他就在银行对面 英语准确翻译

作者&投稿:拓柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
他就站在火车站对面 英语翻译~

1 银行就在邮局对面 ( 两种翻译方法)

2 他就站在火车站对面

3 我就坐在火车站对面的台阶上。

4 他正在银行对面的餐厅吃饭。

1 the bank is opposite the post office (two translation methods) and he stood in the railway station the opposite 3 I sat on the steps of the opposite at the railway station. He is at the bank opposite of restaurant.

He is opposite the bank.

  1. He is standing(waiting) there opposite the bank.

  2. His house is opposite mine.

  3. I am sitting on the steps opposite the train station.

  4. He is having meal in the restaurant opposite the bank.

He is having meals in the restaurant across from the bank.

博爱县19283329869: 他就在银行对面 英语准确翻译 -
令珍脑得: He is standing(waiting) there opposite the bank.His house is opposite mine.I am sitting on the steps opposite the train station.He is having meal in the restaurant opposite the bank.

博爱县19283329869: 他就在银行对面 英语准确翻译 -
令珍脑得: He is having meals in the restaurant across from the bank.

博爱县19283329869: 英语翻译1 他就在银行对面 能说:He is opposite to the bank .这么说对么?( be opposite 形容词用法,这里记得是)如果说 He is opposite the bank.opposite... -
令珍脑得:[答案] He is standing(waiting) there opposite the bank. His house is opposite mine. I am sitting on the steps opposite the train station. He is having meal in the restaurant opposite the bank.

博爱县19283329869: 在…对面用英语 -
令珍脑得: across from 在…对面across from the bank 在银行对面******************************************************************* 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢! *******************************************************************

博爱县19283329869: 英语翻译英译汉1、在银行的对面 2、在邮局和公馆之间 3、在旅馆的前面 4、在图书馆后面 5、在邻近地区 6、紧靠银行的旁边 -
令珍脑得:[答案] 1.across from the bank 2.between the post office and the villa 3.in front of the hotel 4.behind the library 5.in the neighbour 6.close to the bank

博爱县19283329869: 他就站在火车站对面 英语翻译 -
令珍脑得: 1 银行就在邮局对面 ( 两种翻译方法) 2 他就站在火车站对面 3 我就坐在火车站对面的台阶上. 4 他正在银行对面的餐厅吃饭.1 the bank is opposite the post office (two translation methods) and he stood in the railway station the opposite 3 I sat on the steps of the opposite at the railway station. He is at the bank opposite of restaurant.

博爱县19283329869: 英汉翻译;1、在银行的对面2、在邮局和餐馆之间3、在旅馆的前面、在图书馆的后面5、在邻近地区6、紧靠银行 -
令珍脑得: 1. opposite to the bank 2. between the post office and the restaurant 3. in front of the hotel 4. behind the library 5. nearby/in the vicinity/somewhere close 6. right next to the bank 话说这是老师布置的作业吗?..不要直接抄至少记住怎么讲..

博爱县19283329869: 英语翻译2 他就站在火车站对面3 我就坐在火车站对面的台阶上.4 他正在银行对面的餐厅吃饭. -
令珍脑得:[答案] 1.The bank is opposite the post office.The bank is across from the post office The bank is on the opposite side of the post office.2.He is just on the opposite side of the train station.He is just fac...

博爱县19283329869: 英语翻译1 银行就在邮局对面 ( 两种翻译方法)2 他就站在火车站对面3 我就坐在火车站对面的台阶上.4 他正在银行对面的餐厅吃饭. -
令珍脑得:[答案] 第一个,The bank is opposite the post office第二个,He stood opposite at the railway station(如果不是过去式的话,stood是stand)第三个,I sat on the steps of the opposite at the railway station(sat原型si...

博爱县19283329869: 在 对面用英语怎么说 -
令珍脑得: 根据语境翻译.常用的是opposite,across 如 1士兵被部署在对面山上. The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill. 2他坐在对面什么也没干. He sat opposite, doing nothing. 3我不在对面的楼里. I am not in the opposite building. 它在对面街上的车站. It's at the stop across the street.5 我想和你谈谈,我们在对面的咖啡厅见. I need to talk. I'll see you at the cafe across the street.

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