why do you come to college?

作者&投稿:勤丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
why do you come to college~

why do you come to college?你为何要来这所学院?
why do you ask this question?你为何要问这个问题?
For learning to be a man. 为了和人们一道学习。
studay play community and get ready to the world .对世人来说,它是学习娱乐和???
further myself, experience myself, improve myself 促进自我、感受自我、提高自我
in order to get a wonderful future ,and get to a excellent wages (不知道!!!)

when i was still a young boy,i was told to enter the college is the golden bowl for my whole life.at that time,i did not know what a golden bowl was since i was so young.
i knew the answer when i was in middle school.so i studied pretty hard.at that time,my family was still very poor,some of my classmates always wore good clothes,ate good food.but i had no good clothes or good food as a child who was from the peasants' family.i knew i had to obtain the diploma of college if i wanted to change the present situation.otherwise i would be like my parents.
in the entrance exam to the high school i entered the best local senior school with excellent marks.my parents were so happy,but i never stopped,i still studied very hard and during the three years i had never eaten well.
after the entrance exam to college i was matriculated in the AnHui architectural industry college.my father was so excited that he melted into tears .he said i realized the dream in my life.but he did not know that i paid too much for this dream.

Why do people go to college?

Maybe this is incidental.Or just By accident.

It is always the same question: What will I do after I finished school? For many reasons students choose the academic career. But why do many prefer going to college? Is it all about money or knowledge?

Many parents groom their children for a career in an academic field where they earn a lot of money and get acceptance. This surety is important for them to know that their children will have social security.
This is often not to be influenced by the children, because they have never looked out for anything else than a doctor title and fortune. From the first grade, they had to be the class’ best and were never confronted with any other perspective.
To make it clear: Children of for example physicians very often study medicine.

Another reason for studying is the higher probability for a better work than students who decide to make a vocational education. In a corporation higher graduated degrees are more in demand.

Some students do not fit in any of the abovementioned schemes. They just do not want to go to work yet. They live their life to the full as long as possible. If they work, they will not be able to enjoy their lives. According to the motto: Living like a bee in clover! As long as they study, they do not have to work and the real life can wait.

A minority is left. Those who really want to study, because they are hungry for knowledge.
They cannot wait for more information to fill their brains with. They enjoy what they are doing and know what they want. Studying is their self-fulfilment like for other playing football. Those students are looking forward for every exam and they are the only ones who like the lecturers. That’s why they are always the best ones, because they like what they do.


Why do people go to college?

It is always the same question: What will I do after I finished/FINISH/HAVE FINISHED school? For many reasons students choose the/AN academic career. But why do many prefer /TO GO going to college? Is it all about money or knowledge?

Many parents groom their children for a career in an academic field where they earn a lot of money and get acceptance/ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY. This surety is important for them to know that their children will have social security./SECURITY IN LIFE
This is often not to be influenced/OFTEN NOT CONSIDERED BY by the children, because they have never looked out for anything else than/ANYTHING EXCEPT GETTING A DOCTORATE a doctor title and fortune. From the first grade, they had to be the class’ best /THE BEST IN THE CLASS and were never confronted with any other perspective/OUTLOOK.
To make it clear: Children of for example physicians very often study medicine.

Another reason for studying is the higher probability for/OF a better work/JOB than students who decide to make a /OPT FOR vocational education. In a corporation higher graduated degrees/HIGHER DEGREES are more in demand.

Some students do not fit inTO any of the abovementioned schemes. They just do not want to go to work yet. They live their life to the full as long as possible. If they work, they will not be able to enjoy their lives. According to the motto: Living like a bee in clover!/IN HONEY As long as they study, they do not have to work and real life can wait.

A minority is left. Those who really want to study, because they are hungry for knowledge.
They cannot wait for more information to fill their brains with. They enjoy what they are doing and know what they want. Studying is their self-fulfilment like IT IS for otherS playing football. Those students are looking forward for/TO every exam and they are the only ones who like the lecturers. That’s why they are always the best ones, because they like what they do. All in all, it is always an advantage to study. Not only for personal knowledge, it is a good experience for life. Students have to learn by themselves to be organized, punctual and studious to achieve one’s/THEIR aim. A perfect preparation for the/A future profession.

All in all, it is always an advantage to study. Not only for personal knowledge, it is a good experience for life. Students have to learn by themselves to be organized, punctual and studious to achieve one’s aim. A perfect preparation for the future profession.

  ”why do you come to college?“的中文翻译为:你为什么要上大学?主要考察考生使用英语表达自己情感需求和理解认知的能力。
  (一)why do you come to college?
 I come to the college may be an accident or a coincidence.
 Coming to the college is for knoeledge this college can teach me. The college is a place where my dream takes off, and I will make every effort to get close to my dream, till one day I can touch it.  Preparing well with knowledge and basic abilities, I can stand straight in the society full of competitions. So, I come to the college making everything right before stepping into the society.
  (二)Why do you come to college?
  Why do l come to college?Perhaps my coming is either by chance or by coincidence.
  However,the main reason why l come for this colledgeis to further my study and make great progess in my lesoons.l also look forward to the knowledge that they will give me .The saying is going as,"Konwledge is Power".The more knowlege l own ,the wider my view is.
  With the help of the knowledge l learned,l will easily face the difficulties happened on me.

Why do l come to college?Perhaps my coming is either by chance or by coincidence.However,the main reason why l come for this colledgeis to further my study and make great progess in my lesoons.l also look forward to the knowledge that they will give me .The saying is going as,"Konwledge is Power".The more knowlege l own ,the wider my view is.With the help of the knowledge l learned,l will easily face the difficulties happened on me.

That I come to the college may be an accident or a coincidence. Coming to the college is for knoeledge this college can teach me. The college is a place where my dream takes off, and I will make every effort to get close to my dream, till one day I can touch it. Preparing well with knowledge and basic abilities, I can stand straight in the society full of competitions. So, I come to the college making everything right before stepping into the society.


玉环县18894784696: 如果我说:你为什么来这里 是用 why do you come here 还是why are you come here -
职侵尤尼:[答案] do是助动词,come是动词 所以是 why do you come here are是be动词 所以应该是 why are you here 外国习惯用法是 why are you here 用do显得很生硬

玉环县18894784696: Why do you come back so late?为什么不用did -
职侵尤尼: Why do you come back so late?[译文]你为什么回来这么晚? 这个不是不能用did,用did也是可以的.但是要根据语境来判断,这里用do的话,是一般现在时.比如说:你跟朋友约定在某餐馆吃饭,你等了很久,然后你朋友就来了,你可以说Why do you come back so late?因为是现在发生的动作,如果是did表示过去的过去发生这个动作.

玉环县18894784696: why do you come to college -
职侵尤尼: 请大家在提问和回答时用双语好吗?这样也可以对不懂外语而且想学的人多少有点帮助啊!我是一名步入知天命的女性,英语丢了30年,且中途几乎没摸过,但我以前很有兴趣.进入这里,触动了我.我的英语是很下三滥的,但我也想学习,...

玉环县18894784696: Why do you come怎么发音
职侵尤尼: Y 堵 u 吭

玉环县18894784696: why you do this和why do you do this的区别 -
职侵尤尼: Why do you do this?这是一个特殊疑问句结构,表示“你为什么要这么做?/ 你这么做是为了什么?” why you do this. 这个是陈述语序,通常在复合句中用做从句,如:Can you tell me why you do this?你能告诉我为什么要这么做吗? That's the reaso why you do this. 那就是你这么做的理由.否定句:Why don't you do this? 你为什么不做这事?(意思是:你应该做这事.)

玉环县18894784696: Why do you do it 还是 Why you do it -
职侵尤尼: 如果是主句,是Why do you do it ,助动词提前,叫疑问句语序 如果是从句,宾语从句里,用Why you do it,是陈述句语序,这样就可以解释为什么是 I know why you love it 因为那是宾语从句,从句里的特殊疑问句用陈述句语序

玉环县18894784696: why do you not come 还是 why don't you come ?或者都对? -
职侵尤尼: 很显然,Why don't you come? 对!do 和 not 怎么可能隔着主语分开写?!希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

玉环县18894784696: 为什么你独自一人来到中国.英语怎么说? -
职侵尤尼: Why do you come to Chine alone?alone单独地、独自地

玉环县18894784696: why don't you still come 还是why do you still not come? -
职侵尤尼: why do you still not come? 我们宿舍的也都说是这个.. 我们提建议的时候才会把why donnot 放在前面如:why donnot you think about going to Beijing r for your holiday


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