
作者&投稿:马店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in brooklyn, New York.
(迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林。)
Former us professional basketball player, point guard, nicknamed "Air Jordan".
(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan)。)
Michael Jordan was drafted by the Chicago bulls with the 3rd pick in the first round of the 1984 NBA draft.
He played for the Chicago bulls and Washington wizards and was named NBA rookie of the year in his rookie year.
In 1986-87, Jordan averaged 37.1 points per game to become the first NBA scoring champion.


  Michael Jordan
  "Michael Jordan Above and Beyond" provides a much-needed look at Michael Jordan's fantastic return from retirement in 1995. The first 20 minutes or so recap his retirement, attempt at minor league baseball, and his dealing with his father's murder. It picks up when it starts looking at the huge frenzy that was his return to the NBA in the Spring of 1995. It covers his mediocre first game back against the Pacers, his Friday night Chicago return against the Magic, and his subsequent return to form with a game-winning shot against Atlanta, and a career night dropping 55 on the Knicks. It then covers the Bulls' disappointing defeat in the playoffs at the hands of the Magic, the first (and last) time the Jordan-led Bulls would finish the season without a trophy since 1990.
  The documentary then covers the summer of '95, which Michael spent making "Space Jam" and getting into the best shape of his life, playing basketball in a gym specially designed for him on the Burbank set. What would ensue is perhaps the greatest season in the history of all sports, the Bulls' dominant 72-10 run through the entire league. Unfortunately, this documentary stops shortly after the All-Star Game, so the momentous 70th win, subsequent MVP trophy, and Championship run concluding with a Finals victory over the Seattle Supersonics are all not covered. A shame, as it could have been twice as long, covered all that, remained interesting, and been 4 times as good. Instead, this documentary fails to document the Bulls' magnificent season.
  It does provide insight into Jordan's desire to win, and special attention is (deservedly) given to the February 2, 1996 matchup between Michael's Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers with a newly-returned Magic Johnson. It wasn't aparticularly close finish, but it was a fantastic night to watch basketball, and the game remains the highest-rated cable sports event in history. Narrated by "E.R." star Eriq LaSalle, "Michael Jordan Above and Beyond" is good, but cut way too short.
  迈克尔·乔丹:(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于纽约布鲁克林,美国著名篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,历史上最伟大的篮球运动员。1984年的NBA选秀大会,乔丹在首轮第3顺位被芝加哥公牛队选中。1986-87赛季,乔丹场均得到37.1分,首次获得分王称号。 1990-91赛季,乔丹连夺常规赛MVP和总决赛MVP称号,率领芝加哥公牛首次夺得NBA冠军。1997-98赛季,乔丹获得个人职业生涯第10个得分王,并率领公牛队第六次夺得总冠军。[1] 2009年9月11日,乔丹正式入选NBA名人堂。

Jordan was born in 1936 in New York, as a child are not tall Buaishuohua. However, he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina, he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the pace and again and again into the basket. As a result of a strong and well-known dunk, the nickname "Air Jordan." After graduating from the University of Jordan, Chicago Bulls was selected to lead the team access to six NBA championships in a match set a personal record of 69 points. In April 2003, the 40-year-old Michael Jordan retired. Now he has his own sports club. 满意望好和原创5快速采纳,多谢了~





杰克逊乔丹是NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一,他的职业生涯充满了辉煌的时刻。作为一名出色的得分手和防守球员,他在场上的表现无人能及。本文将介绍杰克逊乔丹的职业生涯,以及他的操作步骤和技巧。一、职业生涯 杰克逊乔丹于1984年进入NBA,加入芝加哥公牛队。他很快就成为了球队的核心球员,并带领球队赢得了多...

职业生涯总盖帽:893次(NBA后卫球员中历史最高) 职业生涯命中率:49.7%(24537次出手,命中12192个) 职业生涯总罚球:83.5%(8772罚7327中) 职业生涯三双次数:28次(不含全明星赛) 职业生涯最高分:69分 最爱乔丹! 参考资料: nba中文网 本回答由体育运动分类达人 贾振雨推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 15 3...

31.保持职业生涯历史最高Usage rate数值33.1,和最多Usage rate数值之王9次32.保持着最多的得分超过2000分的塞机次数11次33.历史上唯一一个两次同时拿到200个抢断和100个盖帽的后卫.34.1993对奇才,乔丹拿下57分和10次助攻,是nba历史上拿下10次助攻的同时得分最高的。35.1989年对76人的比赛,乔丹拿下52分,全场29...

1990-91赛季、1991-92赛季、1992-93赛季、1995-96赛季、1996-97赛季、1997-98赛季) 荣获1987-88赛季“最佳防守球员”称号;9次入选NBA“最佳防守阵容” (1987-88至1992-93赛季、1995-96至1997-98赛季) 乔丹是1963年2月17日出生,退役时候40周岁零2个月,现在是山猫队老板。 希望对你有所帮助 ...

全名:迈克尔·乔丹英文名:Michael Jordan 性别:男 身高:1.98米 体重:98 公斤 百米成绩:10.7s垂直弹跳:43inch跳远成绩:7.5m以上出生日期:1963-2-17 出生地:纽约市布鲁克林区 高中:北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿兰尼高中 大学:北卡罗莱纳大学 选秀:1984年首轮第3位 场上位置:得分后卫NBA职业生涯:芝加哥公牛(84-93、94-95...

迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)男 身高:1.98米 体重:98 公斤 百米成绩:10.7s 垂直弹跳:1.2m以上 跳远成绩:7.5m以上 出生日期:1963-2-17 出生地:纽约市布鲁克林区 高中:北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿兰尼高中 大学:北卡罗莱纳大学 选秀:1984年首轮第3位 NBA生涯:13个赛季(1984-1993、1994-1998)...

15896个球. 29277分 乔丹在NBA职业生涯中,投了24537次篮,投中了12192个,命中率49。7%:罚球罚了8772次,命中7327次,命中率83。5%。共得29277分,列NBA联盟第四名。乔丹最终在其所有1072场NBA比赛中得到32292分,平均每场30.123分,力压超越张伯伦(1045场,30.066分\/场)成为NBA历史上平均得分...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 介绍乔丹的英语短文要包括以下内容,1963:出生于纽约.982:成为一名大学生.985:成为NBA球员.:成为"became a member of "NBA's greatest ... -
荀贺浦美:[答案] "Michael Jordan Above and Beyond" provides a much-needed look at Michael Jordan's fantastic return from retirement in ... It picks up when it starts looking at the huge frenzy that was his return to the NBA in the Spring of 1995. It covers his mediocre ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 急需一片关于介绍飞人乔丹的英语范文 -
荀贺浦美:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17,1963) is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman.His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states,"By acclamation,Michael Jordan is the greatest ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 急要~关于飞人乔丹的英语文章100字左右. -
荀贺浦美:[答案] NBA.com History:Michael Jordan Full Name:Michael Jeffrey Jordan Born:2/17/63 in Brooklyn,NY Drafted by:Chicago Bulls,1984 Transactions:Retired,10/6/93; Activated from retirement,3/18/95; Retired,1/13/99; Signed with Washington Wizards,9/25/01....

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 找一篇关于乔丹的英语作文的范文· -
荀贺浦美: Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U. S. A.He is a legend sports man. His great skill is so amazing that people call him a flying man. Although he is not very tall in the basketball field, his wonderful skill always helps him to win games. ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 谁有关于乔丹的英语文章? -
荀贺浦美: Michael JordanMichael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, having two older brothers and...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 英文介绍迈克尔乔丹 150字左右要中文翻译.字数不要许多,150字就够.要中文翻译的. -
荀贺浦美:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, ... The team had such college players as Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Chris Mullin (NBA players weren't allowed to compete in the ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 求迈克尔乔丹的打球生涯简录?(要英文的)急啊~~
荀贺浦美: .Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface”Capone.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal.Almost single-handedly,...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 求介绍与评价Michael Jordan的英语文章一篇三四百字左右就够了 -
荀贺浦美:[答案] 看看是不是你需要的 Basketball Hero Retires Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface... 1998 NBA finals including the winning point in the game's closing seconds. Over his career,Jordan captured 10 consecutive ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 找一篇关于乔丹的英语作文的范文·我要一篇关于篮球明星乔丹的一篇英语作文···不需要太长50个单词左右嘛··写一些关于他的事迹··· -
荀贺浦美:[答案] Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U.S.A.He is a legend sports man.His great skill is so amazing that people call him a flying man.Although he is not very tall in the basketball field,his ...

注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴13557567493: 一篇英语作文 ,给我打分,Michael JordanMichael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the USA.As we all know,his great skill was so amazing that people ... -
荀贺浦美:[答案] 有一点小问题. 1、professional拼错啦.不过这个说法本来就不地道,如果你想说他退役了,可以说he has retired as a ... 但是毕竟英语更注重一个动作.你要强调的无非是“乔丹在退役之后还是有所作为”,所以这里就应该更强调建立的动作(如果球队...

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