the tales of the poor's becoming rich?

作者&投稿:寿波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
①The poor ___always dreaming___becoming rich. A.a~


The poor 表示一类人, 谓语用复数
dream of doing sth 梦想(渴望)做某事



The power of flight 飞翔的能力, 那就是羽毛 feather啦。
the well of knowledge 知识之井(源泉), 暗示墨水瓶inkpot。

The poor have me the rich need me, 穷人都有“我”,富人都需要“我"。
这里的"我"= nothing, 也就是The poor have nothing. The rich need nothing.

My face is silent without my hands. 这里hands是指钟表的指针,face是指钟表的面盘,没有指针面盘当然就安静啦。 所以这里是指怀表 pocket watch.


一,The poors表示一类人,穷人
The tales of the poors' becoming rich或
The tale of the poorer becoming rich


the tales of the poor's becoming rich
这个不符合语法,of不能这样用,of后面只能跟名词代词{of+名词/动名词(动词+ing)/ 代词},可以用about,正确用法是:the tales about the poor's becoming rich

冠县18813877585: the tales of the poor's becoming rich? -
闭翔牛黄: 我觉得应该属于正确的语法了吧,我认为就是这样的.

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闭翔牛黄: "the tales of beedle the bard" 《诗翁彼豆故事” 双语对照 例句:1.To hermione jean granger, I leave my copy of the tales of beedle the bard in the hopethat she find it entertaining and instructive. 给赫敏珍格兰杰,我留下的诗翁彼豆故事集,希望她能从书中得到乐趣与启发.

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闭翔牛黄: ne Thousand and One Nights======================== This book is simply wonderful. The tales involved are tales of the Persian Gulf, of Bagdhad, Arabia, and tales that we as adults should revisit for some enjoyable light reading that will make ...

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闭翔牛黄: This book is simply wonderful. The tales involved are tales of the Persian Gulf, of Bagdhad, Arabia, and tales that we as adults should revisit for some enjoyable light reading that will make us smile and wonder at the old folklore of the Arabian ...

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