
作者&投稿:长沙柏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My hobby is reading book,i have many books,and every day i read book two hours,for example ,magazine,i think it is very interting.literature,i think it can help me with my daily life.
i like writeing,so my writeing is very good,i want to be a writer when i grow up and i think read book is very useful!

I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading.
Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out.
Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future.
Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life.
Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.

My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that I find interesting.

This hobby got started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually. So as soon as I could, I learned to read. Soon I could read simple fairy tales and other stories. Now I read just about anything that is available.

Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I would otherwise not know. I learned about how people lived in bygone days of magic and mystery. I learned about the wonders of the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world.

Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. They have certainly helped me in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope with living. Otherwise I would go about ignorantly learning things the hard way.

So I continue to read. Besides being more informed about the world, I also spend my time profitably. It is indeed a good hobby.


Everyone has their own hobbies. Everyone's hobbies are different, and my hobby is reading.When I started kindergarten, I liked to read comics. Guess what.

When I was in primary school, I liked reading extracurricular books, "Xinhua Dictionary", "idiom dictionary", "pupil diary", "pupil composition". Anyway, I like reading books about learning.


My hobbies
I have many hobbies. On of them is listening to the music. Music makes me relaxed and feel comfortable. When I am sad , I listen to the music, too. Some good music can make me feel warm . So music is very important in my life.

I am a active boy/gril .I like playing lots of sports very much.Such as running,swimming,playing basketball,playing badminton,playing table tennis and so on.I also like draing pictures,I want to be a artist when I grow up,That's my dream.I like watching Tv and playing competer games.It makes me feel so happy and relaxed.and it makes my life colorful .I am good at English,it's my best subject in school,Of course,because I read many English books and articles,listen many English songs .That helps me study English well.

英语作文 我的爱好
我的爱好英语作文50词一:My hobby My hobby is reading books, because I can get many useful knowledge form thebook. I always read books after school in my room, and my friends all like reading. My mother gives me a book for my birthday gift, I was very happy.So I suggest ...

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我的爱好:篇1 我的生活中有许多爱好,简直像一个七彩调色盘,有练书法、看书、玩扑克牌……其中最吸引我的爱好是读书,书已经是我形影不离的老朋友了。 书是一位知识渊博的老师,默默无闻地奉献着自己的精华,传授给人们丰富多彩的知识。它开阔了我的视野,提高了我的写作能力。它是一把打开知识大门的钥匙。它使...

我的爱好作文1 我的爱好是看书,每天都要看半个小时的书,放假的时候就买书去看,还向朋友借书。 这个爱好给我带来了快乐,因为我从书中知道了很多别人不知道的知识,认识了很多字,所以我很快乐。因为我在书里看到了许多有趣和搞笑的故事,所以我很快乐。因为我在书里认识了很多写作手法,得到了别人没有的东西,所以...

英语作文 50词 我的爱好 带翻译
我的爱好英语作文范文:I my hobby is sports. The more exercise I do, The healthier I will be. After I have dinner, I often go out for a walk with my sister, and after class I usually play badminton with my friends. Sometimes I play ping-pong, too. So I think I have ...

以我的爱好为话题作文1 我是一个不折不扣的小书迷,书是我课余生活中离不开的伙伴,如果失去它,我的生活将会暗淡无光。有一次,我一大早起来,戴上眼镜,就开起灯,捧着书“啃”了起来。到了9点,妈妈起床了,看见我在沙发上看书,就问:“云朵,你洗了脸吗?”我正看得入迷呢,妈妈的话...

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我的爱好作文 (一)我有许许多多的爱好,比如:“弹钢琴、画画、溜冰……”但是,我最喜欢的还是看书了。因为看书不仅可以帮助我增长知识,而且还能让我提高写作能力,更可以让我看到一个个精彩无比的故事,书还是心情宝典,在你伤心的时候,翻开书,它能悄声无息的安慰你。书还是一位良师益友,它会...

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我的爱好作文1 这天,终于放假了,妈妈叫我起床,我迅速地穿上衣服,然后洗脸吃饭。 爸爸妈妈快要去上班了,过了几分钟,他们走了,我跑到房间,把电脑打开,为了不让爸爸妈妈发现,我我把表放在我的房间里。我玩起了《植物大战僵尸》,玩着玩着我就忘记了时间,突然我听见了钥匙开门的声音,我赶紧把电脑关机了。爸爸来到...

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