
作者&投稿:权耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As long as you`re near
by XXX
The first time we met ,I could see.
That you and I,were meant to be.
Your eyes were so gentle ,your smile so ture.
When you first held ,my hand ,I just know.
Now the time has gone by ,through laughters and tears.
These days I shall cherish,for years and years.
Those memories we have ,shall never fade.
For those are the steps ,that we have made.
That was the post,the future is near.
I anxiously want ,for what will appear.
New homes ,more laughter ,and children so dear.
Everything will be wonderful,as long as you`re near.

You Warm My Heart
Dear Sweetheart,You brought love and laughter to my empty,sad and boring life.My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways.Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.You taught me how to love again,you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing.You taught me to go the extra mile.And though there are miles between us,I never stop thinking of you,you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours.I can never forget you,or keep thoughts of you out of my mind.I think of your sweet lips and kisses,feel them as if it was yesterday.Thoughts of you warm my heart.You complete me,you are everything my heart desire.Loving You Always,XXX

If you were a teardrop,In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Kee: 如果你是我眼里的,一滴泪,为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣。如果金色的阳光,停止了它耀眼的光芒,你的一个微笑,将照亮我的整个世界
。1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

(2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

(3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.

(4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

(5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

(6) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.

(7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.

(8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

(9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we
will know how to be grateful.

(10) Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


  Lawrence Sterne to Miss L.

  Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am. Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place. Suffer the imagination to permit it as a little sun-light cottage, on the side of a romantic hill. Dost thou think I will leave love and friendship behind me? No! They shall be my companions in solitude, for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my L ... We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in Paradise, before the arch-fiend entered that indescribable scene.

  The kindest affections will have room to shoot and expand in our retirement, and produce such fruit as madness and envy and ambition have always killed in the bud. Let the human tempest and hurricane rage at a distance, the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. My L... has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind. No planetary influence shall reach us but that which presides and cherishes the sweetest flowers. God preserve us! How delightful this prospect in idea! We will build and we will plant, in our own way ...simplicity shall not be tortured by art. We will learn of nature how to live ... she shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught. The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling, guarded by the kind and tutelary deity. We will sing our choral songs of gratitude and rejoice to the end of our pilgrimage.

  Adieu, my L ...

  Return to one who languishes for your society.







  Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo

  Oh! Think of me, my sweet beloved, so that I may feel it and so that your joy amid your delightful family, your kind friends and admirers may not be changed into bitterness and grief for me. Think of me. of whom you are the life and soul. Think of my love so profound, so pure, and so devoted, and wish I were with you. I am going to bed praying God for you and yours. I trust my prayers will not be fruitless, as I am asking for their happiness and yours, should it be at the cost of my own life. If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost as much as to know I am loved by you! I love you, more than anything else in the world. Enjoy your success, this evening, my Victor, your beauty, your genius, and be happy with your delightful family. I will be proud and happy myself, provided amid all this you do not forget me. Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight.




  Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchhiker

  Your letter of the 1st hath this moment reached me. I answer it according to our agreement, which shall be inviolable. Truly did you say that, at our arising in the morning, Nature assumes a different aspect. Who could have conjectured the circumstances of my last letter? Friend of my soul, this is terrible, dismaying: it makes one"s heart sink, it withers vital energy... dear being, I am thine again; the happiness shall again predominate over this fleeting tribute to self-interest. Yet who would not feel now? Oh"twere as reckless a task to endeavor to annihilate perception while sense existed, as to blunt the sixth sense to such impressions as these! ... Forgive me, dearest friend? I pour out my whole soul to you. I write by fleeting intervals: my pen runs away with my senses. The impassionateness of my sensations grows upon me. Your letter, too, has much affected me. Never, with my consent, shall that intercourse cease which has been the day-dawn of my existence, the sun which has shed warmth on the cold drear length of the anticipated prospect of life. Prejudice might demand the sacrifice, but she is an idol to whom we bow not. The world might demand it; its opinion might require; but the cloud which flees over yon mountain were as important to our happiness, to our usefulness. This must never be, never whilst this existence continues; and when time has enrolled us in the list of the departed, surely this friendship will survive to bear our identity to heaven. What is love, or friendship? Is it something material ... a ball, an apple, a plaything ... which must be taken from one to be given to another? Is it capable of no extension, no communication? Lord Kaimes defines love to be a particularization of the general passion. But this is the love of sensation, of sentiment ... the absurdest of absurd vanities: it is the love of pleasure, not the love of happiness. The one is a love which is selfcentered, selfinterested: It desires its own interest; it is the parent of jealousy. Its object is the plaything which it desires to monopolize. Selfishness, monopoly, is its very soul, and to communicate to others part of this love were to destroy its essence, to annihilate this chain of straw. But love, the love which we worship , ... virtue, heaven, disinterestedness ... in a word, Friendship ... which has as much to do with the senses as with yonder mountains; that which seeks the good of all ... the good of its object first, not because that object is a minister to its Pleasures, not merely because it even contributes to its happiness, but because it is really worthy, because it has powers, sensibilities, is capable of abstracting itself, and loving virtue"s own loveliness ... desiring the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing hell or desiring heaven: but for pure, simple, unsophisticated virtue. You will soon hear again. Adieu, my dearest friend. Continue to believe that when I am insensible to your excellence, I shall cease to exist.



  我刚才收到您1号的来信,按我们之间的约定给您复信,这一约定是不可违背的。你确实说过,在我们早起的时候,大自然总是有不同的面貌。谁能猜想到我上次写信的境况呢?我心灵的知己,这太可怕,太令人沮丧了。我的心为之一沉,浑身的锐气消磨殆尽……亲爱的心,我又是您的了,这幸福又将压倒我这短暂的孤芳自赏。然而在这种时候,谁又不会有相同的感受呢? 啊,如果一息尚存而欲对其不闻不问岂非与使第六感觉对这样一些印象变得迟钝同样的不顾后果了吗?最亲爱的朋友,能宽恕我吗? 我把整个心都掏给您了。几度举笔,笔不从心。但我理智的情感终于又涌现上我的心头,您的信也深深地影响着我。我从不认为我们之间的交往会永远终止,您与我的交往给我带来了生命的曙光,是洒在我冰凉而漫长的人生旅途上的期待的温暖阳光。偏见可能要求人们以牺牲为代价,那只不过是幽灵,您我都不会向这个幽灵屈服。世俗可能要我们做出牺牲,舆论也会提出要求;但遥望飘过远方山岭的云彩,不是也乐在其中,有益于我们的身心吗?这决不可能,只要一息尚存,决不屈服,决不低头;即使时光把我们列入告别的名单中,毫无疑问,我们这般友情在天国中也一同相聚。何调爱情?何谓友情?是一些实在的东西吗?是球、苹果、玩偶……可以信手拈来、随意给人的实物吗?是不能深化、不能交流的吗?Kaimes勋爵给爱情下的定义是,爱情是一般激情的特殊体现,但这是肉欲之爱、情欲之爱……是荒谬绝伦的逢场作戏,是寻欢作乐的爱,不是幸福的爱。这是一种自私自利的爱,它只求利已,是嫉妒之源,其目的在于垄断追求的玩物,其本质是私心、垄断。这种爱的表现也是对爱的亵渎,使脆如纤草的爱泯灭殆尽。但我们崇拜的爱,象征美德、天意和无私,一句话,真情……它既能感知,又与远方山头上的云朵息息相通。它追求大家的幸福……首先是对方的幸福,不是因为对方给予欢乐,有愧于心,因为它有力量,有情感,并能无私奉献,因为美德的可爱而受美德……不是因为怕下地狱或升天堂而为他人求得幸福,而是出于纯朴无华的美德。你不久又会收到我的倍。再见了,我最亲爱的朋友。请你继续相信这一点:我什么时候对阁下不忠,我便将不复存在。

  Napoleon to Josephine

  I have your letter, my adorable love. It has filled my heart with joy... since I left you I have been sad all the time. My only happiness is near you. I go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. The charm of my wonderful Josephine kindles a living, blazing fire in-my heart and senses. When shall I be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it? I loved you some time ago; since then I feel that I love you a thousand times better. Ever since I have known you I adore you more every day. That proves how wrong is that saying of La Bruyere "Love comes all of a sudden. " Ah, let me see some of your faults; be less beautiful, less graceful, less tender, less good. But never be jealous and never shed tears. Your tears send me out of my mind ... they set my very blood on fire. Believe me that it is utterly impossible for me to have a single thought that is not yours, a single fancy that is not submissive to your will. Rest well. Restore your health. Come back to me and then at any rate before we die we ought to be able to say: "We were happy for so very many days!" Millions of kisses even to your dog.



  我收到了你的信,我祟拜的心上人。你的信使我充满了欢乐……自从与你分手以后,我一直闷闷不乐,愁眉不展。我唯一的幸福就是伴随着你。你的吻给了我无限的思索和回味,还有你的泪水和甜蜜的嫉妒。我迷人的约瑟芬的魅力像一团炽热的火在心里燃烧。什么时候我才能在你身旁度过每分每秒,除了爱你什么也不需做;除了向你倾诉我对你的爱并向你证明爱的那种愉快,什么也不用想了?我不敢相信不久前爱上你,自那以后我感到对你的爱更增一千倍。自我与你相识,我一天比一天更崇拜你。这正好证明了La Bruyere说的"爱,突如其来"多么不切合实际。


  Bettine Brentano to Goethe

  You know my heart; you know that all there is desire, thought, boding and longing; you live among spirits and they give you divine wisdom. You must nourish me; you give all that in advance, which I do not understand to ask for. My mind has a small embrace, my love a large one; you must bring them to a balance. Love cannot be quiet till the mind matches its growth; you are matched to my love; you are friendly, kind, and indulgent; let me know when my heart is off the balance. I understand your silent signs.

  A look from your eyes into mine, a kiss from you upon my lips, instructs me in all, what might seem delighted to learn, - to one who, like me, had experience from those. I am far from you; mine are become strange to me. I must ever return in thought to that hour when you hold me in the soft fold of your arm. Then I begin to weep, but the tears dry again unawares. Yes, he reaches with his love (thus I think) over to me in this concealed stillness; and should not I, with my eternal undisturbed loving, reach to him in the distance? Ah, conceive what my heart has to say to you; it overflows with soft sighs all whisper to you. Be my only happiness on earth your friendly will to me. O, dear friend, give me but a sign that you are conscious of me.







Lawrence Sterne to Miss L.

Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am. Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place. Suffer the imagination to permit it as a little sun-light cottage, on the side of a romantic hill. Dost thou think I will leave love and friendship behind me? No! They shall be my companions in solitude, for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my L ... We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in Paradise, before the arch-fiend entered that indescribable scene.

The kindest affections will have room to shoot and expand in our retirement, and produce such fruit as madness and envy and ambition have always killed in the bud. Let the human tempest and hurricane rage at a distance, the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. My L... has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind. No planetary influence shall reach us but that which presides and cherishes the sweetest flowers. God preserve us! How delightful this prospect in idea! We will build and we will plant, in our own way ...simplicity shall not be tortured by art. We will learn of nature how to live ... she shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught. The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling, guarded by the kind and tutelary deity. We will sing our choral songs of gratitude and rejoice to the end of our pilgrimage.

Adieu, my L ...

Return to one who languishes for your society.







Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo

Oh! Think of me, my sweet beloved, so that I may feel it and so that your joy amid your delightful family, your kind friends and admirers may not be changed into bitterness and grief for me. Think of me. of whom you are the life and soul. Think of my love so profound, so pure, and so devoted, and wish I were with you. I am going to bed praying God for you and yours. I trust my prayers will not be fruitless, as I am asking for their happiness and yours, should it be at the cost of my own life. If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost as much as to know I am loved by you! I love you, more than anything else in the world. Enjoy your success, this evening, my Victor, your beauty, your genius, and be happy with your delightful family. I will be proud and happy myself, provided amid all this you do not forget me. Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight.




Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchhiker

Your letter of the 1st hath this moment reached me. I answer it according to our agreement, which shall be inviolable. Truly did you say that, at our arising in the morning, Nature assumes a different aspect. Who could have conjectured the circumstances of my last letter? Friend of my soul, this is terrible, dismaying: it makes one"s heart sink, it withers vital energy... dear being, I am thine again; the happiness shall again predominate over this fleeting tribute to self-interest. Yet who would not feel now? Oh"twere as reckless a task to endeavor to annihilate perception while sense existed, as to blunt the sixth sense to such impressions as these! ... Forgive me, dearest friend? I pour out my whole soul to you. I write by fleeting intervals: my pen runs away with my senses. The impassionateness of my sensations grows upon me. Your letter, too, has much affected me. Never, with my consent, shall that intercourse cease which has been the day-dawn of my existence, the sun which has shed warmth on the cold drear length of the anticipated prospect of life. Prejudice might demand the sacrifice, but she is an idol to whom we bow not. The world might demand it; its opinion might require; but the cloud which flees over yon mountain were as important to our happiness, to our usefulness. This must never be, never whilst this existence continues; and when time has enrolled us in the list of the departed, surely this friendship will survive to bear our identity to heaven. What is love, or friendship? Is it something material ... a ball, an apple, a plaything ... which must be taken from one to be given to another? Is it capable of no extension, no communication? Lord Kaimes defines love to be a particularization of the general passion. But this is the love of sensation, of sentiment ... the absurdest of absurd vanities: it is the love of pleasure, not the love of happiness. The one is a love which is selfcentered, selfinterested: It desires its own interest; it is the parent of jealousy. Its object is the plaything which it desires to monopolize. Selfishness, monopoly, is its very soul, and to communicate to others part of this love were to destroy its essence, to annihilate this chain of straw. But love, the love which we worship , ... virtue, heaven, disinterestedness ... in a word, Friendship ... which has as much to do with the senses as with yonder mountains; that which seeks the good of all ... the good of its object first, not because that object is a minister to its Pleasures, not merely because it even contributes to its happiness, but because it is really worthy, because it has powers, sensibilities, is capable of abstracting itself, and loving virtue"s own loveliness ... desiring the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing hell or desiring heaven: but for pure, simple, unsophisticated virtue. You will soon hear again. Adieu, my dearest friend. Continue to believe that when I am insensible to your excellence, I shall cease to exist.



我刚才收到您1号的来信,按我们之间的约定给您复信,这一约定是不可违背的。你确实说过,在我们早起的时候,大自然总是有不同的面貌。谁能猜想到我上次写信的境况呢?我心灵的知己,这太可怕,太令人沮丧了。我的心为之一沉,浑身的锐气消磨殆尽......亲爱的心,我又是您的了,这幸福又将压倒我这短暂的孤芳自赏。然而在这种时候,谁又不会有相同的感受呢? 啊,如果一息尚存而欲对其不闻不问岂非与使第六感觉对这样一些印象变得迟钝同样的不顾后果了吗?最亲爱的朋友,能宽恕我吗? 我把整个心都掏给您了。几度举笔,笔不从心。但我理智的情感终于又涌现上我的心头,您的信也深深地影响着我。我从不认为我们之间的交往会永远终止,您与我的交往给我带来了生命的曙光,是洒在我冰凉而漫长的人生旅途上的期待的温暖阳光。偏见可能要求人们以牺牲为代价,那只不过是幽灵,您我都不会向这个幽灵屈服。世俗可能要我们做出牺牲,舆论也会提出要求;但遥望飘过远方山岭的云彩,不是也乐在其中,有益于我们的身心吗?这决不可能,只要一息尚存,决不屈服,决不低头;即使时光把我们列入告别的名单中,毫无疑问,我们这般友情在天国中也一同相聚。何调爱情?何谓友情?是一些实在的东西吗?是球、苹果、玩偶......可以信手拈来、随意给人的实物吗?是不能深化、不能交流的吗?Kaimes勋爵给爱情下的定义是,爱情是一般激情的特殊体现,但这是肉欲之爱、情欲之爱......是荒谬绝伦的逢场作戏,是寻欢作乐的爱,不是幸福的爱。这是一种自私自利的爱,它只求利已,是嫉妒之源,其目的在于垄断追求的玩物,其本质是私心、垄断。这种爱的表现也是对爱的亵渎,使脆如纤草的爱泯灭殆尽。但我们崇拜的爱,象征美德、天意和无私,一句话,真情......它既能感知,又与远方山头上的云朵息息相通。它追求大家的幸福......首先是对方的幸福,不是因为对方给予欢乐,有愧于心,因为它有力量,有情感,并能无私奉献,因为美德的可爱而受美德......不是因为怕下地狱或升天堂而为他人求得幸福,而是出于纯朴无华的美德。你不久又会收到我的倍。再见了,我最亲爱的朋友。请你继续相信这一点:我什么时候对阁下不忠,我便将不复存在。

Napoleon to Josephine

I have your letter, my adorable love. It has filled my heart with joy... since I left you I have been sad all the time. My only happiness is near you. I go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. The charm of my wonderful Josephine kindles a living, blazing fire in-my heart and senses. When shall I be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it? I loved you some time ago; since then I feel that I love you a thousand times better. Ever since I have known you I adore you more every day. That proves how wrong is that saying of La Bruyere "Love comes all of a sudden. " Ah, let me see some of your faults; be less beautiful, less graceful, less tender, less good. But never be jealous and never shed tears. Your tears send me out of my mind ... they set my very blood on fire. Believe me that it is utterly impossible for me to have a single thought that is not yours, a single fancy that is not submissive to your will. Rest well. Restore your health. Come back to me and then at any rate before we die we ought to be able to say: "We were happy for so very many days!" Millions of kisses even to your dog.



我收到了你的信,我祟拜的心上人。你的信使我充满了欢乐......自从与你分手以后,我一直闷闷不乐,愁眉不展。我唯一的幸福就是伴随着你。你的吻给了我无限的思索和回味,还有你的泪水和甜蜜的嫉妒。我迷人的约瑟芬的魅力像一团炽热的火在心里燃烧。什么时候我才能在你身旁度过每分每秒,除了爱你什么也不需做;除了向你倾诉我对你的爱并向你证明爱的那种愉快,什么也不用想了?我不敢相信不久前爱上你,自那以后我感到对你的爱更增一千倍。自我与你相识,我一天比一天更崇拜你。这正好证明了La Bruyere说的"爱,突如其来"多么不切合实际。


Bettine Brentano to Goethe

You know my heart; you know that all there is desire, thought, boding and longing; you live among spirits and they give you divine wisdom. You must nourish me; you give all that in advance, which I do not understand to ask for. My mind has a small embrace, my love a large one; you must bring them to a balance. Love cannot be quiet till the mind matches its growth; you are matched to my love; you are friendly, kind, and indulgent; let me know when my heart is off the balance. I understand your silent signs.

A look from your eyes into mine, a kiss from you upon my lips, instructs me in all, what might seem delighted to learn, - to one who, like me, had experience from those. I am far from you; mine are become strange to me. I must ever return in thought to that hour when you hold me in the soft fold of your arm. Then I begin to weep, but the tears dry again unawares. Yes, he reaches with his love (thus I think) over to me in this concealed stillness; and should not I, with my eternal undisturbed loving, reach to him in the distance? Ah, conceive what my heart has to say to you; it overflows with soft sighs all whisper to you. Be my only happiness on earth your friendly will to me. O, dear friend, give me but a sign that you are conscious of me.





Shang ya!

I want to be your friend
For ever and ever without break or decay.
When the hills are all flat
And the rivers are all dry,
When lightens and thunders in winter,
When it rains and snows in summer,
When Heaven and Earth mingle -
Not till then will I part from you.
Anonymous, China, 1st Century B.C.



I want to be your friend

I Have to Go

I have to go, my darling. Spring arrives. Life in nature
blooms but breath of love dies. I take a deep inhale,
depressed at the freshness. I have to go.

Darling, too many walls have been built between us. Your
heart is up where I cannot find. I look into your eyes
and see nothing inside. Your smile is no longer here to
shine. When clouds abruptly darken the sky, when turns suddenly occupy the road, I have to go.

Darling, my shelter shatters. Sunshine glitters on the sea.
Light stings my eyes. Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps
its wings. My island sways in the wind. The waves run onto
the rocks – crash, boom, bang. When hope turns into foam,
I have to go.

Darling, night no longer lights fire. Access to your voice
has expired. I glare at my phone, catching no trace of your
name. As stars twinkle, magic slides from my hands. It falls
to the ground like china -- crash, boom, bang. When the
pieces could no longer make a whole, I have to go.





范文摘要:英语浪漫爱情短消息 Honey, how do I live without you? I miss you every minute and every second。Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again。有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。You are the one I have been looking...

Girl.Now that you're in my life,I'm so happiness.If that you're gone,my life will like a fire without its flame,a song without a soul.Now I want to say.I love you and beyond forever.女孩儿,你存在于我的生命之中,幸福至此。如果你离开了,我的生命就像是一簇失去光芒的...

You Warm My Heart Dear Sweetheart, You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a *** ile. ...

以下句子可以借鉴来写写情书什么的!I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!I'll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you....

爱---罗伊·克里夫特 我爱你,不光因为你的样子,还因为,和你在一起时,我的样子。我爱你,不光因为你为我而做的事,还因为,为了你,我能做成的事。我爱你,因为你能唤出,我最真的那部分。我爱你,因为你穿越我心灵的旷野,如同阳光穿透水晶般容易,我的傻气,我的弱点,在你的目光里...

写英语情书表达爱意时,最重要的是要真诚、深情且简洁明了。开头:使用亲切的称呼,如 "Dear [对方的名字]" 或 "My love"。简短地介绍自己的心情或写情书的原因。表达爱意:真诚地表达你对对方的感情,可以提到你们一起度过的美好时光。使用浪漫而深情的词汇,如 "I love you", "You are my ...

追女孩子的必修课--情书很多欲寻女友的都想借此提高英语,(T&F??)其实这个过程也会让你受益匪浅的^_^经典爱情表白1. I would be a liar if I said that I didn't love you.如果说我不爱你,那就是欺骗你. 注意:虚拟语气+双重否定,这可是典型的听力难题呀.试试看你能否在2秒内反应出来这句话是“I ...

用英语向心爱的男朋友表白,述说自己的爱,讲述自己的情,让两个人能够相爱于人海,请看英语表白情书给男朋友。Hello, dear Sicong!亲爱的思聪你好!Call you like this, I don't know how you feel, I feel awkward, but I want to call it like this, and I hope it can be called for ...

如果可以天天看到你的笑容,我还有什么不满足的呢?If I could have an honor to see your smile to me everyday , what the hell am I not satisfying ?最喜欢的女孩在我眼前,我怎么能保持缄默呢,真的喜欢你。My favorite girl is before my eyes , could I keep silence ? You are ...

I fell in love with you when I saw you the first time (当我第一眼看见你的时候就爱上你了)。 As times went by, I feel I love you more and more, 随着时间的慢慢推移,我觉得自己越来越爱你sometimes I think I can't live without you 有时候我认为没有你我就快活不下去,But...

望城县17050435891: 求一篇英文情书
魏魏沙棘: l love you 最直接吧(々)

望城县17050435891: 英语情书范文 -
魏魏沙棘: From see you one eye, I shit love you. 自从看到你的第一眼,我便爱上你. Your eyes close,I die;your eyes open,I come back to live.你的眼睛闭上,我就死了;你的眼睛打开,我又活过来;May be you do not remember me,no matter.When you ...

望城县17050435891: 跪求一篇英语情书
魏魏沙棘: 你好! My thoughts are deep into you . From the moment that I wake up . And to the whole day through .我深深地想念著你, 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起, 每一分每一秒直到一天结束. A better love I couldn't ask for. With your sweet and gently ...

望城县17050435891: 求一篇用英语写的情书 -
魏魏沙棘: 一封绝妙的情书 There once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl's father, who didn't want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father ...

望城县17050435891: 求英文情书大全 -
魏魏沙棘: i went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. i slept like a baby all night, because i was not feeling alone. when i awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. very soon, i know that you will ...

望城县17050435891: 英语的情书?经典句子! -
魏魏沙棘: 一封绝妙的情书An Ingenious Love Letter (双语)There once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl's father, who didn't want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he ...

望城县17050435891: 求英语情书句子,如i fell in love with you at the moment saw you(当我第一眼看到你我就爱上了你),还有这种类型的情书没有,把你知道的,现想的,告诉我吧 -
魏魏沙棘: ) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 没...

望城县17050435891: 求: 情书英语文章 -
魏魏沙棘: Dear Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can't stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As much as I try to pretend, the truth is,...

望城县17050435891: 求英语情书 -
魏魏沙棘: 一封绝妙的情书An Ingenious Love Letter (双语)There once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl's father, who didn't want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he ...

望城县17050435891: 求英文情书一封,最好高一高二能看懂的,有要求要 含蓄表达爱意,有内涵,重点是要把w,r,i,l,o,v,e,y,o,u放在前面,不一定要是开头,有创新也可以. -
魏魏沙棘:[答案] 正好我有空,试写一首. We met in a rainy day.我们雨中相遇. Rain drops are falling down all the way.雨水滴答一路未停. I walked you home after say hey.我同你搭讪送你回家. Laughing and talking was all we were doing.一路说说笑笑始终未停. ...

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