
作者&投稿:势汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Supermarket is very importment for us! We need them!We can buy anything when we must use it! Sometimes Supermarket is more expensive than shop!But it is butter than shop.We can look for to the happiness from it.Supermarket has lots of toys,foods,drinks,clothes,shoes and other things.But it doesn't have many other things such as gold fish,tables,sofa and ice.You can see many books in the supermarket.Because of this,you don't go to the bookshops.

注意:1.前几个文章有许多问题!!!比如第二篇将supermarket写成surpermarket.第三篇也有错,比如说 I like looking 他却写成了Ilike to looking .

Green food
China's pollution-free safety, quality, nutrition products collectively. Similar foods in other countries known as organic food and ecological food, natural food. May 1990, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture official provided the names of green food, standards and logo. The standard requirements: ① product or products the origin of raw materials must meet the ecological environment of green food standards. ② crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices. ③ green food products must meet the quality and hygiene standards. ④ product labels must be consistent with China's Ministry of Agriculture's "green food logo design standards manual" in the relevant provisions. Green Food is a sign for the green circular logo, as the sun at the top, bottom and leaves for Beilei, signs for the protection of the implied meaning.

Green food is produced by a specific mode of production, by country and the specialized agencies finds that permits the use of green food signs of pollution-free, pollution-free, safe, high quality, nutrition-food.

In many countries, green food and share many similar names and name, such as "eco-food", "food" and "blue angel food", "health food" and "Organic Agriculture food." As in the international community, for the protection of the environment and associated undertakings already accustomed to as a "green" message, therefore, in order to highlight such foods produced in a good ecological environment and strict processing procedures, in China, known as Unity "Green Food."
Green food means that the pollution-free under the conditions of cultivation, breeding, organic fertilizer material, not highly toxic, high pesticide residues in the standard environment, production technology, product processing under the health standards, the authority finds that the use of special logo and the security, High-quality, nutritional food category collectively.

Green food by the conditions:
1. Products or sources of raw materials, products must meet the ecological environment of green food quality standards;

2. Crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices;

3. Green food products must meet the standards;

4. Product packaging, storage and transportation of green food packaging must meet the storage standards.

Green food standards

Green food standards issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on the recommendation of the agriculture industry standards (NY / T), is the green food production enterprises must comply with the implementation of standards.

Green Food Standards divided into two technical levels, AA grade green food standards and A-level green food standards.

Green food standards "from the land to the table," the entire process as the core concept of quality control, by the following four components:

Environmental standards for green food production, "green food production environment technical conditions" (NY / T 391)

Technical standards for green food production

Green food product standards

Green food packaging, storage transport standards

The emergence of Green Food
After the Second World War, Europe and the United States and Japan and other developed countries in the industrial modernization on the basis of modernization of agriculture has achieved. This respect greatly enriched the food supply in these countries, on the other hand there is also a serious problem, that is, with an endless stream of agricultural chemicals, a lot of input to the farmland, causing harmful chemicals in the soil and water biological In enrichment, and through the food chain to crops and livestock and poultry entering the body, leading to food contamination and ultimately harm human health. Thus, excessive reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture (also called "oil agriculture"), the environment, resources and human health hazards, and that such hazards are hidden, cumulative and long-term characteristics.

1962, the U.S. President's Leiqieerka to East Lansing, Michigan City, to eradicate the beetle Elm hurt by the measures taken as an example, the disclosure of the pesticide DDT against other biological circumstances. DDT spraying the city with a large number of trees, leaves in autumn fall on the ground, worms eat the leaves, the earth Huichun know more after the birds eat worms, a week after the city's more to know almost all the dead birds. Ms. Card's "Silent Spring" wrote: "The world suffered extensive pollution Zhichong drugs, chemicals have penetrated for the survival of all living things in water, infiltrated into the soil and plants on the cloth into a harmful film… … Has on the human body have a serious hazard. Addition, the aftermath of the terrible scourge, may be a few years can not be found, and may even have an impact on the genetic, several generations are not aware of. "'s Card, no doubt the thesis Sounded the alarm to the whole world.

In the early 1970s, the United States expanded to Europe and Japan to limit excessive chemical substances in order to protect the ecological environment and improve the food security of the "organic agriculture" affected the thinking of many countries. Some countries have begun to adopt economic measures and legal means to encourage and support national development and pollution-free food production. Since 1992 the United Nations, held in Rio de Janeiro Conference on Environment and Development, many countries proceed from agriculture, and actively explore the model of sustainable agricultural development in order to reduce the oil resources of agriculture to the environment and the serious pressure. Europe, the United States, Japan and Australia and other developed countries and some developing countries have accelerated the study of ecological agriculture. In this international context, China decided to develop non-polluting, safe, high-quality nutritious foods, and will they be known as the "green food."

Green Food grading standards
Green food in the approval process in the declaration of distinction between Class A and AA grade green approval.

AA grade green approval means the ecological environment quality to the required standard of origin, production process of non-use of any harmful chemical substances, according to a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, inspection to meet specific standards and The specialized agencies found that the license approval AA grade green logo products.
AA grade green food in the production process does not use any harmful chemical synthetic material.

A-level green food means the quality of the ecological environment in line with the provisions of origin, the production process to allow limited use of synthetic chemical substances defined by a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, check with specific signs and The specialized agency finds that the permission to use the A-level signs of green food products. A level of green food in the production process to allow limited use of the limited material and chemical synthesis.

Green food products packaging, decorating, the value of green food packaging labels, decorations should follow the "green food logo design standards manual", received the green signs ownership units, signs should be used for green food products both within and outside of the packaging. "Manual" to sign the standard green food graphics, standard fonts, graphics and fonts of norms, standards-color, advertising and terminology used in food packaging serialization of the standard graphics, numbering plan made stringent requirements, and cited the examples of applications.

How to identify where consumers of green food green food products must be packaged (1], "one of the four-level green food", that is, sign graphics, "green food" literature, reference and security labels. (2] AA grade Green Food Logo color is white and marked with green standards for fonts, and the A-level green food base for the green signs marked with the standard font is white. (3] "Product Code" after or are being written on the bottom "by the China Green Food Green Food Development Center permission to use signs "for its English standards for the" Certified Chinese Creen Food Product ". (4] green food packaging labels should be in line with the state," GM food labelling standards "GB7718-94. Standards in food labelling requirements must be Marking the following areas: food name list of ingredients; fine solids content and content producers, who sell the name and address; date marks (production date, shelf life and storage guidelines]; quality (Quality Rating] ; Product standards; special tagging content.

Logo is a green food by the China Green Food Development Center in State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office officially registered the quality certification marks.

Green Food signs three-part composition, that is, at the top of the sun, the bottom of the blade and center Beilei. Logo for the radio is aimed to protect. The graphics painted a beautiful sun shining under the harmonious life, to tell people from the green food is pure, good ecological environment pollution-free food safety, people can bring about vigorous vitality. Green Food signs also remind people to protect the environment, by improving the relationship between people and the environment, create a new harmony of nature.

Green food as a symbol of a particular product quality certification mark, the exclusive right to use its trademark by the "People's Republic of China Trademark Law" to protect.




求一篇以“green food”为题的英语作文
Today what a lot of people look forwards to eating is green food which is produced without being polluted,such as some fruit and vegetable.So healthy is it that it's very popular among humanbeings.Dangerous food environment taken into consideration,green food exsists not only as a ...



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以“My best way of staying healthy”为题写一篇60字英语短文_百度知 ...
The first one is eating healthily.第一,我吃得很健康 I eat more vegetables and less meat. 我吃很多的蔬菜,较少的肉类 I like natural food instead of junk food best. 我最爱绿色食品,而不是垃圾食品 Because junk food will make us fat and get ill easier.因为零食会让我们发胖,...

1. 以酿豆腐为题,写一篇400字左右的作文 家酿豆腐 大家吃过我家乡兴宁那诱人的客家酿豆腐么?什么,没有!那就太可惜了!我家乡的酿豆腐十分有特色,好吃又好看!下面就有我来介绍吧! 小荷作文网 酿豆腐的品种有很多,有红的、白的、黄的。其中,红的最好吃,可做法也最难。白的、黄的也很好吃,做法却最简单...

不会被人摘去吃掉。每找到一朵大田荠,我心里就甭提多高兴了。还不到一小时,我们三人就摘了满满一篮子野菜。 听妈妈说,野菜营养丰富,味道鲜美,还是无污染的绿色食品呢! 妈妈打算叫姨妈用我们自己摘来的野菜煮一顿忆苦饭让我们尝尝,我真恨不得马上就能吃到野菜饭!

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东方秋烟酰:[答案] Green food China's pollution-free safety, quality, nutrition products collectively. Similar foods in other countries known as organic food and ecological food, natural food. May 1990, the Chinese Mini...

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东方秋烟酰: We eat food every day but few of us ever take a second to think about what kind of food we are eating. What a surprise it would be if we know that many of the foods we eat are harmful to our health. Based on this, we should eat green food rather than...

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湟中县18925703596: 求一篇以“green food”为题的英语作文 -
东方秋烟酰:[答案] Today what a lot of people look forwards to eating is green food which is produced without being polluted,such as some fruit and vegetable. So healthy is it that it's very popular among humanbeings...

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东方秋烟酰: first of all, green food does not use chemical fertilizers, environmental protection, in the production process without toxic, more natural than ordinary food more healthy. second, it is the use of clean water irrigation, does not contain other harmful ...

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东方秋烟酰:[答案] First of all, green food does not use chemical fertilizers, environmental protection, in the production process without toxic, more natural than ordinary food more healthy.Second, it is the use of cle...

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东方秋烟酰: Green Food As more and more people focus on health diet, green food has begun to draw more and more attention by the public. compared with ordinary food, green food is more health, safer and more nutrition. Moreover, nowadays, many ...

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