请把那些红笔递给我 用英语怎么说

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red pen 即可


Please pass the red pens to me.

Please pass me the red pens


Please pass me the red pen.

花山区14776023621: 英语递给怎么读 -
才看肝欣: 递给 to hand; to give to 请把那包东西(那几张画; 我的帽子)递给我. Please hand me that parcel (those pictures; my cap).

花山区14776023621: 请把钢笔递给我英语 翻译为 -
才看肝欣: 答案是: Please pass me the pen ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

花山区14776023621: 请把那支铅笔递给我英语 -
才看肝欣: 请把那支铅笔递给我 Please pass me the pencil.

花山区14776023621: 请把书递给我,英语怎么说 -
才看肝欣: 请把书递给我, Pass me the book, please!注:pass 英 [pɑ:s] 美 [pæs] vt. 通过; 走过; 批准; 度过; vt. 传球; 及格; 发生; 不要; n. 通行证; 通道; 关口; 越过; [例句]As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring.她经过图书室门口时,电话响了.

花山区14776023621: 请把那包东西递给我英文怎么说 -
才看肝欣: 关口. 通行证; 及格; 不要; 度过; 走过请把那包东西递给我的英文翻译_百度翻译 请把那包东西递给我 Please pass me the bag 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 pass_百度翻译 pass 英[pɑ:s] 美[pæ 通道; 越过; 发生. [其他] 第三人称单数:passes 现在分词:passing 过去式:passed过去分词;s] vt. 通过; n; 批准; vt. 传球; [例句]As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring 她经过图书室门口时,电话响了

花山区14776023621: 请把铅笔和尺子递给我的英语句子怎么写? -
才看肝欣: Please take the pencil and the rule to me

花山区14776023621: 绿色蜡笔递给我翻译为英语 -
才看肝欣: Hand me the green crayon, please. / Pass me the green crayon, please. 上面两句比较“命令”的语气,是肯定句.通常是长辈对晚辈的语气,或者是很熟悉的朋友间对话 Can you pass me the green crayon? 这个比较有礼貌.是个问句.对象应是陌生人或者被尊敬的人等.

花山区14776023621: 你能把那些文件递给我吗如何用英语翻译 -
才看肝欣: Would you please pass me the paper?Could you pass me the paper?Pass me the paper, please.

花山区14776023621: 用英语读红色的钢笔怎么读 -
才看肝欣: 红色的钢笔 A red pen pen 英[pen] 美[pɛn] n. 笔,笔尖; 笔法,文笔; 作家; 围栏; vt. 写; 把…关入栏中; [例句]I really intended to pen this letter to you early this morning 我真的打算今天一大早给你写这封信的. [其他] 第三人称单数:pens 复数:pens 现在分词:penning 过去式:penned过去分词:penned

花山区14776023621: 英语翻译4.我用红纸把这礼物包好了,5.请把那杯茶递给我 -
才看肝欣:[答案] 英语翻译,首先要分析句子,弄清结构,才能准确答题. 1.The teacher came into the classroom just now. 2.He is taking of his sunglasses and wearing his T-shirt. 3.The teacher's left hand points at the blackboard. 4.I packed the gift with the red paper. 5....

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