帮我英译汉一封信 谢谢····

作者&投稿:戴很 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

再次向你问好。我不记得是否已回你的电子邮件。我出生于1983年的5月份,即我比你大7个月。所以你该叫我大哥。我习惯独自在朝鲜生活,实际上我已搬家了,上周三我换公寓了,所以一直比较忙。周六连上网了,玩得很开心。但是我还没有家具。我很需要。有时在朝鲜有困难因为不会讲英语。但是我有一些朝鲜朋友英语讲得很好, 他们帮了我。我还没去过中国。以后有时间很想去。也许以后我会教英语,再用英语跟你交流

I’m so sorry that I can't see the appendix,and I have sent it again, please check it.

嗨。这是qmail传送计划在yahoo.com 。
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hi. 这是qmail送节目在yahoo.com。 害怕的I上午我没有能提供您的消息到以下
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安次区18894654147: 英语达人帮我翻译一下这封信,汉翻译为英,谢谢啦~~ -
壹咽美索: Hi, Daniel,I have had my ticket changed to 10:00am on Feb. 23, from Qingdao to Souel. And I will be arriving at Jinju around 4:30 or 5:30 pm. Do you miss me? Hehe, we will meet again soon. Just waiting for me at school. I'll be coming.

安次区18894654147: 请帮我用英语翻译下这封信 谢谢了
壹咽美索: Dear Mark, Hello, I am your student Betty, from Lan Zhou, China; do you still remember me? Probably not, but I surely remember you. We all miss very much since we returned from Singapore, and we really miss the time when you gave us lectures. ...

安次区18894654147: 请帮我翻译这封英语信谢谢
壹咽美索: 尊敬的先生, 这是新的一天,耶和华我们的神已经给我们,不是由我们的义,但被他的怜悯和恩典,所以让我们举起他的名字为他超过所有其他的名字也能解决所有的问题,在我们面前,对他说声谢谢. 你今天好吗?希望你是一个良好的健康...

安次区18894654147: 请帮我把这封信中翻英 谢谢
壹咽美索: It has been a long time since the last time. How are you doing now? I am so sorry that I haven't replied your letter. Because my computer(laptop???) was broken last month and I was getting ready for exams. I apologize for the delay. Hope you can ...

安次区18894654147: 帮我翻译一封邮件,英译汉.谢谢!!Dear Mr/Ms Zhao Guocheng -
壹咽美索: Dear Mr/Ms Zhao Guocheng 亲爱的赵国城先生/太太I had attend the Canton Fair and visited your stall, which inturn interested me a lot. 我去了广州的展览,并且去了你的展位,很吸引我. I would like to have a quote for the following items as ...

安次区18894654147: 我想用英语给我女朋友写一封信 我写汉字 请帮我翻译成英语 谢谢!要信的格式 谢了! -
壹咽美索: Dear Honey Xin,Haha... I think you must be surprised when you get this letter, it seems like that this is the first time that I write a letter to you, I must make it up for you cause I've never wrote a love letter to you before.You've said that you want ...

安次区18894654147: 请高手帮忙翻译一封英文信,谢谢!中译英! -
壹咽美索: Wang wen, hello!!!!! At my uncle's xiao Ming introduced, it's an honor to meet you! Because this paragraph of time work a bit busy, rarely get to the Internet, so now just to give you an email, sorry, introduce myself first my condition, I call the small red,...

安次区18894654147: 英语大侠帮我翻译一个信件,中译英.大谢:我想了很久后给您发了这样一封邮件,我想向您解释一下我的特殊情况.我父亲中风,我母亲在老家为我外公料理... -
壹咽美索:[答案] : I think for a long time after sent you a letter, I want to explain to you my special circumstances. My father suffered a stroke, my mother for my grandpa 's funeral, as the only child I from back ho...

安次区18894654147: 大家好,我急需写一封简短的英文EMAIL,但我的英文很差,想大家帮我翻译一下好吗?谢谢! -
壹咽美索: Dear sir/mam,Hello, I'm a loyal customer of your company which is from China.During 2009 your company has cus...

安次区18894654147: 英语翻译请帮我翻译这封信 真心感谢帮助过我的朋友尊敬的领导:非常抱歉 这次又让您失望了 我觉得你一定会很生气 觉得我好像在骗您 其实并不是这样的 ... -
壹咽美索:[答案] 100% 都是自己翻译的: Sehr geehrter XXX(直接写姓,男的就是 Herr XXX,女的 Frau XXX,德国人不吃”领导“这一套的): 开头的”你好“删掉了,用尊称写信时加一个 Hallo 太不严肃. Es tut mir wirklich sehr Leid,dass ich Sie diesmal wieder...

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