
作者&投稿:以屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Kitty's mother isn't cooking.
2.Is he working on the computer?
3.What are they seeing on TV?
4.What is she?
5.Whose T-shirt is it?

can't sing in the library.



They aren't goying to swim.(肯定句they are going to swim.否定句They aren't going to swim.一般疑问句are they going to swim?)
The girls aren't interestde in dawing.(肯定句The girls are interested in dawing.(,否定句The girls aren't interested in dawing,一般疑问句are girls interested in dawing?
I'd like to buy a ruler.(肯定句I'd like to buy a ruler,否定句I'd not like to buy a ruler,一般疑问句would you like to buy a ruler?
my father can't sing the song.(肯定句my father can sing the song,否定句my father can't sing the song,一般疑问句my can your father sing the song?


错 过度(渡)段 渡河 过度砍伐 大度 错 群雄纷争 纷飞 一份礼物 丰盛()错 好象(像) 象征 大象 照相 佛像()对 再见 现在 再次 在此 正在 再三()


1.小猫不仅很可爱而且也贪玩 2.满月的小猫腿脚还不稳就已经学会淘气 3.遭殃—平安 4.可爱—讨厌


小学四年级 语文 修改病句 请详细解答,谢谢! (15 18:20:36)

4、改后验 5.四年级小学修改病句 (1)语感法 辨析句子正误,首先得认真阅读,仔细考虑,从整体把握,看看句意是否明确,内容是否合理,句意间关系与关联词语是否一致等,凭借语感,就可以发现一些句子的毛病。 (2)紧缩法 找出句子的主干,检查主谓宾(中心语)是否残缺,是否搭配得当。 (3)分解法 理清枝叶(附在主、谓、...

38、对文学作品应该如何反映现实这个问题上。39、办事都要从党和人民的根本利益为出发点。40、水的化学成分是一个原子的氧和两个原子的氢化合而成。 41、早晨六点钟,在通往机场的大街两旁,站满了数万名欢迎的人群。42、中国人民自从接受了马列主义思想以后,中国的革命就在毛泽东同志领导下大大改了样子。43、落实...


阳春三月的一天,李白和他的好朋友孟浩然去一棵大树下下棋,他们下得很高兴。突然,一只白鸽飞来了,孟浩然看了白鸽几下,就发现白鸽的腿上有一个东西。于是,他就把白鸽抓在手上,将那东西拿下来,一看,上面写着:“表哥,你快点回来呀!阿娘生了病,她好想你啊! 表妹字。”孟浩然认得那是自己表妹...

莲都区15366309696: 英语问题(四年级)改写句子 -
地伊敏定: They aren't goying to swim.(肯定句they are going to swim.否定句They aren't going to swim.一般疑问句are they going to swim?) The girls aren't interestde in dawing.(肯定句The girls are interested in dawing.(,否定句The girls aren't interested ...

莲都区15366309696: 英语问题,按要求改写句子,回答清楚对的一定采纳,谢谢!1.There are some grapes in the fridge.(改成否定句) 2.There are [many dolls] on the bed.(对... -
地伊敏定:[答案] 1.There aren't any grapes in the firdge. 2.What are there on the bed? 3.What can she do? 4.Do you like cooking? 5.There are some pictures on the wall.

莲都区15366309696: 四年级英语改句子 -
地伊敏定: 1.It's time (for us) to have lunch. 2.Is that a goose? 3.What's the time? 4.How nice the book is! 5.Is he interested in reading books? 6.I'm not good at dancing. Are you good at dancing? Yes,I am./No,I'm not.

莲都区15366309696: 小学四年级英语改句 -
地伊敏定: You mustn't walk on the grass You mustn't swim in the river.No walking on the grass.No swimming in the river.walking on the grass is not allowed swimming in the river is not allowed

莲都区15366309696: 小学四年级英语改句Don't walk on the grass.(换种说法,意思不变)Don't swim in the river.(换种说法,意思不变) -
地伊敏定:[答案] You mustn't walk on the grass You mustn't swim in the river. No walking on the grass. No swimming in the river. walking on the grass is not allowed swimming in the river is not allowed

莲都区15366309696: 英语问题 改句子 -
地伊敏定: 1 What does your mother do? 你的妈妈做什么工作的? 2 Do they have any beautiful flowers? No, they don't. some要改成any 3 Mike doesn't do housework at the weekend. 4 What else can you see in the picture? 5 What does he want to do in the ...

莲都区15366309696: 英语题目7个改句子改写句子.根据要求在空格处填上适当的词语.1what are you doing ?改为同义句 what are you ( )( )?2do you need help to find them ?改为同... -
地伊敏定:[答案] 1what are you doing 改为同义句 what are you (going )(on 2do you need help to find them 改为同义句 would you like (our )(help )to find them?3have you finished reading the book?Ilent it to you last s...

莲都区15366309696: 英语题目,按要求改写句子 -
地伊敏定: 1. doesn't have She has lunch at school every day.她每天都在学校吃午餐.She doesn't have lunch at school every day.她每天都不在学校吃午餐.2. How did Mary went to school on foot when she lived in the city.玛丽住在城市时她走路去上学.How...

莲都区15366309696: 四年级英语:改句练习 -
地伊敏定: Do you do your homework at six o'clock every much?(every much是不是打错了?没听说过这么用的,不过改一般疑问句按句式来就是这样,后面是照抄其他部分,前面改一改.)

莲都区15366309696: 英语:按要求改写句子(四年级上) -
地伊敏定: can't sing in the library.知识在于点滴积累,更在于不懈努力.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! ——另外,正在冲采纳率,请记得采用,谢谢合作!(*^__^*)

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