
作者&投稿:度审 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你好,我是Miriam Kolo,以前是阿比让大学(阿比让是非洲西海岸的一个国家Cote d Ivoire的首都)的一名医药系的学生。直到我的父母和唯一的兄弟死于车祸。从那以后,我开始跟着叔叔生活,但是事情好像被他们弄得更加复杂,因为他们只是盯着我父亲的遗产。我父亲生前拥有一家价值550万美元的汽车修理工厂,而我是他的继承人。当我到银行想取一些现金来买日用品的时候被告知,我的父亲跟银行签订了一个协议,说如果我想动用那笔钱,必须年满25岁或者有一个监护人做担保。我真诚地想请求你帮我,让我将这笔钱转入你的帐户中,然后在资金转账之后,作为我担保人的身份安排我过去找你。我的电话+22504952511。


By-laws: Product Service Agreement
1, the warranty period for free since the date of purchase of ideas within six months time.
2, in the warranty period under normal conditions and the use of the fault, according to the terms of the warranty, to produce the warranty cards, free maintenance.
3, in the warranty period, the following will be implemented paid maintenance services:
①, can not produce a valid warranty card.
②, in the warranty card Youlou in mind, defacement and do not sell names and chop shops.
③, not because of resistance caused by failure, injury.
④, in the transport, loaders dumping in the fault caused the damage.
⑤, failed to operate, use and pay attention to issues caused by human failure, loss.
⑥, the company without the authorization of the product demolition, repair, making equipment failure caused the injury.
4, the product easy to wear and tear parts (alloy seal) is not within the scope of the warranty.
5, due to the failure of the products, directly or indirectly caused other equipment failures is not responsible for.


1, the warranty period for free since the date of purchase of ideas within six months time.
2, in the warranty period under normal conditions and the use of the fault, according to the terms of the warranty, to produce the warranty cards, free maintenance.
3, in the warranty period, the following will be implemented paid maintenance services:
①, can not produce a valid warranty card.
②, in the warranty card Youlou in mind, defacement and do not sell names and chop shops.
③, not because of resistance caused by failure, injury.
④, in the transport, loaders dumping in the fault caused the damage.
⑤, failed to operate, use and pay attention to issues caused by human failure, loss.
⑥, the company without the authorization of the product demolition, repair, making equipment failure caused the injury.
4, the product easy to wear and tear parts (alloy seal) is not within the scope of the warranty.
5, due to the failure of the products, directly or indirectly caused other equipment failures is not responsible for.

Note: Our Promises of After-Sale Services
1. Warranty Period is half a year from the date the product being sold
2. According to the warranty clauses, our company will provide free maintenance for the malfunctions under the normal operating condition with a warranty Card.
3. The following situations need compensated maintenance during warranty Period.
①、 No presentation of an effective warranty card.
②、 A warranty card left out, altered or without name of dealer and stamper.
③、 Malfunctions or injures caused by force majeure.
④、 Malfunctions or injures during transportation or transit.
⑤、 Artificial malfunctions due to the ignorance of usage and attentions.
⑥、 Malfunctions or injures caused by teardown and repair without company’s authorization.
4. Warranty excludes the maintenance of the frangible accessories (alloy sealing products).
5. We shall not be responsible for other equipment failure directly or indirectly brought by the malfunctions of the product.

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勇学佳乐:[答案] 没拿到保单是正本单据还没有寄出的因,而明天能寄出是因为明天能拿到保单的果.所以最好采取下面的翻译方法: The original documents have not been sent out yet,because we didn't get the original insurance policy.We will send them to you ...

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勇学佳乐: 1.The price of the coat ranges from 50 to 220. 2.The chance for me to get the job is very slim,for no experience. 3.Don't be always thinking of the past,let what was past pass.我觉得第一句话有问题呃...一件大衣的价格怎么从50到220不等?应该是这类大衣吧.如果是这样就应该是:The prices of this kind of coat range from 50 to 220.

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勇学佳乐: Life is a train which is driving to the grave. There are many stops in this journey, and no one can keep you company from the very beginning to the very end. You can encounter people who get in and who get out. If you're lucky, someone would go ...

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