
作者&投稿:羊甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Snow White is a young princess raised by her vain and wicked stepmother the Queen. The jealous Queen feared that young Snow White’s beauty would someday surpass her own, so she ask her magic mirror every morning: “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” And the mirror’s response was always: “You are the fairest one of all.” However, one morning, The Queen is furious when the mirror told her that Snow White is the fairest woman in the land. Her worst nightmare has come true, and she summons the Huntsman to take Snow White deep into the forest and kill the young Princess. The Huntsman agrees but when he escorts Snow White into the forest, he begs her forgiveness and explains the Queen’s plan, telling her she must run and hide, never to return. So, Snow White runs deep into the forest. Finally, she finds a quaint little cottage in a glen. She enters the little cottage seeing the tiny tables and chairs. Feeling exhausted, Snow White lies across three of the beds and falls asleep. No much latter, Seven Dwarfs arrive back at the cottage and see the Snow white. After Snow White explains her predicament, they unanimously decide to let her stay. Meanwhile, back at the castle, the evil Queen knows that Snow White still alive from the magic mirror. This time, she disguises herself as an old hag, comes to the cottage with a poisoned apple. Fooled by the Queen’s disguise and seeing only an old peddler, Snow White takes a bite and falls to the floor in the Sleeping Death that only the kiss of love can break. When the Seven Dwarfs back to the cottage, it’s too late. They chase the old hag through the woods. The hag is cornered on a rocky crag, and she falls to her death as a lightning bolt shatters her footing. Victorious but saddened by the apparent death of Snow White, the Dwarfs build a glass and gold coffin for her, keeping eternal vigil at her side. Then, a Prince comes by seeing the beautiful Snow white and falls in love with her. He gently kisses her lips farewell, and Snow White awakens to the cheers of the Dwarfs. She says goodbye to the Dwarfs, kissing each of them before riding off with her Prince, disappearing into the sunset to live happily ever after.

Long,long time ago, there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful daughter, named Snow White. Although amiable as she was, Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hided with the Dwarfs; the queen fed her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.

The story is about a girl, Snow White,who was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.But a jealous queen wanted to kill her to hide her beauty. So she ran away from the castle and met seven little dwarfs in the forest. But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave Show White an enchanted apple. She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep. The little dwarfs cried because they couldn’t awaken Snow White So the dwarfs put her in a crystal case and prayed for help. Finally,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss. Snow White gradually woke up and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she married the prince.




1. 《白雪公主》:这个故事讲述了一个美丽的公主和她的继母之间的冲突。公主因为她的继母的嫉妒而被迫逃离家园,并在森林中遇到了七个小矮人。故事中充满了魔法和奇遇,最终公主得到了她应有的幸福。2. 《跳破了的舞鞋》:这个故事讲述了一个年轻女孩被一只邪恶的仙女施加了魔咒,迫使她不断地跳舞,...





《格林童话》白雪公主(Snow White)是广泛流行于欧洲的一个童话故事中的人物,其中最著名的故事版本见于德国1812年的《格林童话》。讲述了白雪公主受到继母皇后(格林兄弟最初手稿中为生母)的虐待,逃到森林里,遇到七个小矮人的故事。历史学家巴特尔思据称白雪公主的历史原型是1725年生于德国西部美茵河畔...


穆棱市19343294841: 用英语概括“白雪公主”(一句话)英语一句话是白雪公主的内容简介 -
德钞京叶:[答案] Two women and seven dwarf's stories 两个女人(公主和皇后)和七个侏儒的故事 或者 A woman and seven dwarf's story 一个女人和七个侏儒的故事

穆棱市19343294841: 白雪公主故事的英语简单概括,可以的话再加分.(今天之内) -
德钞京叶:[答案] The original tells a lovely beautiful princess because stepmother envy her beauty and forced to flee to the forest, fortune upon ... find love prince story. 原文讲述了一个可爱美丽的公主因为后母嫉妒其美貌而被迫逃到森林,偶遇善良的七个小矮人.最后在...

穆棱市19343294841: 给我一个关于白雪公主的故事梗概.要英文的.简单的几句话就可以.不要用工具翻译的...我着急!线上等. -
德钞京叶:[答案] In the story she is a king's daughter,a seven year-old whose natural beauty drives her jealous step-mother to attempted murder.The vain queen learns from a magic mirror that little Snow White outranks...

穆棱市19343294841: 白雪公主故事英语梗概 -
德钞京叶: 有点长 Snow-whiteOnce there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the hunts and on the trees: all things were white with snow.The Queen was making a coat...

穆棱市19343294841: 用英语概括“白雪公主”(一句话) -
德钞京叶: Two women and seven dwarf's stories 两个女人(公主和皇后)和七个侏儒的故事 或者 A woman and seven dwarf's story 一个女人和七个侏儒的故事

穆棱市19343294841: 白雪公主讲了什么,用英语回答. -
德钞京叶: 展开全部Is anyone home? Please help me. I'm lost.Who are you?I am Snow White. I'm sorry I let myself in. I was lost in the forest.My stepmother is the queen. She is jealous of me. She tried to kill me, so I ran away. But I don't know where to go.I can ...

穆棱市19343294841: 给我一个关于白雪公主的故事梗概.要英文的. -
德钞京叶: In the story she is a king's daughter, a seven year-old whose natural beauty drives her jealous step-mother to attempted murder. The vain queen learns from a magic mirror that little Snow White outranks her as the "fairest in the land." The queen ...

穆棱市19343294841: 急需一篇《白雪公主》100字英语的内容介绍. -
德钞京叶: A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married ...

穆棱市19343294841: 白雪公主的故事英汉互译版 -
德钞京叶: 白雪公主 童话故事在一个冬天,王后正坐在王宫里为她的女儿做针线活儿,她抬头向窗外望去,看到窗外漂飞的雪花,一不留神,针刺进了她的手指,红红的鲜血流了出来,有几滴血滴落在飘进窗子的雪花上.她若有所思地凝视着白雪上的鲜...

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