
作者&投稿:银享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. from head to toe

字面意思是 从头到脚,在口语中可以理解为 everything,

例句: I love you from head to toe. 可以理解为 我爱你的一切。

I want this dress from head to toe. 我非常想要这件裙子。

2. I have no clue.

意思相当于 I don't know. 或者 I have no idea.

例句: Where are you want to go?  *I have no clue.

whose book is this ?  *I have no clue.

3. you / I promise.

意思是 你答应我,你保证。在很多爱情电影中我们经常听到女主人公对男主人公提出一些要求,最后说,you promise. 男主则回答,yes, I promise. 或者某人对别人承诺了一堆,最后说到,I promise.

4. you bet.

意思很简单,相当于 sure/ no problem.

Can you do me a favor ?  *You bet. 能帮我个忙吗? 当然。

Shall we go to the zoo ?  *You bet. 一起去动物园好吗? 没问题。

5. make it two.

意思是 You got the same with the others. 不论是事物,看法啊都可以,肯定的,否定的也都可以。总的来说就是与前者保持一致。

例如: *I like coffee. * Make it two.

*I don't want to eat this bread. * Make it two.

*I think this story is so boring. * Make it two.

6. Leave me alone.


Go away, leave me alone.

Stop talking to me, leave me alone, please.

7. No way.


Can I borrow you some money? * NO way.

Could you help me to do my homework? *NO way.


I buy  a new car yesterday. * No way.

I won the top prize. * No way.

8. I  wish I could.


Could you help me to carry this bag? * sorry, I wish I could, but I am so tired.

Can you cook? * I wish I could.

9. Well, sort of.

意思表示 部分的,不是全部的。具体不同语境可以灵活理解和运用。

Do you like that girl ? * Well, sort of. 意思就是,也许吧,还好吧,一点点吧。

Do you love this park ? * Well, sort of.

10. like crazy

意思相当于 very very much.

I love him like crazy.

I want to eat ice cream like crazy.

11. easy as pie.


Can you answer this question ? * It's easy as pie.

Can you do me a favor ? * Sure, that's easy as pie.

12. You are so sweet.


Are you tired ? How about stay to have a rest ?  * Yes, you are so sweet.

13. nailed it.

意思相当于 我完成了,我做完了,搞定了。

Did you finish your homework? Nailed it.

14.  It's a long story.

意思相当于 说来话长,很难一下子解释清楚。 或者不想解释 也会用 It's a long story 来逃避。

What happened to you ?  * It's a long story, I gonna to tall you next time.

why are you dislike him ?  * It's a long story.

15. I  am not myself today.

意思是说 我今天不在状态。主语可以换成you, he, she or any other people.

Oh! What's wrong with you ? you are not yourself today.

16. It's so ridiculous.

意思表示 很荒唐。

You are so ridiculous.

That is ridiculous.


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你的英文说的很地道 这句话怎么翻译
Your spoken english is quite idiomatic.

您好 翻译为:1. I live here for ten days. How much is the room rate per day?2. I want to stay for another five days.3. Can I have a receipt here?4. Does this price include breakfast?5. What time should I check out?6. Do you have any change?7. If I stay for ...

口头禅虽小,名堂可不少。看看下面这些口头禅,看你能不能用得地道!也许有人立刻会问我,那“口头禅”的英文要怎么讲? 很抱歉,这个问题有专家请教过老美了,答案是:英文中没有所谓的“口头禅”这个词,比较接近的讲法应该是 convention(惯用语)。1. 你必须帮我保守这个秘密,你懂我在说什么吧...

pure genuine typical 问题三:"地道的英语"用英语怎么说 idiomatic English 问题四:用地道的英语怎么说 through the tunnel 问题五:怎么说地道的英语 克里斯多佛一开口就指出了国人学英语最大的“软肋”: “中国人喜欢在单词的读音上纠缠不休。尤其是年轻人,总希望自己能说一口标准的美式英语,...

口头禅虽小,名堂可不少。看看下面这些口头禅,看你能不能用得地道!也许有人立刻会问我,那“口头禅”的英文要怎么讲? 很抱歉,这个问题有专家请教过老美了,答案是:英文中没有所谓的“口头禅”这个词,比较接近的讲法应该是 convention(惯用语)。1. You have to keep the secret for me; ...

1 what's up, what happen ,what the hell? what's going on?2 u cheat me. u lie to me 3my beauty(my booty,my baby, my sweetheart, my sweetie, my honey , my loy, my dear ,my darling)然后正常接对话 you have been long time not to visit you dad, he must miss ...

九原区15589629916: 英文口语最常用的不用谢怎么说,是日常对话中最常用的 -
独孤清复方: 不用谢1.not at all2.you are welcome3.Anytime4.You're welcome 不用谢,不用客气1.You are (most) welcome2.youare(most)welcome 不用谢,没关系1.not at all2.think nothing of it 不用谢,请1.Bitte 没关系,不用谢1.that's all right 我的外教最常用You are welcome!

九原区15589629916: “不用谢”地道英语怎么说? -
独孤清复方: 一、anytime. 不客气,随时愿意为您效劳. Anytime 这个词的本意是“任何时候,无论何时”.当别人说“谢谢”的时候,你说 anytime就表示“别客气,(无论何时都)愿为您效劳”的意思.口语里,还可以说anytime my friend,对陌生人甚...

九原区15589629916: 英语情景对话中用“谢谢”“不用谢”“对不起”“没关系”“你呢?”要全部哦,谢谢 -
独孤清复方:[答案] 谢谢:thankyou最常用,另外还有manythanks,thanksalot, 不用谢:you'rewelcome.最常用,另外还有it'smypleasure,don'tmentionit,notatall,justforget, 对不起:sorry最常用,另外还有iamsosoory(加强抱歉的诚意)ifeelterriblesorry... 等等. 没关系...

九原区15589629916: 英语的一些常见的问候语怎么说? -
独孤清复方: 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金.4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗?5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是./ 不,我不是.6. How are you? 你好吗...

九原区15589629916: 不用谢的英文怎么说,口语 -
独孤清复方: 在诸多不同的表达方式中,“You are welcome!”是最常用也是比较正式的说法,适用于大部分的场合来回答对方的感谢,是传说中的百搭哦! 如果是我们向他人提供了帮助,可以说“My pleasure”、“Delighted to have been of some help.”...

九原区15589629916: 不用谢用英语怎么说?要5种.没关系用英语怎么说?要5种. -
独孤清复方: you are welcome my pleasure no problem not at all it's no trouble没关系: it's ok It doesn't matter. It's nothing. That's all right. Never mind.

九原区15589629916: 谢谢,不用谢,没关系,不客气英语怎么说 -
独孤清复方: 1、谢谢 n. thanks misc. thank you 2、不用谢 You're welcome ; Don't mention it 3、没关系 Never mind. ; It doesn't matter. ; That's all right. 4、不客气 blunt;impolite;be rude to;You're welcome. 拓展资料 日常英语口语 1、Washing up(清洁) Your ...

九原区15589629916: “不用谢”用英语最常用的说法怎么说 -
独孤清复方: Not at all.不用谢 That's all right.不用谢 That's OK.不用谢 It's nothing.没什么 It's a pleasure.不用谢.You are welcome.别客气.My pleasure.我很乐意.以上都是常说的

九原区15589629916: 不用谢用英语怎么说? -
独孤清复方: 不用谢的英文是:You're welcome welcome音标:英 [ˈwelkəm]、美 [ˈwɛlkəm] welcome释义: 1、vt.欢迎;乐于接受 We would welcome your views about the survey. 我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见. 2、adj.受欢迎的;令人愉悦的;表示感...

九原区15589629916: ,不用谢,的英语 -
独孤清复方: 不用谢. You're welcome. 不用谢. You are welcome. 不用谢. It was my pleasure. 谢谢.不用谢. Thanks a lot.Don't mention it. 谢谢.不用谢. Thank you. Not at all. 谢谢.不用谢. Thank you. You are welcome. 那没什么,不用谢. That's all ...

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