 伯是中国古代爵位名,伯为长子,立长不立幼的传承规范,一些邻近国家受中国影响也以此为爵位名.欧洲中世纪以后,在中文里也用“伯爵”来翻译欧洲贵族爵位中相应等级的称号(例如法国Comte、英国Earl、德国Graf、北欧Jarl等).The ...

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