how much does this armchair coat改为同义句和陈述句?

作者&投稿:禤生 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you tell me how much this coat costs.


How much does this armchair cost? 汉语意思是:这把椅子值多少钱?

改为同义句可以是: How much is this armchair? 还可以是: What's the price of this armchair?

改为陈述句可以是: This armchair costs ten dollars. 或者 This armchair is ten dollars.


How much does this armchair cost?

What is the price of this armchair?


This armchair costs plenty ofmoney( e.g. over800 yuan,etc.)

修正错字,coat 必需改为cost 。
同义句: What's the price of this typan seat ?
陈述句: The armchair costs a price.

How much does this armchair cost?这只椅子多少钱?
同义句:How much is this armchair?
How much do you pay for this armchair?
How much do you spend on this armchair?
陈述句:This armchair costs 100 dollars.

What is the price of this armchair?
The price of the armchair is 200 yuan.

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怀昌螺旋: how much 用来询问【数量、价格、程度等】,用语636f7079e79fa5e9819331333330333535【修饰不可数名词或对象】.例如: How much does book cost? 这本书价格将会是多少?【询价问价钱】 Nobody knows how much strain the ground ...

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怀昌螺旋: howmuch的用法(1)用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词.例如:How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?(2)用来询问事物的重量.例如:-How much does the pig weigh?这头猪多重?-Eighty kilos.八十公斤....

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怀昌螺旋: How much 后跟的动词根据后边的名词决定. 举个例子: How much is it? ---名词是it,所以动词第三人称单数 How much do you cost?-- 名词是you,所以动词是do

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怀昌螺旋: “How much is it?”表示的费用是一共的的合计费用; “How much does it cost?”指的是具体某件事情的费用. 重点词汇How much多少,什么价钱,到什么程度 How much is it?多少钱; [例句]How much is it with material and labour all together?连工带料,一共多少钱?how much does it cost 这多少钱; [例句]How much does it cost to fly to the United States?坐飞机去美国要花多少钱?

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怀昌螺旋: Answer:This house costs .对括号中的价格提问如下:How much does this house cost?这里"How much" 是一个对数量,价格,重量提问的特殊疑问词组 在英语中,在对价格提问时省略money已是一种习惯表达.How much 即为 how much money,它本身就可表示"多少钱",故作"cost"的宾语成分.祝 学习进步!

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怀昌螺旋: Do you know how much this coat costs?宾语从句,就是给这个句子加个主语,让它成为宾语从句,宾语从句中不管是肯定还是疑问都主谓不颠倒(叫使用正常语序),所以要将这个问句改成正常陈述句的语序

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怀昌螺旋: how much does it cost

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怀昌螺旋: 应该是how much is the house. cost是个动词,指某物要多少钱.不能用is搭配.

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怀昌螺旋: B 物作主语用COST 另外, A, D 是人作主语,C 一般用于句型:It takes sb some time to do sth 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,...

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