
作者&投稿:纳乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

参数 parameter
面料 plus material
纱支数 yarn number
纱织密度 knitting tightness
成分(构成,组成) ingredient OR component element
平缝机 plainstitch machine
包缝机 whipstitch machine

Rongchang Conuty days Win hemp spinning and weaving companies are professional grass cloth production and processing enterprises, product-hand products, Ma did not damage the fiber, is a pure natural textile products, mainly to South Korea, Japan and other countries. With the continuous improvement of the living standards of foreign markets and different levels of the need for grass cloth, the original Rough has been unable to meet market demand. To this end, my company
After years of exploration, environmental grass cloth dyeing plants and grass cloth dyeing technology breakthrough, ensuring the grass cloth products, the natural quality attributes. My company has developed grass cloth health bedding, blankets, pillowcases, pillows, cushions, and other products made using quality grass cloth fabrics, chemical Retting, a linen textile machinery than grass cloth hand injury will not ramie fiber quality of the natural attributes, their health better performance, more excellent permeability gas, hygroscopicity, cool, Upon Airflow in Dehumidification and restrain the bacterial action, and better to improve human epidermal cells absorb nutrition and oxygen functional activity, and maintain a constant moisture of skin, promote blood circulation, activated cells, help sleep, retard skin aging. Its rugged cloth cover, a slight massage role. Ma Yue, geopolitical Arts Poetry Series products, at room temperature for 13-29 in the use of the environment, is particularly suitable for use in air-conditioned rooms and is today fashionable household goods, but also high-end gifts which magazines.

剑杆带、长度:230 cmgear BOXREALISING块、长度:15 CMSECTOR架T34 NYLONBELLOW CUTTERUPPER CUTTERASSOCIATIVE组件从支持轴采取UPREALISING爪、长度:232 MMCARRIER爪、长度:232 MMKAMRAN 280 nedlee钩的剑杆GA1611(1 MC = 96 BH)钢丝绳Ø4 MMFOR G1611(1 MC = 8 BH)、长度:700 CMCAM 1/1(1 MC = 4 BH)SPI最高


O. Henry type at the end of the study and imitation by countless people, but so far, no one can be skilled to master this technique, one of the reasons of O. Henry growing environment and life experience to his unique way of thinking, it is not and;For another, in the ...

您好!第一题:选B,stubborn She is not easy to work with,because she is very stubborn in everything,not willing to accept others’ opinions even if she is wrong.她很难相处,因为她在所有方面都很固执,即使是她的错,他也不愿意接受其他人的观点。stubborn 固执的,符合题意 A,...

在线求英语翻译,先谢谢各位大神 别感觉对不起我们,人生下来就应该向着...
Don't feel sorry we, down should be toward a higher goal in life, where there was a higher welfare, treatment, and better working conditions.Even if you would like to accompany us through this last year.But at that time not necessarily had no chance.And now the opportunity at...

The constructional mechanic industry has achieved great improvement since the opening-up reform. The modern architectural construction required extensive use of various type of construction machinery. The level of construction machanisation directly affects the project quality and speed of ...

I also served as a disciplinarians during my study, getting along with my classmates well and being a good assisstant of my teacher.太长了... 得慢慢来,现在没有时间了。其实最好的是你写出来,别人给你翻译。我虽然给你翻译了一半,但是作为一个管理人员,我是不喜欢别人造假的。

求各位英语大神帮我把一句话翻译成英文 “你是我心中永远的光”就这句...
You are the light of my heart forever.或 You are always in my heart light.

拜求各位大神用英语翻译一下这段话 剪纸是中国民间一门有着近千年历史...
Only paper and scissor are enough, first paper-cutting wins popular among village. From ancient china, lantern-making was famous customs for the festival and red-letter day coming, on great day ,the lanterns will be put up. The design & pattern of lanterns can be drawings, but ...

My love, leave yourself behind. 我的爱人,离开了你的背影 Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄 离开你而茫然 My love, you have found peace.我的爱人,你会得到平静 You were searching ,for release. 你在寻找,你在召唤 You gave it all, into the call.给予了你的所有 你...

英语翻译 大神前来翻译
Thick cut pork 48 yuan Pan fried chicken 52 yuan New Zealand cowboy bone 58 yuan American broil 58 yuan Sirloin Steak steak 58 yuan The above grilled meal can be matched: onion juice \/ black pepper sauce \/ garlic juice \/ Tomato Juice The above can be equipped with Plain white...

黑山县13837842534: 求翻译一些纺织专业英语 -
粱妮利福: top cowl half width 套头帽宽度 jerser tubular针织圆机汗布 back yoke height from right hps AT ss肩高(从侧缝到肩点高度垂直高度) snap placket width挈带宽度

黑山县13837842534: 急!!!纺织专业英语翻译
粱妮利福: 缎织物的特点是长期浮在面对织物.这些花车的夹缝下交叉纱线在路口相距尽可能为,特别是建设.在任何时候做相邻平行纱线来,在接触的一另一点交错.这减少了可能性的对角线效应发生在面对织物.不过,有些satins确有微弱的对角线的...

黑山县13837842534: 纺织类英语,急求助
粱妮利福: Fabric Finish 织物后整理,布纹装饰 Compacted 压缩的 Fabric Washed/Tumbled 可洗衣物,可洗面料(滚筒洗,即洗衣机洗) Mercerized 丝光处理的 Resinated 树脂浸透 Sanforized紧缩处理 Acid 耐酸 Dye Class 燃料等级 Direct直接染色的 Disperse分散染料染涤 vat把…浸入颜料液中染色 metalized 硬化的 Pigment色素;颜料 Sulfur 硫磺(色) Fiber Reactive纤维敏感染料

黑山县13837842534: 求几个关于纺织行业的英语术语翻译 -
粱妮利福: parameter meterial yarn count yarn density ingredient flat seam meachine oversdger 同行

黑山县13837842534: 纺织业的英文帮忙翻译一下吧!!?? -
粱妮利福: COMPANY NAME: 公司名称:FOB PORT: FOB 港口 FOB PRICE /pc:…0.7..USD for 60 000 pcs - the best price which you can give with LOGO & all above requirements FOB 单价/件:0.7美元,共60000件 (贵方可以给出的最后价格) HS ...

黑山县13837842534: slub cotton 比较专业的纺织英语翻译是? -
粱妮利福: 粗纺棉纱--这个是相对毛纺来说的 根据我在tteb多年摸爬滚打的经验来看 slub cotton亦可以翻译成棉的粗支纱.

黑山县13837842534: 面料加工的要求 英语翻译 请教各位高手,谢谢! -
粱妮利福: 我不知道纺织业的专业术语,所以只能帮到你一点点.括号里是我不确定的纺织业词汇.大体上说,(纺线)应该要用(弯曲纺线-细微纺线),而不是(粗质纺线),纤维要丝光处理,颜色稍微有些变化,比如灰色,硫化黑,淡蓝,品蓝,涂层-比如聚氨酯,打蜡,上色等. 上述的结构或重量大致代表我们目前在找的东西.但如果工厂里已经在生产类似的东西,我们也可以考虑.但我们只会在我们的客户要的时候才买.另外,(维编弹力绒)是我们定期要买的东西.

黑山县13837842534: 想请教纺织专业英语的高手,Jewel Tone Stripes和Plaiting yarn的中文准确翻译,谢谢!!! -
粱妮利福: 珠宝色调条纹布和编纱布.

黑山县13837842534: 纺织英语翻译一下Piece Length :Minimum 85%in 300m plus and Maximum 15% in 150m plus -
粱妮利福: 你是做纺织品进出口的吧.我告诉你吧,我以前做的是纺织品进出口的,所以一看就知道.意思就是: 对方要求你的面料匹长是:整批货,最少有85%的都要求匹长在300米以上,150米匹长及以上的最多不能超过15%. 简单点理解,你订购的面料,装货柜时,如果很多都只是100多米一卷的货,是不是不好?如果全部货物,匹长都是300多米,这不更好? 这是国际面料交易里有关溢短的合同协议.

黑山县13837842534: 纺织类英语求助: 纱织数,经纬密度,含棉量 -
粱妮利福: 纱织数:textile numbers 经纬密度:longitude and latitude density 含棉量: the content of cotton

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