turn up 是动副词组还是动介词组

作者&投稿:向蝶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 动介词组也是动副词组

1.PHRASAL VERB(常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面If you say that someone or something turns up, you mean that they arrive, often unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time. Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony...理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.这就跟等待一辆永远等不到的公共汽车差不多。
2.PHRASAL VERB-ERG找出;发现;注意到;出现If you turn something up or if it turns up, you find, discover, or notice it. Investigations have never turned up any evidence.调查从没发现任何证据。...a very rare 15th-Century spoon, which turned up in an old house in Devon.在德文郡一座老房子里发现的一把非常珍贵的 15 世纪的勺子,
3.PHRASAL VERB开大,调高(收音机、暖气等)
When you turn up
a radio, heater, or other piece of equipment, you increase the amount of sound, heat, or power being produced, by adjusting the controls. Bill would turn up the TV in the other room...比尔会把另一个房间里的电视声音开大。I turned the volume up...我调高了音量。Turn the heat up high.把暖气开大。

雨湖区17715105370: turn up sth/trun sth up有区别吗?没的话up是副词还是介词或还是sth的宾补 -
歧索镇脑: 这是同一个短语,up是副词,这种动词+副词构成的短语有很多,宾语的位置是个问题,如果是人称代词做宾语,宾语必须放在动词和副词的中间,如果是名词作宾语,宾语放在副词的前后都可以,如turn it up,turn the TV up或turn up the TV.

雨湖区17715105370: turn up ....,jump over... 动词后面的up,over是副词还是介词? -
歧索镇脑: 看情况,如果turn up 后面没有宾语,意思是“出现”,up是副词,如He hasn't turned up yet .但如果是turn up the radio/gas/Tv 等,后面接宾语了,则是介词,意思是“开大...” jump 也一样,jump over the fence 跳过篱笆,宾语是fence ,那么over 就是介词.

雨湖区17715105370: turnitup和turnupit有区别吗 -
歧索镇脑: 1. 这是一个带着宾语的动词短语, 当宾语是代词时 例如 it us you them me 等等, 这类代词宾语只能放在动词短语中间 , 所以正确的说法是:turn it up(调高它的声音).2. 再看其他的例子:put them down(放下它们);take it off(脱掉它);pick me out(把我挑选出来)等等这类的例子.3. 注意:如果宾语非代词,而是其他的词性,比如说名词,那么名词宾语的位置就灵活,可以放在动词短语中间,也可以放在后面,比如:turn the radio up 或者 turn up the radio.(调高收音机的声音)

雨湖区17715105370: 不是动副结构代词放中间吗?cheer up后不是可以加名词吗?那它怎么是动副结构 ? -
歧索镇脑: 动词+副词 结构构成的的动副形短语. 名词作宾语,既可放在中间,也可放在其后. 代词作宾语,只能放其中间. 动副结构的短语有很多:cut up 、turn up 例如:cut the banana up 、cut up the banana.cut it up.

雨湖区17715105370: turn down,turn up,turn on,turn off是什么结构性短语动词 -
歧索镇脑: 这些短语动词由一个动词加一个副词构成,使用时,作宾语的名词可以放在短语动词的后面,也可以放在动词和副词的中间,但是代词宾格放在动词与副词的中间:turn down the radio turn it down turn up the radio turn it up turn on the radio turn it on turn off the radio turn it off 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

雨湖区17715105370: 英语中动介短语和动副短语怎么区分 -
歧索镇脑: 要记住常用于动介短语和动副短语的介词和副词.它们分别是: 介词:to, of, for, in, with, after等.相应的动介短语有:listen to, take care of, wait for, take part in, play with, look after 等. 副词:on, off, up, down, away,等.相应的动副短语有:turn on, take off, ring up, put down, take away 等.

雨湖区17715105370: turn up .,jump over...动词后面的up,over是副词还是介词? -
歧索镇脑:[答案] 看情况,如果turn up 后面没有宾语,意思是“出现”,up是副词,如He hasn't turned up yet . 但如果是turn up the radio/gas/Tv 等,后面接宾语了,则是介词,意思是“开大.” jump 也一样,jump over the fence 跳过篱笆,宾语是fence ,那么over 就是...

雨湖区17715105370: 怎么区分动副的结构和动介结构短语 -
歧索镇脑: 所谓动副结构就是:动词+副词,这样的词组比如:get up , get off 而动介结构就是动词+介词,比如:look at, listen to

雨湖区17715105370: 巧辨"动介短语"和"动副短语" -
歧索镇脑: 动副短语: 一、“动词+介词”型短语1. “动词+介词”型短语用作及物动词时,后面要跟宾语.例如:Look at the blackboard, please!请看黑板!2. 句首的疑问词同时用作宾语时,介词不能省略.例如:What are you playing with?你正在...

雨湖区17715105370: 动 - 副词短语(英语) -
歧索镇脑: 它们也得放中间 而且这些是非人称代词和人称代词 不是“不定代词”

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