
作者&投稿:类东 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice, my friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right." 无论遇到什么事情,无论我们内心有多么痛苦的挣扎,我们总可以选择,我的朋友HARRY教了我这些,他选择做最好的自己,这些选择成就了我们的人格,我们总是可以做出正确的选择。 补充: 也可以是这么解释的: 不论我们有什么困难,不论我们身处何种险境,我们总有机会选择。我的 挚友 哈利是这么说的:他选择作做一个善良的人,做最好的他。如何选择决定了我们的命运 ,我们要做怎样的人, 在于我们选择做怎样的人!

1、We're gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders.
2、Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?
3、It makes me not able to live with myself.

4、She does work-study at Oscorp.
5、If we're gonna be friends, I think we gotta establish some ground rules.

Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing around?

M.J.: Harry, relax!

Harry: He's here.

Aunt: Are you ready?

Osburn: Aunt May. I'm sorry, I'm late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake.

Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We're so glad you could come.

Harry: You look great.

M.J.: Thanks.

Osburn: Who is this lovely young lady?

Harry: M.J., I'd like you to meet my father, Norman Osburn. Dad, this is Mary Jane Watson.

M.J.: Hi.

Osburn: How do you do? I've been looking forward to meeting you.

M.J.: Happy Thanksgiving, sir.

Aunt: Where is Peter? He'd better have remembered that cranberry sauce.

Harry: Oh, that's weird. I didn't know he was here.

Aunt: Peter? Peter? Is that you?

Osburn: Peter?

Aunt: How strange! There's nobody here.

Osburn: Bit of slob, isn't he?

Aunt: All the brilliant men are.

Peter: Hi, everyone. Sorry, I was late. It's a jungle out there. Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.

Aunt: Thank you, now everybody, sit down and we can say grace.

Osburn: Parker.

Aunt: Here we go.

M.J.: Oh, it looks delicious.

Aunt: Norman? Will you do the honors?

Aunt: Why? Peter! You are bleeding.

Peter: Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers.

Aunt: Let me see. Oh, my goodness! That looks awful.

Peter: It's nothing.

Aunt: I'll get the first aid kit. Then we will say the grace. This is the boys' first Thanksgiving here and we are going to do things properly.

Osburn: How did you say this happend?

Peter: Bike messenger. Knocked me down.

Osburn: If you'll excuse me, I've got to be going.

Harry: What? Why?

Osburn: Something has come to my attention.

Harry: Are you all right?

Osburn: I'm fine, just fine. Thank you Mrs. Parker. Everyone, enjoy the fruitcake

It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.
我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎样的人 在于我们选择做怎样的人
whatever comes our way,whatever battle we have raging inside us.We always have a choice,my friend Harry taught me that,he chose to be the best of himself.It's the choice that makes us who we are,and we can always choose to do what's right.不管我们碰到什么事,不管我们内心有什么怒火,我们总是有选择的.我的朋友HERRY教会我,他选择做最好的自己.我们的选择决定了我们是怎样的人,我们总是可以去选择做正确的事


  Peter: Now what?

  Peter: Doctor Octavius. We have to shut it down. Please tell me how.

  Octavius: Peter Parker! Brilliant but lazy!

  Peter: Look at what's happening. We have to destroy it.

  Octavius: I can't destroy it. I won't.

  Peter: You once spoke to me about intelligence. That was a gift to use for the good of mankind.

  Octavius: A privilege.

  Peter: These things have turned you into something you're not. Don't listen to them.

  Octavius: It was my dream.

  Peter: Sometimes to do what's right we have to be steady and give up the things you want the most, even our dreams.

  Octavius: You're right. He's right. Listen, listen to me now.

  Peter: Now, tell me how to stop it.

  Octavius: It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.

  Peter: Think!

  Octavius: Unless...the river! Drown it! I'll do it.

  Peter: Hi!

  MJ: Hi.

  Peter: This is really heavy.

  Peter: MJ, in case we die...

  MJ: You do love me.

  Peter: I do.

  MJ: Even when you said you didn't.

  Octavius: I will not die as a monster.

  MJ: I think I always know all this time who you really were.

  Peter: And you know why we can't be together. Spiderman will always have enemies. I can't let you take that risk. I will always be spiderman.

Simith:“Why, Mr. Anderson? Why, why, why? Why do you do it? Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson.Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose! And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself... ... Although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson.You must know it by now. You can't win.It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why do you persist? ”

Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside of us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He choose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what is right.

It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.

Whatever comes our way.
Whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice.
My friend Harry taught me that.
He chose to be the best of himself.
It's the choices that make us who we are,
and we can always choose to do what's right.

经典台词如下:1、It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.我们每一个人都面临选择,我们是什么样的人,取决于你选择做什么样的人。2、Slander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.中伤是口语,印出来就是诽谤。3、Miss Ritter...

62 00:07:46,530 --> 00:07:49,500 -您的名字 先生 -帕克 彼得 - Name, please? - Parker, Peter.63 00:07:53,370 --> 00:07:54,630 在这儿呢 Here we are.64 00:07:54,840 --> 00:07:57,000 两个人的桌子 派克 Table for two. Parker.65 00:07:58,210 --> ...

"Whatever comes our way,whatever battle we have raging inside us,we always have a choice,my friend harry taught me that.He chose to be the best of himself.It's the choices that make us who we are,and we can always choose to do what's right."

What is our kind of people, we want to do depends on what kind of person 这么难的都被你问到了`~

《蜘蛛侠3英雄无归》剧情内容 蜘蛛侠(汤姆·赫兰德饰)与奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰)再度联手打响时空混战。为了解决身份暴露危机,蜘蛛侠希望借助奇异博士操控时空的能力改写过去,但无意间打开了时空通道,引发了前所未见的危机。蜘蛛侠将身穿全能战服与蜘蛛侠系列电影中的经典反派“章鱼博士”...

蜘蛛侠3里PETER在结尾时的葬礼上说的他朋友的那几句原文是什么_百度知 ...
We always have choices, and we can always choose to do what is right.你是什么样的人,决定于你选择做什么样的人

蜘蛛侠经典台词 1 《蜘蛛侠1》 的名言看过的地球人都知道:“能力越大,责任越大”;With great power there must also come great responsiblity.《蜘蛛侠2》 说的是“面对命运与其逃避不如勇敢接受”;《蜘蛛侠3》蜘蛛侠的奶奶说的:“仇恨就像毒药,慢慢的会让你的灵魂变得丑恶。”“我们每一...

It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.---binbin

It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎样的人 在于我们选择做怎样的人

01:00:09,750 -> 01:00:12,040 I also do not want to 01:00:15,950 -> 01:00:18,110 But I did not choose the 01:00:21,480 -> 01:00:23,220 We have elections 01:00:23,820 -> 01:00:25,820 You can choose not to kill my uncle 01:00:28,350 -> 01:00:29,...

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3经典英文对话台词 -
水恒一睐: Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing around?M.J.: Harry, relax!Harry: He's here.Aunt: Are you ready?Osburn: Aunt May. I'm sorry, I'm late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake.Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We're so glad you could come....

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3的经典对白 -
水恒一睐: 正确回答:您问的只是第3部啊,属于蜘蛛侠3的经典哲理:不管我们面对什么处境,不管我们的内心有多么矛盾,我们总有选择.我的朋友哈里就作出了选择,他选择当一个善良的人,我们是什么样的人,取决于我们选择做什么样的人.蜘蛛侠...

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3中经典语录 -
水恒一睐: "Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice, my friend harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right....

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3经典台词
水恒一睐: It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right. 我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎样的人 在于我们选择做怎样的人

平江区19790612463: 有谁知道《蜘蛛侠3》最后的那句经典台词啊? -
水恒一睐: With great power comes great responsibility 能力越大,责任越大 或 我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎样的人 在于我们选择做怎样的人" 英文是we always have a choice

平江区19790612463: 求《蜘蛛侠3》的剧本,英文对白记录也行,谢谢 -
水恒一睐: 1.沙人说了: what's that going to do with you?(这和你有什么关系) <br> 蜘蛛: everything! (全部都有关系! 然后一个飞题) <br> <br> <br>2. 沙人说: i have no choice, my daughter is dying.(我没有选择,我的女儿正在死亡边缘) <br> ...

平江区19790612463: 《蜘蛛侠》1~3里面,有什么经典对白啊?
水恒一睐: 我记得一句超经典嘎 我同学都同我讲过 "You're a good woman , and I'm a good man!"

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3最后一句经典台词怎么说 -
水恒一睐: 不管我门面对什么处境!不管我们的内心多么矛盾!我们总有选择.我的朋友哈利就作出了选择,他选择当一个善良的人,我们是什么样的人,取决于我们选择做什么样的人 Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have is raging inside us, we...

平江区19790612463: 蜘蛛侠3经典对白 -
水恒一睐: 我们每一个人都面临选择 我们要做怎样的人 在于我们选择做怎样的人" 英文是we always have a choice

平江区19790612463: 要蜘蛛侠3结尾英文台词来看啊~ 终于听出来了 -
水恒一睐: 无论是什么阻挡了我们的道路 无论我们自己会有怎样的战争,我们都必须作出选择 我的朋友Harry告诉我 他选择做自己最好的朋友 这是是我们回归自我的选择,我们总是可以作出正确的选择

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