英国文学名词解释 romanticism,ode, Byromnic hero

作者&投稿:南忠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Humanism(人道主义): a literary and philosophical view emphasizing humankind as its center concerns. Humanism originated in the Renaissance, the term has been used I many ways, but always suggests humanity as the central concern, with the natural world (science) and the spiritual world (religion) valued for their relation to people.
Conceit(奇思妙想): A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit.
satire (讽刺):A kind of writing that holds up to ridicule or contempt the weaknesses and wrongdoings of individuals, groups, institutions, or humanity in general. The aim of satirists is to set a moral standard for society, and they attempt to persuade the reader to see their point of view through the force of laughter.

Romanticism(浪漫主义) The term refers to the literary and artistic movements of the late 18th and early 19th century. Romanticism rejected the earlier philosophy of the Enlightenment, which stressed that logic and reason were the best response humans had in the face of cruelty, stupidity, superstition, and barbarism. Instead ,the Romantics asserted that reliance upon emotion and natural passions provided a valid and powerful means of knowing and a reliable guide to ethics and living.The Romantic movement typically asserts the unique nature of the individual, the privileged status of imagination and fancy, the value of spontaneity over “artifice” and “convention”, the human need for emotional outlets, the rejection of civilized corruption, and a desire to return to natural primitivism and escape the spiritual destruction of urban life Their writings are often set in rural, or Gothic settings and they show an obsessive concern with “innocent” characters----children, young lovers, and animals. The major Romantic poets included William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats , Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Gordon Byron.指18世纪末,19世纪初发生的文学和艺术运动。该运动是对早期启蒙主义哲学的反叛,后者强调在面对残忍、愚蠢、迷信以及野蛮时,逻辑和理性是人类应该做出的最佳反应。与此相对,浪漫主义强调应该依靠情绪以及自然抒发的激情作为生活和伦理问题的有效指导。浪漫主义运动特别强调个体的独一无二,想像、幻想的优先地位,自发性优于“技巧”和“惯例”所具有的价值,人类对于情感表达的自然需求,对于文明相伴的堕落腐化的抵制,以及远离摧毁人类灵魂的城市生活,重返原始自然的渴望。浪漫主义者的作品通常以乡村、田园以及哥特式城堡为背景,对于“天真单纯”的个体,诸如儿童、年轻的恋人以及动物特别关心。浪漫主义的代表诗人包括威廉·布莱克、威廉·华兹华斯、乔治·戈登·拜伦、波西·比希·雪莱以及约翰·济慈。
Ode(颂歌) Long, often elaborate formal lyric poem of varying line lengths dealing with a subject matter and treating it reverently. It aims at glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally. Conventionally, many odes are written or dedicated to a specifie subject. For instance,Ode to the West Wind is about the winds that bring change of season in England. Ode to the Nightingale is about the nightingale that lures the poet temporarily away from his great misery. The earliest English odes include the Epithalamion and the Prothalamion,or marriage hymns by poet Edmund Spenser.指篇幅较长,结构较为复杂的抒情诗。诗行长度不一,通常以虔诚的语调讲述一个严肃崇高的主题。或咏物志事,或怀时抒情,或向某人致意。大多数的颂歌为方便起见描述的都是一个特定的主题。例如《西风颂》讲述的是给英格兰带来季节变化的西风。《夜莺颂》描写的是带领诗人暂时脱离苦海的夜莺。英国最早的抒情诗出现于16世纪,作品为著名诗人斯宾赛所著的《婚后曲》、《婚前曲》或婚礼赞美歌。
拜伦式英雄 “拜伦式英雄”是指拜伦在“东方叙事诗”等作品中塑造的一系列孤立傲世、富有叛逆精神的主人公形象。他们是海盗、异教徒、造反者、无家可归者等,都具有出众的才华、坚强的意志、反叛的热情,敢于蔑视传统秩序和专制暴政,但是他们的反抗总是和孤独、忧郁结合在一起,乃至傲世独立,离群索居,并以悲剧而告终。最典型的形象是《海盗》中的康拉德。
“愤怒的青年” 英国战后出现了“愤怒的青年”文学运动。愤怒的青年主要是小说家和戏剧家,他们对中产阶级的道德与习惯不满,抨击严格的阶级等级划分,他们大多来自社会下层,同情劳动人民。奥斯本的剧本《愤怒的回顾》对社会作了多方面的抨击,成为这个文学运动的代表作。代表作家还有:艾米斯、韦恩和西利托等。

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说德代丁:[答案] (一)浪漫主义文学的基本特征 浪漫主义文学的基本特征: 1 强烈的主观色彩,偏爱表现主观思想,注重抒发个人的感... 与现实主义同为文学艺术史上的两大主要思潮.浪漫主义(英语romantic)一词源出南欧一些古罗马省府的语言和文学.这些地...

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说德代丁:[答案] sonnet:a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes,in English typically having ten syllables per ... of a classical style or treatment in art,literature,architecture,or music. romantic:genre inclined toward or suggestive of the ...

万宁市18616537982: 什么是罗曼史?
说德代丁: “罗曼史”的意思:罗曼史是英文单词romance的音译.所谓罗曼史是指欧洲在资产阶级革命以前的封建社会里流行的一种传奇文学.这是一种非现实的,封建形态的文学.罗曼史并不是一无是处,小说强调的传奇色彩和浪漫特色实际上也为文艺复兴打下基础. “罗曼史”在政治上的作用就是利用一个“理想的”世界来粉饰现实,以巩固封建阶级统治.而18世纪后,随着现实主义小说的出现,这种传奇文学逐渐衰微,但是至今仍旧影响着欧美作家的创作.同时单词“罗曼蒂克”(romantic)也因此而来,意思是“浪漫的,传奇的”.

万宁市18616537982: Romantic是什么意思? -
说德代丁: 浪漫的

万宁市18616537982: 跪求以下英国文学中名词的英语解释,要英语!谢谢 -
说德代丁: sonnet 名词解释:a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme 动词解释:1 praise in a sonnet 2 compose a sonnet

万宁市18616537982: romantic是浪漫的意思吗? -
说德代丁: romantic 1. 形容词 浪漫主义的 2. 形容词 爱情的,浪漫的,多情的 3. 形容词 理想主义的,不切实际的 4. 名词[可数] 浪漫的人 5. 名词[可数] 浪漫主义者,浪漫派艺术家

万宁市18616537982: what is romantisim?什么是浪漫主义?英国浪漫主义文学的基本特征、基本主张 -
说德代丁:[答案] Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe and strengthened in reaction to the Industrial Revolution.Characterist...

万宁市18616537982: 浪漫主义与Romanticism? -
说德代丁: 在这个句子里,be动词后面应该是加形容词,romanticism是名词,所以此处用romantic.或者在英文里romanticism还有一些文化含义吧.

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说德代丁:[答案] Humanism(人道主义): a literary and philosophical view emphasizing humankind as its center concerns. Humanism originated in the Renaissance, the term has been used I many ways, but always suggests hu...

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