
作者&投稿:裔卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My father is a business men.In the mor ning ,he goes to wark early.He doesn't have lunch in the home everyday.My fa ther is busy,but he also take care of our family.He comes back home and have dinner quickly.Then he will do some ho usework such as,wash bow

My mother's day
Every morning,my mother often gets up early,then she'll cook for me.At 8 o'clock,it's time for go to work,so she go to the office by bus.And In the evening,my mother comes back,now,she's so tired,so she had some supper and then go to sleep very early.Therefore,I want to say:mother is great!

Today is my father’s birthday.In the morning ,Father got up early.”Happy birthday!”I said to him.He was smiling to me.Then Father prepared breakfast for me.After breakfast,Father brought me to my school by his car.”See you!”I said to my father. In the afternoon,I went home.I gave my my father a big hug.There was no cake,no flower,no gift to my father,but my father was very happy. “Happy birthday to you.Happy…”I sang to my father. Thank you,Dad.I will give you a nice birthday party next year!


我的爸爸是一只顽强拼搏、积极进取的海鸥,是一块坚固无比、坚韧不屈的石头,是一本立意深远,饱含哲理的图书。我的爸爸是一个正直、淳朴、爱拼搏的人。他是一个“好”人,在公司,他是上司的好助手,是职员们的好同事;在家里,他是妈妈的好丈夫,我好爸爸。 一张圆圆的脸,一双淳朴的眼睛,...

【我的爸爸】作文 400字 急急急急急急!!!



我的爸爸作文1 我的爸爸在广安电业局工作,他那高高的鼻梁上架着一副近视眼镜,眼睛大大的,走起路来大摇大摆,非常有精神。 爸爸对他自己要求非常严格,对我就更不用说了。我有一个坏毛病,上了厕所经常忘记冲,昨天我又忘了冲,被爸爸发现了,他要求我冲掉,我却说:“我就是不冲,你能把我怎样?”这可把他气坏...

爸爸喜欢和孩子们玩,所以大家叫他大小孩。 爸爸的胆子特别小,晚上不敢一个人上厕所,叫妈妈陪他他。妈妈总是笑着说:“你爸爸胆子也�小了。”爸爸总会说:“那不是害怕,只是一个人冷清。” 爸爸对待工作可认真了。品有一次,我到朋友家玩。我们俩玩得太高兴了,忘了时间。无意间我...

我的爸爸作文1 我的爸爸是一位工作认真负责的眼科医生。他原来下班很早,可现在大部分时间待在医院,要很晚才回家。 记得有一次,我们一家人等爸爸回来吃晚饭,可是左等右等也不见他的身影。我们一家人干脆就吃起晚饭来。 吃完了饭,爸爸还是没回来。又过了一个半小时,爸爸才拖着疲惫的身子回到家。我哭着扑到爸爸...

原想回家爸爸会揍我一顿,可爸爸却没有。只是语重心长地说:“这次没考好,没关系,下次再来。只要你尽力了,我是不会怪你的。总结一下这一次失败的原因,下次争取考出好成绩。失败乃成功之母,我会永远支持你。” 当然,世界上没有一个十全十美的人,我爸爸也不例外。爸爸非常爱喝酒,而且经常...

我的爸爸六年级作文 篇1 每当听到筷子兄弟唱的《父亲》时,我也会想起我那亲爱的爸爸。我的爸爸有一个魁梧的大身板,圆圆的脑袋上长着一对于身材极其不协调的小眼睛,大大的鼻子上还架着一副眼镜。他很爱笑,笑起来眼睛就会眯成一条线。再加上顶着一个又大又圆的将军肚。那个可爱、滑稽的样子,谁见了都会想笑。

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文《我爸爸的一天》 -
俞玉康斯:[答案] Today is my father's birthday.In the morning ,Father got up early.”Happy birthday!”I said to him.He was smiling to me.... no flower,no gift to my father,but my father was very happy.“Happy birthday to you.Happy…”I sang to my father.Thank you,Dad.I ...

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文《我的爸爸的一天》70字 -
俞玉康斯:[答案] my father——the man in the street (此处引申为普通人之意) but i think he is a great man! in the morning,he gets up early and goes to work earn a living. when i get up every day ,i can see the breakfast on the table , i always moved by it. my father also ...

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文《我爸爸的一天》 -
俞玉康斯: Today is my father's birthday.In the morning ,Father got up early.”Happy birthday!”I said to him.He was smiling to me.Then Father prepared breakfast for me.After breakfast,Father brought me to my school by hiscar.”See you!”I said to my father...

杂多县18760374447: 以“我爸爸一天的生活”为题写一篇英语作文60字左右. -
俞玉康斯:[答案] Today is my father's birthday.In the morning ,Father got up early.”Happy birthday!”I said to him.He was smiling to me.... no flower,no gift to my father,but my father was very happy.“Happy birthday to you.Happy…”I sang to my father.Thank you,Dad.I ...

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文《我的爸爸的一天》70字 -
俞玉康斯: my father——the man in the street (此处引申为普通人之意) but i think he is a great man!in the morning,he gets up early and goes to work earn a living.when i get up every day ,i can see the breakfast on the table ,i always moved by it.my father ...

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文《我父亲的一天》 -
俞玉康斯: Every day my father gets up at 6 o'clock and goes to work on foot because his office isn't far from home .At noon my father returns home and has lunch with us all.After that ,he often has a rest in bed,sometimes he watches TV.At 2 o'clock my father ...

杂多县18760374447: 以“我爸爸一天的生活”为题写一篇英语作文60字左右. -
俞玉康斯: Today is my father's birthday.In the morning ,Father got up early.”Happy birthday!”I said to him.He was smiling to me.Then Father prepared breakfast for me.After breakfast,Father brought me to my school by his car.”See you!”I said to my ...

杂多县18760374447: 是英语作文,是写我爸爸的一天,该怎么写?5句话就行了,写爸爸的工作是什么,爸爸是用什么交通工具去上 -
俞玉康斯:[答案] eg.My fatherMy father is a worker.He goes to work on half past seven by bus everyday.Hw likes reading newspaper.He often reads it at seven o'clock in the evening.

杂多县18760374447: 英语作文~急以A day in the life of my father为题,用英语描述你爸爸的一天是生活.60个单词左右.注意第三人称单数动词的变化.参与词汇:get up,brush teeth,... -
俞玉康斯:[答案] A day in the life of my father My father gets up very eariler in the morning.Usually after he brushes teeth and washes face,he like doing half an hour morning exercise.Sometimes he makes breakfast for everyone,then he goes to work.After dinner,he ...

杂多县18760374447: My Father`s Day 记述自己爸爸的一天 【英语作文】 六句话以上 -
俞玉康斯: Every day my father gets up at 6 o'clock and goes to work on foot ,At noon my father returns home and has lunch with us all.After that ,sometimes he watches TV.At 2 o'clock my father leaves home for his work and at 6 o'clock my father goes home .,I love my father very much.

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