用以下单词造句,要求主谓一致的句子。哦! 单词尽量简单点

作者&投稿:卫翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Everyone is here but Tom.
We are all cleaning the classroom except Marry. I like vegetables, such as potatoes,tomatoes and onions. She likes sports,including swimming and climbing.

She was a witness of the incident.她是事件的目击者。He found a accommodation in New York.他在纽约找到了住处。He stood oposite.他站在对面。Did you notice him pause?你有没有注意到他停顿?He fled from the battle.他逃离了战争。He urges his sister's study.他敦促妹妹学习。The ...

use something for 用什么来干什么 I use money for buying books.我用钱来买书。You can use telephone for a call.你可以用电话打电话。use something to do 用什么来干什么(和上面的一样,只不过这个有动词不定式,上面那个用ING形式或名词形式)I use the pen to write a letter.我用笔...

分类: 外语\/出国 问题描述:用以下十个英语单词造句(每次一句)1、longest 2、biggest 3、largest 4、highest 5、 *** allest 6、lightest 7、heaviest 8、youngest 9、hottest 10、fattest 解析:1.Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world 2.The apple is the biggest on this ...

1. since then 从那是起 2. too much 太多 3. not only...but also 不仅...还...4. find out 找出 5. take around 照顾 6. at the age of 在这个时期 7. be famous for 因...出名 8. in addition to 另外 9. out of breath 气喘吁吁 10.get tired 疲劳 11.grow up 长大 1...

1、It was a happy day.2、It is kind of you to help me .3、It was lucy who finished the work 4、It is a small room.5、It is on the bed,6、It is a nice dress.7、It is late to school.8、It is time to go to bed.It pron.(代词)它。这。那。作无人称动词的...

1.Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world 2.The apple is the biggest on this table 3.The box is the largest in the room 4.The mountain is the highest in this city 5.The mouse is the smallest in the hole 6.The pairs of shoes is the lightest in the floor...

在用英语单词造句时,应该注意以下几点: 1. 单词的词性。要确定单词的词性,是否是名词、动词、形容词或其他词性,然后正确使用该词性。如果词性使用错误,会导致句子结构或意思错误。 2. 单词的词义。同一个单词可能有多种词义,要根据上下文选择恰当的词义使用。如果词义使用不当,句子意思会产生歧义或无法理解。 3. ...

如下:Just ring for the nurse if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses.我认为你对我们的一位护士有怨言。Her family put her into a nursing home.她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。He worked in a hospital for ten years...

By the time the ambulance had arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.救护车赶到时, 围观的人已经很多了.He jammed his key into the lock.他把钥匙卡在锁里了.The pupils filed out of the room during the fire drill.在消防演习中,学生们排成纵队走出房间。Please file those letters...

2 from then onI have changed a lot from then on.自从那时起,我改变了许多【楼上把then当成Now了,嘿嘿】3 in a wayIn a way,we're very similar.在某种程度上我们两个很相像。4 deal withHow would you deal with his requirement?你打算怎么处理他的要求?5 share sth with sbWill you...

硚口区19759067946: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
余庄乳果: 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补)我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补)她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补)她给她丈夫做了一顿美味的饭. 4.He(主) brought(谓) you(宾) a dictionnary(宾补)他给你买了一本字典. 5.I(主) showed(谓) him(宾) my pictures(宾补)我给他看我的照片.

硚口区19759067946: 从下文中找出其中是主谓一致的句子Are you OK,Betty?Your hair looks nice!And you look smart,Daming.My new trousers are a bit tight…Everyone is ... -
余庄乳果:[答案] 【Your hair 单数主语】【looks 单数谓语】 nice!And 【you 复数主语】【 look 复数谓语】smart. My new trousers are a bit ... Please give a warm welcome to Becky Wang! 这一段话都正确,正确表达中的每个英语句子都符合【主谓一致】的要求. 祝...

硚口区19759067946: 初中英语主谓一致的用法 例句等等~ -
余庄乳果:[答案] 用作主语的名词词组中心词和谓语动词在单、复数形式上的一致,就是语法一致.也就是说,如果名词中心词是单数,动词用单数形式;如果名词中心词是复数,动词用复数形式.例如: This table is a genuine antique. Both parties have their own ...

硚口区19759067946: 怎么用英语造句? -
余庄乳果: 1、注意句子在使用上要做到语法规范.任何句子,特别是书面语句子,一定要合乎语法逻辑.主要把握好以下几点:(1)主谓一致.要写一个句子,首先要弄清主语和谓语之间的关系,应该根据主语的人称及数决定谓语的相应形式.(2)...

硚口区19759067946: 英语怎么用主谓宾造句啊,我不太懂,academic,province,amazing,怎么用这些造句啊一个单词造一个主谓宾句子, -
余庄乳果:[答案] This is an academic questions. Such decisions do not lie within his province. It is amazing.

硚口区19759067946: 主谓一致的英语句子 -
余庄乳果: 主谓一致是指:1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致.2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致.3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,一般来说,不可数名词用动词单...

硚口区19759067946: 主谓结构的英语句子 -
余庄乳果: 主语+谓语动词 就是主谓结构,谓语动词必须是不及物动词.eg:The car stopped. 区分:动词+宾语 就是动宾结构 eg:kiss her主+系动词+表语 表示状态 I am hungry. I

硚口区19759067946: 用英语造句(主谓宾定 主谓宾状 主谓宾补 主系表定 主系表补 主系表状) -
余庄乳果: He went out just now.(状)

硚口区19759067946: 以下单词应该怎么造句?(每个两句,急用) -
余庄乳果: use something for 用什么来干什么 I use money for buying books.我用钱来买书.You can use telephone for a call.你可以用电话打电话.use something to do 用什么来干什么(和上面的一样,只不过这个有动词不定式,上面那个用ING形式或名词...

硚口区19759067946: 用下面的单词造句 -
余庄乳果: 1.The small girl can't get on the tall elephant. 2.Although the boy is strong,he does not carry the elephant. 3.The gate is not wide enough so that the fat elephant can't get though the gate. 4.The bananas are not near and the monkey is far away from ...

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