much, nearly, almost, not quite, not really 等等的区别

作者&投稿:靳定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
almost not和not nearly有什么区别~

almost not几乎不
This question seems so basic, it's almost not worth asking.这个问题似乎非常基础,几乎不屑于回答。
'I can say that almost not a single grain of rice has been sent fromAfrica back to China,' he declared.他宣称,可以说几乎没有一粒米、一斤粮食从非洲拉回到中国国内来。
I’m almost not following competitive conversations online, and you can rarely see such a type of topics on my blog.我不大在意网上关于竞争的争论,因此这类话题在我的博客上很少出现。

not nearly远不,根本就不
So your audience is not nearly as aware of your nervousness as you are.因此,你的观众根本没有意识到你所感觉到的紧张的。
"We are catching up with Americans but are not nearly as open as the French, Italians and the Greeks," he said.他说:“我们正在追赶美国人,但是还不能像法国人、意大利人和希腊人那样直白地表达情感。”
I get so I really kind of hate to look in the sack at the end of the day, and I have to admit giving him his goodnight kiss on the lips is notnearly as fun as it used to be.我已经厌烦了这种玩法,每到一天结束的时候,我都有点不愿再看看麻袋里的他,我还得承认,吻着他的嘴道晚安也不像以前那样有趣了。

>> almost, nearly都是副词,意为“几乎,差不多”

>> almost一般不带语气,表示“这事情已经这样了。”

>> 另外almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost可以修饰more than, too, nothing, nobody, nowhere, no one, none, never等词,nearly则不行。

>> not nearly 表示“一点也不,决不”,而not almost则是“还没有那么多”。

1) I'm not almost ready.
2) I've almost never seen him.
3) Almost no one believed him.
4) The book cost me almost 60 yuan.
5) I nearly didn't hear what the teacher said in class.
6) This is almost more than we thought.

还有问一道题 同义句转换
I prefer staying at home rather than going out.
I would rather stay at home than go out .


eg:how much it costs.这多少钱
After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement.经过一番艰难的讨价还价,我们达成了协议
adv:久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说)有多远; 到很远距离; 到很大程度
adj.远的; 遥远的; (某方向的)最远的; 远端的
eg:We didn't go far.我们没有走远。
3、by far,…得多; 更; 尤其; 到目前为止
eg:He is by far the best player on the team.他是该队最好的队员。
4、nearly,副词:几乎,差不多; 险乎
eg: That car nearly hit us!那辆车差点撞了我们!
5、almost,副词:几乎,差不多; 将近; 快要; 近乎
eg: I like almost all of them.我差不多所有的都喜欢。
6、by no means,绝不,一点也不; 并不; 决不
eg:This by no means the first time you have been late.这绝不是你第一次迟到了。
7、not quite,不完全地
eg: I'm not quite sure where he is. 我不能确定他在哪儿.
8、not really,不完全是; 不见得
eg: it's not really his fault.
9、nothing like,丝毫不像; 绝对不
eg:His new book is nothing like as good as his earlier books.他的新书远不及他早先的书好。

东明县13165771719: much, nearly, almost, not quite, not really 等等的区别 -
谏尝骨疏: 1、much,副词:非常,形容词:大量的(修饰不可数名词) eg:how much it costs.这多少钱 After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement.经过一番艰难的讨价还价,我们达成了协议 2、far, adv:久远地; (问到或谈及距离时说)有多...

东明县13165771719: nearly.almost.hardly的用法和区别 -
谏尝骨疏: nearly与almost的用法在大多数情况下可以通用,都表达对事物的大致判断,可以修饰数量词、形容词、动词等.而hardly则主要用于否定句式,意思为,几乎不……,难以…….

东明县13165771719: nearly和almost之间的区别是什么?
谏尝骨疏: almost与nearly倒是比较容易混淆的.下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别: 1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可.almost不能用not修饰. 2)nearly表示“接近”.常可与almost换用,但...

东明县13165771719: nearly和almost的区别?是不是nearly后不能接 -
谏尝骨疏: nearly后不能接含有no, none, nothing, never等词.nearly和almost的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、nearly:差不多. 2、almost:几乎. 二、用法不同 1、nearly:nearly的基本意思是“几乎,差不多”,表示事情...

东明县13165771719: 英语中程度副词有那些? -
谏尝骨疏: 常见的有 fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 1.程度副词表示动词,形容词或其他副词的程度,如:too(太),very(非常),much(很),almost(几乎),nearly(...

东明县13165771719: almost nearly mostly mainly 的区别 -
谏尝骨疏: 1. almost=very nearly,表示"几乎、差不多",常可互换使用.例如:It's almost/nearly ten o'clock.差不多10点了. He fell off a tree and almost/nearly died.他从树上摔下来,几乎丧命. 析:从事实角度讲,almost比nearly的差距更小.从说话人...

东明县13165771719: 英语中有哪些程度副词? -
谏尝骨疏:[答案] 常见的有 fairly,pretty,rather,quite,very,much,too,greatly,almost,nearly,half,highly,awfully,deeply,partly,perfectly,really 1.程度副词表示动词,形容词或其他副词的程度,如:too(太),very(非常),much(很),alm...

东明县13165771719: nearly 和 almost 有什么区别,怎么可以轻松记住? -
谏尝骨疏: nearly与almost都是副词,表示几乎.almost一般不带语气,表示事情已经这样了;nearly一般带点语气,表示事情居然都已经这样了.almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost多可以修饰more than,too,nothing,nobody,nowhere,no one,none,never等词,nearly则不行.

东明县13165771719: 辨析nearly,almost,hardlynearly,alm
谏尝骨疏: hardly 不与no 连用;nearly不用于否定句;almost 可以和否定词no one | nothing | none | nobody | never连用. Almost no one in our class would make friends with her. 几乎班上没有人愿意和她交朋友. When we got here, he had done almost everything.

东明县13165771719: 最高级,比较级英语注意事项 -
谏尝骨疏: 1. 最高级可被序数词或 much,far(much的跟屁虫)by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like,(rather不能修饰最高级)等词语所修饰. 例如: This hat is by far/much/nearly/almost/not nearly/by no means/not quite/nothing like the ...

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