
作者&投稿:佐颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Diwali, also known as the Lantern Festival, Indian Lantern Festival or demon slaying Festival, is a Hindu, Sikh and Jain festival that drives away darkness with light and defeats evil with goodness.

Held in October or mid November every year, some Buddhist believers also celebrate the festival. 

Because of its influence over other festivals, it is often misunderstood as Indian New Year's festival by the Chinese community in Singapore and Malaysia.









Diwaly Indian NewYear Celebrati印度灯节(排灯节)(Diwali Festival of Light)是印度最隆重的节日,相当于中国的春节。
印度的灯节(印地语叫迪瓦丽)每年在气候宜人的10月至11月间庆祝,即印历8月见不到月亮之后的第15天。(2007年是11月9日,既印度历的Vikram 2064年)这是充满光明和爱的日子,这时候全世界的印度人欢欣喜悦的日子。这时候使人窒息的盛暑消退,一年中最宜人的季节就要来临。商人们都习惯在这天更换新账本,以求开市大吉,财源茂盛。因此,一些印度人把灯节说成是他们的新年。排灯节的字面意义是“一排光线”。
还有一种说法:这天是司掌人间财运的女神拉克希米(Maha Lakshimi)巡行人间的日子,司掌人间财富和幸运女神拉克希米及大象神嘎尼什(Ganesh)会巡行人间,慧眼所至,财运会随之降临。于是盼望幸福的人们便把房收拾得干净亮堂,晚上点起灯来,以吸引拉克希米和嘎尼什的慧眼神光。
也有人就这天是大黑天神克里希南战恶魔那拉卡苏,把人们从暴政下解救出来的日子,人们为了庆祝胜利,迎接光明,于是高兴地点灯、放焰火。 因此家家户户点灯以求真正的财富——点亮我们生活和智慧的财富。


February 17, is India's most cheerful, one of the most important traditional festival - Diwali. Indian military personnel the same day in the border areas with Pakistan and Bangladesh military personnel to exchange sweets, to celebrate the holiday, but also to express the blessing of the people of other countries. India-Pakistan border, Indian border security forces and Pakistani security forces in the giving of candy, hope to strengthen relations between the two sides of the border forces to better protect the safety of the people of border areas. Indian border security force official said: "We are exchanged every holiday candy, such as Diwali and Eid al-Adha, Independence Day and National Day and so on. This is to enhance mutual relations, but also enhance our confidence in the establishment of mutual trust This shows that our relations are very good. "India and Bangladesh in border areas, the Indian border security forces and the Bangladesh Rifles also give each other packaged candy, this performance is extremely close and friendly relations between the two sides. An official of Bangladesh Rifles said: "Such a move could increase between the troops and the two countries border the relationship between the way we will strive to maintain friendly relations, so that both people can live and work." For about one billion Hindus to said that Diwali is equivalent to the New Year. Various parts of India celebrate Diwali is about 5 days, every household in this period are decorated, and fireworks. Workers are working overtime to produce candles for holiday purposes
Diwali (Diwali Festival) is an important Hindu festival. In order to meet the Diwali, India's every household will light candles or oil lamps, because they symbolize a bright, prosperous and well-being [1].
India's lunar calendar each year, the last day of fireworks and festivals light up the dark night of the Lantern Festival, which is about one billion Hindus around the world celebrate Diwali - a festival of lights. This is the world's one of the most widely celebrated festival in India, Fiji, Nepal and Trinidad, it is even a national holiday.
Diwali comes from the Sanskrit words deepa and avail literally means "row of lights." Diwali with several Indian myths about these myths about the victory of justice over injustice, the story of light over darkness. One story is about a Hindu god Krishna destroyed the demon world and the destruction of the god of hell 纳拉卡苏拉.
In northern India, Hindus worship the sacred 格法德汉纳 living in the mountain god Krishna, the Indian leader that he is God Vishnu, one of the eighth incarnation of Vishnu's followers have a deep religious significance.
California Fulaimengte 迈赫尔迈格 Haney is a physician, he is the leader of the Indian American Foundation, said that Diwali is the most widely known story of Rama 14-year exile of God, He defeated the devil here Ravana, the final return to Ayodhya, India's oldest cities. To celebrate the return of the king, the city of Ayodhya lit thousands of clay were light.
"The city held a grand return of the king and the joyful celebration," he said, "it symbolizes the king of light. Lantern Festival highlights the names of people happy."
This festival of the Indian Sikhs and Jains are also of great significance.
To Sikhs for Diwali to celebrate the spiritual leader of Sikhs by the Indian Mughal Empire Haerbinde Emperor Jia Jihan released from captivity.
For the Jains, the Diwali is a commemoration of the founder of Jainism 马阿哈维拉 holiday, after his death into a paradise.
Diwali is no formal ceremony, with the rest of the world, Christmas and New Year celebrations similar. In order to express respect for the gods, people have to clean up the room and to paint. People wear new clothes, determined to start a new life. Merchants to stop using their old books, to start using the new account book. In the evening, light up every home and store all kinds of lights, fireworks filled the sky. Reunion with friends and family and exchange gifts.
From the religious side, people talk about in this day and Diwali relevant to the story. From the social side, friends and family the same as for any other holiday gatherings.
People celebrate Diwali in India in August synodic calendar end of the month, that in India the last month of the lunar calendar the last day. It is right in the Gregorian calendar in October or November. Last year, Diwali is on November 1.
Most major U.S. cities have a large number of Indians, and, it is estimated that the United States now has about 800 temples distribution. India's most populous U.S. cities are New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
If you celebrate Diwali, or festival before the time to those cities, you can find all kinds of celebrations at the temple activities, maybe you can see the traditional Indian folk dance performances.



求 老舍 北京的春节 英文版 谁会翻译或者谁有网址!
过了灯节,天气转暖,大家就又去忙着干活了。After the Lantern Festival, weather turns warm and people get busy making a living.北京虽是城市,可是它也跟着农村一齐过年,而且过得分外热闹。Even though Beijing is a city, yet it celebrates Chinese New Year just like a farm village except its ...


今年印度排灯节 (Diwali) 的日期是在 Friday, the 5th of November (11月5日)



1. 印度,这个宗教色彩浓厚的国度,孕育了众多独特的民族和部落。在这里,流传着许多具有鲜明印度特色的节日,其中最为人瞩目的莫过于全国性的盛大节日——排灯节。2. 排灯节在印度旧历中通常是在每年的最后一天,大约在公历的10月或11月举行。这一天,璀璨的烟火和各式各样的灯笼将黑夜点亮,为这个...



象州县14795031792: 印度排灯节英文版介绍 -
郅震洁丹: 你可以试试 google一下 Happy Diwali. 应该可以找得到英文版的. 不过今天就是印度的Diwali Day啦.

象州县14795031792: 排灯节用英语怎么说 -
郅震洁丹: 印度的那个吧 是 Diwali

象州县14795031792: 2011年印度排灯节具体日期是几月几号?用英语给客户庆祝,应该怎么说呢 -
郅震洁丹:[答案] Happy DIWALI 26号 放一天假

象州县14795031792: 印度节日holi的介绍 -
郅震洁丹: 印度holi节:Holi, or Holli (Sanskrit: होली), is a spring festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and others. It is primarily observed in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,and countries with large Indic diaspora populations, such as Suriname, Guyana, South Africa...

象州县14795031792: 在排灯节之前要做什么 -
郅震洁丹: 在排灯节之前,为了表示对神祇们的尊敬,印度人过排灯节时,会把家里打扫干净并精心布置,多数印度家庭会在排灯节期间穿新衣、戴珠宝,表示开始新生活的决心.商人停止使用他们的老账本,开始使用新账本.黄昏时刻,每个家庭和商店点亮各种灯,烟火充满了天空.亲朋好友们会相互拜访并交换礼物.到圣河中沐浴是“排灯节”的高潮,孩子们更是必须到河中洗去身体的污垢,净化心灵.所谓排灯节,又称万灯节、印度灯节或者屠妖节(Diwali),它是印度教、锡克教和耆那教“以光明驱走黑暗,以善良战胜邪恶”的节日,于每年10月或11月中举行,排灯节在印度有非常大的影响力.

象州县14795031792: 排灯节是哪个国家的节日 -
郅震洁丹: 排灯节,又称万灯节、印度灯节或者屠妖节(印地语:दिवाली、Diwali、梵文:दीपावली、Dīpāvali、马拉地语:दिवाळी、泰米尔文:தீபாவளி、泰卢固语:దీపావళి、乌尔都文:دیوالی‎),是印度教、锡克教和耆那教“以光明驱走黑暗,以善良战胜邪恶”的节日. 于每年10月或11月中举行,一些佛教信徒也庆祝这个节日.由于其影响力盖过其它节日,故往往会被新马一带的华人社会误解成印度人的新年节日.

象州县14795031792: 印度排灯节的起源是怎么样的?
郅震洁丹: 印度排灯节的起源: 排灯节来自梵语词deepa和avail字面意思是"排灯".排灯节与几个印度的神话有关,这些神话讲的是正义战胜非正义、光明战胜黑暗的故事.其中有...

象州县14795031792: 印度点灯节的由来?
郅震洁丹: 在印度,每年印历九月(公历10〜11月间)是印度富有民族特 色的传统节日——点灯节.节日期间,印度从城市到农村,家家户 户都要张灯结彩,一片喜气洋洋.这一天...

象州县14795031792: diwali festival一般所有印度人都过吗 -
郅震洁丹: wish you very very happy.diwali to you and your family, Abhinow Shakya. diwali our nicest festival.祝你和家人排灯节愉快,Abhinow Shakya.排灯节是我们最美好的节日.排灯节(印度宗教节日)

象州县14795031792: 印度排灯节是什么时候? -
郅震洁丹: 排灯节,又称万灯节、印度灯节或者屠妖节.是印度教、锡克教和耆那教“以光明驱走黑暗,以善良战胜邪恶”的节日. 于每年10月或11月中举行,一些佛教信徒也庆祝这个节日.由于其影响力盖过其它节日,故往往会被新马一带的华人社会误解成印度人的新年节日.

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