
作者&投稿:泊元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involunt……


At first, Jake, who wanted to win the championship in the competition, was very excited when he found the magic of running shoes, because he finally realized his dream of winning the championship with running shoes. Yes, what a wonderful thing to win the championship easily!


But it backfired. His best friend disagreed with him and left him with the help of trainers. Moreover, he himself lost the fun of running. He realized that the victory easily obtained without personal participation and effort could not bring spiritual happiness or prove his achievements.


9、范斯 Vans(范斯)是1966年3月16日由保罗·范·多伦创始的原创极限运动潮牌,公司位于美国南加州,以极限运动起家,包括滑板、冲浪、BMX、滑雪等。并以滑板运动为根,将生活方式、艺术、音乐和街头时尚文化等注入Vans美学,形成别具个性的青年文化标志,成为年轻极限运动爱好者和潮流人士认同欢迎的世界性...

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世界运动品牌前20的排名:耐克、阿迪达斯、锐步、彪马、斐乐、美津侬、茵宝、背靠背、迪亚多纳、乐途、亚瑟士、布鲁克斯、鬼冢虎、安德玛、索康尼、飞人乔丹、新百伦、海德、匡威、范斯。第一名: (耐克Nike)——美国 耐克公司(NIKE)成立于1972 年,总部位于美国俄勒冈州Beaverton,其前身是由现任NIKE总裁菲尔....

一、检验跑鞋优劣(绿色鞋子为正例、红色为反例)1.扭不动2.压不动3.捏不动二、根据自己的脚型与步态选鞋(四种方法任选其一)1.美津浓官网测试Mizuno Precision Fit Online 首先推荐的当然是去美津浓在线测脚型网站啦,1分钟左右就能测出自己适合的跑鞋。2.根据自己的跑鞋鞋底磨损情况选鞋另外可以参考...

★2003年3 月16日,英国伯明翰第9届国际室内田径锦标赛男子60米栏,第三名,7秒52,打破亚洲室内纪录,成为参加本次比赛唯一获得奖牌的亚洲选手,实现中国男选手在该项赛事18年来奖牌“零”的突破。 ★ 2004年5月8日,在日本大阪举行的国际田联大奖赛上,刘翔以13秒06的成绩夺得冠军并创造了当时个人最佳战绩,战胜了...


津南区17553387782: 典范英语8 顶级跑鞋 读后感 -
公锦同仁: on the other hand the person who won the match with the help of the shoes, because of the shoes's autonomy, received the punishment he deserve.

津南区17553387782: 典范英语8新版1 - 3本读后感 -
公锦同仁: a boy saw a pair of rugged sports shoes and takes its as a treasure. when he wore it, a fat person laughed at him, but the boy loved running, he ran with the premium sports shoes, he sprinted involuntarily, and discovered he ran abnormally fast. his ...

津南区17553387782: 典范英语(6)6~11本书的读后感想 -
公锦同仁: 6:How interesting the story is.When I have read the story,I want to have a pair of jungle shorts and wear them to have a football game.7:Princess Jane is a smart girl.King Harry is a good husband and father.Queen North is a good queen.But I think ...

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津南区17553387782: 典范英语(6)6~11本书的读后感想(6)丛林短裤 (7)来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 (8)蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 (9)蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 (10)水母鞋 ... -
公锦同仁:[答案] 6:How interesting the story is.When I have read the story,I want to have a pair of jungle shorts and wear them to have a football game. 7:Princess Jane is a smart girl.King Harry is a good husband and father.Queen North is a good queen.But I think she ...

津南区17553387782: 典范英语,oh otto读后感,急需 -
公锦同仁: sdddddddddddddddd【【;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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