
作者&投稿:爨畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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The study of customer loyalty in large and medium-sized retail enterprise


With the retail sprung up in domestic,customers became a scarce resource .Fostering and maintaining the loyalty customers has become the retail enterprise's inevitable choice in China so as to win the living place and marketing.This article analyzes the current situation of retails in our country and put forward the strategies of improving the customer loyalty in retail enterprises, for the purpose of providing directions for marketing pratice in retail enterprises.

keywords: enterprises customer loyalty current situation factor strategy


Emerges one after another along with the domestic retail trade, the customer becomes one scarce resources, the cultivation and the maintenance loyal customer community has become Chinese Retail sales Enterprise to win the inevitably choice which the existing space and the market subdue.From this may see the very obvious truth is: The customer loyalty high enterprise, the profit making is extremely high.The massive loyal customers become the basic goal which the retail sales enterprise pursues, the loyal customer can duplicate purchases the store the product, to other people recommendation, and decreases the store the marketing cost.The customer managed loyally already becomes the retail sales enterprise's to win the competitive advantage the important method.This article to retails all sorts of significances in view of the customer loyalty understanding as well as the customer loyalty which the enterprise exists, at present our country retail trade customer loyalty present situation and the customer drains the existence through the analysis all sorts of questions, and proposed the enhancement retail sales enterprise customer loyalty strategy, is for the purpose of for the retail sales enterprise's marketing practice providing the instruction

1) The Problems and Solutions in Technological Innovation of Small Business

Cluster is the direct motivation of the medium and small sized enterprises, and it is meaningful to the strategic development of medium and small sized enterprises. The medium and small sized enterprises are the main carriers of the innovation of cluster, which are in the important position of the economic development worldwide. Due to the individual traits, Chinese medium and small sized enterprises(以下用msse代替否则字数太多) have some superiorities in innovation of cluster, meanwhile, there are some problem can not be ignored. Chinese msse have a lot of problem in the innovation of cluster. it relates to not only the self-development of the msse, but also the national economic construction to solve those problems. Therefore, according to the nature of innovation of cluster, the objective needs of national economic construction and development of technologies, and trend of development of globalization of economy, this article briefly elaborated the importance of technical innovation of msse, and seriously analyzed the current situation of innovation of cluster of msse in China, such as lack of talents, weakness in consciousness of innovation, insufficiency of capital sources, incompleteness of mechanism of risk control for technological innovation, relevant policies, laws and regulations, and system of socialized services. Due to those distinguished difficulties and problems, it also raised the relevant solutions, such as respecting education of talents, raising creative ability of management, implementing innovation of institution, establishing complete mechanism of motivation for innovation, supporting innovation of technology of msse positively through using methods of policies and laws, accomplishing body system of socialized services of innovation of technologies of msse. This article raised relevant suggestions through analysis of current situation and problems of development of cluster of msse, in order to push development of cluster of msse a step forward, and raise the capability of cluster of msse in China.


2)2) Processing trading is that a country uses various method to import raw material or components, and takes full advantages of that country’s productivity and technology to export the finished goods after processing, in order to get the added value which realized by foreign currency. Processing trading is the processing-oriented re-exporting industry with various methods. Common trades of processing are mainly processing imported materials, processing supplied materials, assembling, and cooperation in production. After the birth of the first enterprise of trade of processing in 1978 in Zhuhai China, the trades of processing developed rapidly in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Amoy (Xiamen), those four special economic zones. Under the economic globalization, trade of processing came into market and developed, which made the significant contribution to economic construction of China, and became the important method of Chinese foreign trade. This article outlined the above content, and found out the main problem in current trades of processing in China though the analysis of its current situation, including: low value-added content, fraction in trades, slow development of offshore processing, heavy labor intensive products, summarized relevant counter-plan and some practical measures, such as, macro administrative policy issued by China, raising the technological creative ability of enterprises, optimizing the structure of enterprises, and lengthening production chains, in order to promote stable and correct development of trades of processing in China. Last but not least, it made a prospect of Chinese trades of processing in order to fulfill and accomplish the thesis further.

1) the small business enterprise technique creative existent problem and counterplans

Gather the cluster is the direct motive of the medium small business enterprise development, even having important strategic meaning towards winning the small business enterprise.The medium small business enterprise conduct and actions gathers a group of techniques creative mainly carry the body, all occupy the count for much position in the economic development of the international community.Small business enterprise in the our country because of the characteristics of the oneself, have the certain advantage in the aspects of gathering a group of techniques creatively, also exist some problems that allow of no to neglect, the small business enterprise exists many problems in gather a group of techniques plane new process in the our country, resolving to these problems, not only relating to the developments of gather a group of oneselfses, but also relating to the economy construction of the nation.For this, this text from gather a group of technique innovation oneself of property, the our country economy and the objective request of the development of technique and the development trend of the economic globalization etc. the aspect synopsis discussed the creative importance of medium small business enterprise technique, analyzing the our country hard to gather the creative present condition of a group of techniques in the small business enterprise, the talented person who face is short of, innovation the consciousness is not strong, the funds source shortage, lack the creative risk mechanism, homologous policy of perfect technique and the law laws and acculturate the outstanding problem of not sound etc. of the service system and difficulty, and put forward to correspond the counterplan, if value the talented person to develop, exaltation creative ability of the executive;Carry out the system innovation, build up the perfect innovation to encourage the mechanism;Use the means of the policy and law aggressive support in small business enterprise technique innovation;Sound medium creative acculturation of small business enterprise technique the service props up system etc..The article passes the problem to the our country in the small business enterprise gathers a group of development present conditions and it exist to carry on the analysis, in order to push forward the our country to gather the further development of a group of techniques, promote the medium small business enterprise to gather a group of abilities to put forward the homologous counterplan suggestion.

[ Keyword] the medium small business enterprise gathers the cluster;Technique innovation;Medium small business enterprise
(2)Take off to want
The processing trade is a country to pass various different ways, importing the raw material, material or spare partses, making use of the production ability and techniques of the our country, process the finished product is behind re-export, thus acquire outside remit the body now of additional value.The processing trade take process as the re-export business of the characteristic, its way is varied, the familiar processing trade mainly has:Enter to anticipate to process, to anticipate to process, assemble the business and help to make the production.Along with the first processing trade business enterprise of our country in 1978 after bead sea bear, the processing trade of the our country got the quick development in four economic special areas of Shenzhen, bead sea, head of 汕 and Xiamen.Under the economic globalization background, the processing trade creation erupts the exhibition strong, to our country the economy did huge contribution, is an our country foreign trade of main way.This text carries on to the above-mentioned contents to say all, and pass as to it's the analysis of the present condition, discovered the existing key problem of the our country processing trade, include:Increase in value the content low, the trade rub, the offshore processing trade development slow-moving, labor intensive big etc. of a product specific weight, point analysis tally up valid measure of related counterplan and some lines, such as:A pedestal macro view adjusts to control the creative ability of policy, the exaltation business enterprise technique, excellent turn the business enterprise structure, the growth industry chain...etc., to promote the our country the processing trade develops healthily and stability.End, carried on the outlook to the development trend of the our country processing trade, make talk about more complete and substantial.

Keyword: Processing trade;Present condition;Counterplan;Process to increase in value

make talk about more complete and substantial.
make talk好强的语法!

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