
作者&投稿:琴物 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My exhibition is able to sum up

One. Prepare a part in the exhibition front.
1. Knowledge , price are to stretch extraordinary being asked about at the meeting except knowing a product very well frequently problem. ,Make note of every item on display price to the full.
2. The catalogue , the visiting card wait for print matter to wait to need to prepare an abundance
3. Ought to choose the product delicate and having representativeness 6. Every puts a personnel on display prepare a notebook best , the speciality is used to collect the guest data.
Two. Show the meeting implementation part.
1. Do not let any guests who goes by off. Persist in being victory. 2. Every had had the guest who communicates with , must be ready for small advantages record that, convenient follow-up follow-up.
3. The guest , definitely essential points priority have had going deep into have a talk with comparatively are labeled, the exhibition meeting ends the preferential liaison of queen.
5. The fervent sum showing is patient
Three. Stretch the queen follow-up.
1. Sending out one as well as letter of thanks having stall photograph to everyone guest as soon as possible , let a photograph rouse their memory.
2. Thing have promised that at the meeting in exhibition must achieve.
3. The priority guest gives priority to a follow-up.

I just can’t help it 我就是控制不了
No matter what you say 不管你说什么
It sounds you’re far from okay 它都听起来你觉得连还好都算不上
I know you’re hurting 我知道你很痛
So please just stop the lie 所以请不要再撒谎了
Just say, say you’ll try 只是说,说你会试试
Try to stop hiding, and show me how you are 试着不要再躲藏,像我展示真正的你
I see through all the faces you put on 我会看穿你所有的面具
I know you’re wondering, just how you got to this 我知道你在想,你怎么会到这地步
So you lost all you missed 所以你失去了你所有怀念的
But it will be fine, and you’ll be smiling 但是那也没问题,你会微笑的
And you’ll be grateful, for what’s still there 你也会感激万分 为那些依然还在那里的人和物
And you’ll be hoping that you still have it here 你也会希望你依然拥有那些
The things you thought you lost 那些你认为你已经失去的东西
The things you thought were gone 那些你认为已经不见了的东西
I wish I’d seen it a long time ago 我希望我很早以前就看到这些
At least, now I know 至少,我现在明白了
I need your promise 我需要你的誓言
No point of asking why 没有理由
And you’ll be hoping that you still have it here
Just say, say you’ll try

Remember she said.
Might not be the end ⒊ years
she responsible.
she hard
I'm a big big child.
in a big big world.
it's not a big big thing if you leave me.
but I do do feel.
that I do do will miss you much.
miss you much.
I have your arms around me.
Oh~. like fire.
but when I open my eyes.
you're gone.
she laughed.
" thank you very much . "
Thanks for teaching us english.
you pay. we return.
thank you for your sense of sesponsibiling.
you silence as we know.
we have only been kept confidential.
perhaps as early as know.
but why did it have to happen.
why did it all have to end.
miss you much.
miss you much...

我这知道几个单词Remember(记住)she(她)⒊ years(3岁)you leave me(你离开我)miss(想) know(知道) why(什么)
thank you(谢谢你)like(喜欢)happen(帮助) when (什么时候)open(打开)we(我的)thank you very much (非常感谢)


我来翻楼上的罗马音好了 慕容:ぼよう bo yo u 注意u 是长音 差不多中文里的“波哟~”风:ぽう bo u 注意u 是长音 “波~”月:げつ ge cu “歌次”雪:せつ se cu “瑟次”给的中文是类似的音,并不是完全相同 事实上你的名字也不一定要这么翻,翻法还挺多的...

吴 倩 ご せん gosen 玉 彬 ぎょくひん gyokuhin 李 娟 りけん ri ken 中国人名翻成日语用常用的发音就行了。李娟常用的是けん,不是えん。楼上搞翻了。

帮下忙 翻译几句话 英译汉 谢谢啦!

since the open-up and reform, china's economy has scored tremendous achievements. yet econmic growth can not automatically eliminate poverty which can only be eradicated by applying relevant social security system, thus to achieve equalty with extensive coverage.for instance, the probles...

神人们 帮个忙 翻译一下 谢谢了

以下请帮忙翻译谢谢! “感谢您百忙之中发来问候,回信晚了不好意思。大 ...


一个人竟然可以忙到连信息都不回 翻译成英文谢谢!!
待翻译内容:一个人竟然可以忙到连信息都不回 翻译后内容:A person can be busy to don't back to information 满意的话给个采纳!

在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。……都帮你翻译了 最标准完美的 请采纳,祝好!The ...

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: the Christmas party conducted by students's union will be seen at 7 o'clock on the 24th, Dec of 2011 in students' club

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译下谢谢了,英文翻译成中文.
才逃氯氮: 顺序:从上到下 从左到右 依次是 个人信息 请点击确认你同意填写您的个人信息,您可以点击here阅读隐私声明. (这就是那个空)我已阅读并确认隐私声明. 详细地址 (一个圆点)男 (一个圆点)女 名: 姓: 街道地址:(就是你住哪里) 多的一行:(接上面的地址的,如果你写不下的话.写的下这一行就不填) 城市: 州/省: 邮政编码: 国家: (这是那个分界线) 补充信息 电话: 传真号: 确认年龄 出生日期:(先填日 再月 再年) 登陆信息 电子邮件: 密码: 确认密码:(把密码再输一遍) 新用户 订阅新用户 (这个看不清,估计是电子邮件你或者打电话) 短信

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢了
才逃氯氮: Crystal Feather Happiness Sorrow

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译一个句子 谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: 아마도 4급이상이 필요&#...

墨脱县19319982894: 高手帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: 1communicate with the customers,handle the overload of SS machine's motor2cope with social insurance3a solution to

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译成英语谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: 你好.因为“禁不起”可以翻译为cannot affort to do sth... 所以,建议译为: We cannot affort to waste more time.

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: 1 他喜欢什么?2 他长得什么样?3 玛丽随她姑姑.4 请这样去做.

墨脱县19319982894: 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了
才逃氯氮: 1.我在中国很好. 英文是:I am fine in China. 2.我最近还有在画室画画. 英文是:I also have painted in studio recently. 3.那个天使很美丽. 英文是:That angle is very beautiful. 4.以后你可以用英文给我写信. 英文是:Later you can write to me in English. 5.希望你在美国每天开心. 英文是:I hope you will be happy in America everyday. 希望能够帮到你!

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译成英语!谢谢 -
才逃氯氮: My English teacher is a very good people , she is called MISS LI. Her very beautiful strong point's very high but a little bit thin. She is fond of reading a book and touring. She often educates us , our help is face to face very big. She had once got the teaching competition first. This be our English teacher! 望采纳 谢谢

墨脱县19319982894: 帮忙翻译下 英语 谢谢了 -
才逃氯氮: I am the greatest mirecle in the world.首先mirecle应该是miracle,是奇迹的意思.句子的意思是“我是这个世界上最棒的奇迹”

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