精通英语 、法语的大神请进!家里的青花碗碗底有很多英文,也可能是法文,哪位大神可以翻译成汉语?

作者&投稿:钟离视 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Traditional festivals, I was glad to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays. Like in the rest of the world, the festival is the time for cooking, enjoying the nice food in china. The food market are full of fish and meat, shopping and cooking become the main activities of the people. But except for holiday meals in terms of quantity and quality differently, some has a long history, are indispensable in symbolic characteristics of food festival is also partner. For example, May 5th lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan ancient poet and loyal fatuous while in exile from a corrupt court drowned himself. The river it will be the first to bamboo wrapped rice dumplings good investment Qu threw himself into, to worship the dead. Today, the dragon boat races are held during the festival, the zongzi are consumed by the living. The lunar calendar in August 15 of the Mid Autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol, which symbolizes family reunion. The Mid Autumn Festival is the special food of a round moon cake, with walnuts, candied fruit, sweetened bean paste or egg and other food. The Spring Festival is the Chinese Lunar New Year, celebrated according to the lunar calendar, usually occurs some time in the first half of the February. Eating is always the main part of the spring festival. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will according to their local customs cook some dishes, such as dumplings, Beijing Shanghai eight delicacies rice and Guangzhou rice soup. The country can see the New Year cake shape, taste is not the same. The word "New Year cake", "cake" and "high" homophonic, meaning the coming year, "steadily high".


意思:中国制造 (Made in Chine / Fabriqué en Chine)
不可用来放食物 (Not for food use / Ne pas utiliser pour servir des aliments)
用来放食物可使食物有毒 (May poison food / Pourrait empoisonner la nourriture)

英文是made in china .not for food use. may poison food


瑞丽市15313437579: 会法语和英语的高人请进! -
夔婕多酶: 我觉得同时抓没问题.毕竟一般中国学生英语底子都还可以,之所以会与法语搞混,是因为法语和英语有很多词汇是相同的,这个我认为并非坏事.因为你在背法语单词的时候,就等于同时背了和这个单词相似的英语单词,背英语单词的时候相应也记住了这个词的法语形态.所以我建议楼主要自己总结英语和法语词汇的特点,比如说affection,这样以tion为后缀的词,英法语里写法是相同的.而另外一些词只需在法语后面改个后缀如music,法语里是musique等等.如果楼主可以抓住这些规律,同时学好英语法语是没问题的,而且要比别人单学一门语言快的多.

瑞丽市15313437579: 关于法语和英语的学习,过来人请进. -
夔婕多酶: 我是一个学习了将近十年英语的法语专业学生,我用自己的经历告诉你,两种说法都有道理 就读音来说,两种语言是会产生影响的.我刚开始学法语的那段时间,甚至都不会读英语单词了,看到单词的第一反应都是法语的发音.但是时间长了就又慢慢的分开了. 就单词和语言结构等方面来说,只要把握的好,两者是可以相互促进的.英语70%左右的词都是来源与古法语,与现代法语单词属于同源词,有极大的相似度,所以好的英语可以对学习法语在词汇和语言结构等方面提供很大的帮助! 供川垛沸艹度讹砂番棘 简单来说就是这样了,希望可以帮到你

瑞丽市15313437579: 好的学语言的软件.在家也能精通各国语言 -
夔婕多酶: 各国到谈不上,但是如果你要学英语、法语、德语、日语、西班牙语、泰文、韩语····就推荐沪江开心词场和沪江听力酷,里面很多资料,都很好用的

瑞丽市15313437579: 网上说,季羡林大师精通12国语言,请问,是哪12国语言? -
夔婕多酶: 季羡林:英法德,俄阿,梵文,吠陀语、巴利语,吐火罗文(季羡林是我国著名文学家、教育家和社会活动家,精通英语、德语、梵语、吠陀语、巴利语、吐火罗语,还能阅读法语、俄语书籍.他长期在北京大学任教,在语言学、文化学、历史学、佛教学、印度学和比较文学等方面都有很深造诣. )

瑞丽市15313437579: 懂法语或意大利语的大哥大姐们请进 -
夔婕多酶: 法语:Bonjour ,Princesse !意大利语:Buongiorno ,Principessa !

瑞丽市15313437579: 求翻译一段文字,懂英文或法文的请进,要求极度富有文采. -
夔婕多酶: 此特佳XO白兰地,皇家尊贵,已然在小小的橡木桶中悉心酝酿数十载,在一条河边,在一个酒窖里.因其卓越的陈化条件,此独一无二,特佳陈年白兰地,将成为您会朋聚友,觥筹交错的迷人使者.

瑞丽市15313437579: 法语高手请进 -
夔婕多酶: ticket 和 billet 都有'票'的意思 但是billet更偏向票据一些,而且billet还有纸币的意思 plaisir是名词,阳性,不是动词,所以不能变位

瑞丽市15313437579: 懂法语的请进! -
夔婕多酶: 1 哦斯黑...汗,将就点吧2 让 罕够 克里斯蒂安 德外和丹 都是男的3 汗,卢梭叫让-雅克 卢梭,让-雅克是名,卢梭是姓(家族名) 缩写只是为了方便,比如卢梭,J.J.Rousseau,规律是名可以简写成...

瑞丽市15313437579: 季羡林大师精通哪些外语? -
夔婕多酶: 英法德,俄阿,梵文,吠陀语、巴利语,吐火罗文 他是我国著名文学家、教育家和社会活动家,精通英语、德语、梵语、吠陀语、巴利语、吐火罗语,还能阅读法语、俄语书籍.

瑞丽市15313437579: 精通各国语言的高手来吧 . -
夔婕多酶: 德 Apfel 法 pommes 荷兰语 appel 芬兰:omena 意大利:mela 俄:яблоко

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