
作者&投稿:诸荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Michael Phelps is a famous person who won eight gold medals at Beijing Olmpic Games.Everyone loves him and treats him as a role model because of his amazing talent and great effort.However,he shocked the world again ,not a good news,but a bad news,taking drugs.When I heard of this news ,I can't believe what I see and hear.Before I heard of it ,I admired him for his achievement. But now ,his perfect image in my heart is broken.As a role model, Phelps should set high standards for himself and control himself.He is looked up so he must be a good role model.A fact is a fact,no one can deny,so all of us should meet it.However,now I think I understand Phelps a little.He has a large pressure .He is so young that sometimes he maybe walks a wrong way and making mistakes can't avoid.We should try forgiving him as forgiving Liuxiang when he withdrawed from a race . Somtimes tolerating is the best choose.Now Phelps is going to go to the swimming pool to find himself. We should change our unfriendly attitude to encourage him.We should treat him as a common person,not a person who once made a big mistake.

The regretful result of Phelps taking drugs is a lesson for himself,and also for ourselves.

I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.
First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China.
Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed.
Third, the past data show most countries' economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.


1. 奥运冠军的共同点:1)追求卓越
2. 如何做生活中的冠军:1)明确的目标是动力的源泉

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big step.Now how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern.

These days,we held a discussion in our class about this topic.Each classmate was warm-hearted about it.

We all think,there are many common piont of every winner in the Olympic Games.They pursue excellence and always show respect to others,such as their fans and coachs,even their opponent.Also,they never give up and always believe they can do better.

In our true live,we also need to be a winner.It’s important for us to know how to be a success.First, a certain goal is our power.And if you pay more attention,you can do more.Personally,everything can be an important factor.We should have a high spirit about everything we do.And always I think,when I believe,I can do much more.Also,in modern seciety,we need team spirit,who can’t cooperate with others won’t
succeeded.And it’s a quality of a person that when you see someone in need of help,you should give him a hand.Only if you can do the all,you can be a winner one day.

In a word,the Olympic Slogan“One World,One Dream”expresses the voice of our class-share a beautiful earth,share modern civilization and create a better future hand in hand.


08奥运奖牌英雄榜排名 要从第一个开始 到最后一个
1.陈燮霞 女子举重48KG 2.庞伟 男子10米气手枪 3.郭文珺 女子10米气手枪 4.郭晶晶、吴敏霞 跳水双人3米板 5.冼东妹 柔道-52KG 6.龙清泉 举重56KG 7.林跃、火亮 跳水双人10米台 8.陈艳青 举重58KG 9.张湘祥 举重62KG 10.中国男子体操队 11.王鑫、陈若琳 跳水女子双人...

刘子歌 女子200米蝶泳 中国 菲尔普斯 男子200米混合泳 美国 布丽塔·海德曼 女子击剑个人重剑 德国 秦钟午 男子射击50米手枪慢射 韩国 北岛康介 男子200米蛙泳 日本 澳大利亚队 女子4x100米混合泳接力 澳大利亚 妮科尔 库克 女子公路个人赛 英国 马泰奥 塔利亚里奥尔 男子重剑个人 意大利 纳济...

2008年,北京奥运会奖牌榜:中国代表团,奖牌榜第二,金牌榜第一位。 名次代表团 金牌 银牌 铜牌 总数 1 中国 51 21 28 100 2 美国 36 38 36 110 3 俄罗斯 23 21 28 72 4 英国 19 13 15 47 5 德国 16 10 15 41 6 澳大利亚 14 15 17 46 7 韩国 13 10 8 31 8 ...

1. 2008年北京奥运会男子400米冠军是由美国选手拉肖恩·梅里特获得的,他的成绩是43.75秒。2. 女子400米冠军则是由英国选手克里斯蒂娜·奥胡鲁奥古赢得,她的名字是克里斯蒂娜·奥胡鲁奥古。

快讯:北京时间8月15日凌晨2点,雅典奥运会女子双人三米板决赛在奥林匹克水上中心进行,经过一番激烈角逐,最终中国选手郭晶晶\/吴敏霞以总分336.90分的成绩获得冠军,这是跳水比赛的第一枚金牌。 获奖感言 :郭晶晶:没想象中激动 吴敏霞:感觉很好 赛后点评 :国内媒体:亮晶晶要成为中国第一对“奥运冠军情侣” 国外媒体: ...


2、中国马术骑手华天,在骑术3项赛中不慎落马。华天5岁上马;14岁成为注册职业骑手(打破16岁才可注册成为职业骑手的惯例); 15岁时成为最年轻的二星级骑手;16岁时两次击败世界冠军.英国女王的外孙女 扎拉·菲利普斯。同年5月,夺得温莎皇家马术赛的女王杯;2006年放弃英国国籍,正式成为中国公民;17岁...


最感动的奥运瞬间 最心酸的瞬间 19日北京奥运会男子举重105公斤以上级的颁奖仪式上演了感人的一幕:该项目冠军、德国选手马·施泰纳把亡妻苏珊的照片和奥运金牌高高举起,让人们不仅看到一个强壮的大力士,还深深感受到他对妻子深深的爱。这位德国大力士在比赛最后阶段上演大逆转,用一枚沉甸甸的奥运金牌来祭奠亡故的妻子,...

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