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a great friendship   Thomas Jefferson and James Madison met in 1776.Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to further American Revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. From the work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself, for has there ever been a friendship of greater public consequence than this one?   托马斯·杰斐逊和詹姆斯·麦迪逊相识于1776年。为什么偏偏是这一年呢?当时他们开始共同努力推动美国革命,后来又一同为政府拟订新草案。在这些合作中孕育出的友谊是亲密无间、信诚以托、坚不可摧的。这份友谊维持了五十年。当中包含有欢乐,有协作,他们更志同道合地朝共同的目标迈进,历经多年从不间断地令彼此受益。在离开人世前四个半月时,杰斐逊重病在身,债台高筑,并为家庭的贫困感到忧心如焚,于是他提笔给这位知心好友写了封信。从他的信以及麦迪逊的回复中,我们可以看到:这两个朋友是一生之交;并且有时候,他们之间的友情意义之大更超越了友情本身,这份友谊给大众带来的深远影响是前所未有的。   "The friendship which has subsisted between us now half a century, the harmony of our po1itical principles and pursuits have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. It's also been a great solace to me to believe that you're engaged in vindicating to posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-government, which we   had assisted in acquiring for them. If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never known reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. To myself you have been a pillar of support throughout life. Take care of me when dead and be assured that I should leave with you my last affections."   “你我之间的友谊迄今已经走过了半个世纪,我们在政治原则与追求上取得的协调在过去的漫漫岁月中为我带来了源源不断的快乐。我感到一大安慰的是,我相信你还在兢兢业业地致力于造福子孙后代的事业一一这份事业我们曾为他们争取过,我们也努力要把他们透明自治的优良体制流传下去。希望这世界上有一种治理制度,在执行的时候专门有坚定不移的一只眼睛来审视它,监护大众利益和为之奋斗者的幸福,建立在真理基础上的制度将永远与责难无缘,我们一生所致力的也正在这里。我自己,还有你,毕生都为此鼎力支持。请你照顾我的身后之事,也请相信,我的友情永远和你同在。"(1826年2月17日)   A week later Madison replied-   一个星期后,麦迪逊写了回信——   "You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more affecting recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren’t they not to be to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with Which we discharge the trust committed to us and I indulge a confidence that sufficient evidence will find in its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be withheld whilst we are here. "   "在过去的漫长岁月中,你我的友谊与一致的政治观,总令我在回想时心中无比感动。它们为你带来欢乐,对我又何尝不是如此?我们肩负人民的信任,为大众福利鞠躬尽瘁,从中获得的幸福感是难以泯灭的。我坚信,无论当前对我们的评判怎样,我们的一切贡献,身后的下一代人必将给予公断。"










a great friendship

  Thomas Jefferson and James Madison met in 1776.Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to further American Revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. From the work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself, for has there ever been a friendship of greater public consequence than this one?


  "The friendship which has subsisted between us now half a century, the harmony of our po1itical principles and pursuits have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. It's also been a great solace to me to believe that you're engaged in vindicating to posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-government, which we

  had assisted in acquiring for them. If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never known reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. To myself you have been a pillar of support throughout life. Take care of me when dead and be assured that I should leave with you my last affections."


  A week later Madison replied-


  "You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more affecting recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren’t they not to be to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with Which we discharge the trust committed to us and I indulge a confidence that sufficient evidence will find in its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be withheld whilst we are here. "



Diary details Einstein's last years

女友日记新近发现 再现爱因斯坦晚年岁月

In the last years of Albert Einstein's life, he amused himself by telling jokes to his parrot, and avoided visitors by feigning illness, according to a newly discovered diary written by the woman as his last girlfriend.


While Einstein also talked about the travails of his continuing work in physics, most of Johanna Fantova's diary recalls his views on world politics and his personal life.


Fantova wrote that she recorded her time with the renowned physicist to "cast some additional light on our understanding of Einstein, not on the great man who became a legend in his lifetime, not on Einstein the renowned scientist, but on Einstein the humanitarian."


The diary also recounts how, on his 75th birthday, Einstein received a parrot as gift. After deciding the bird was depressed, Einstein tried alter its mood by telling bad jokes.


At times, Einstein would pretend to be sick in bed so he would not have to pose with visitors who wanted photographs. Einstein still enjoyed himself even when real illness did take hold.


Einstein also wrote Fantova poems, some of which are in the diary.


"The writings are an unvarnished portrait of Einstein struggling bravely with the manifold inconveniences of sickness and old age," said Freeman Dyson, a mathematician at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.


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Friendship is a diamond
buried in the earth;
a treasure of great worth.
But first it must be mined
then faceted and shined.
It takes pick and shovel and strain,
encompassing time and enduring pain,
until its grace is seen;
a glittering gift of love
that's shared between we three:
First God,
and you,
then me.

~Sally J. Knower

7、友谊永远是美德的辅佐。——西塞罗 8、何为爱情?一个身子两颗心;何为友谊?两个身子一颗心。——约瑟夫·鲁 9、朋友一直都是我们的另一半。——西塞罗 10、友谊是灵魂的结合,这个结合是可以离异的,这是两个敏感,正直的人之间心照不宣的契约。——伏尔泰 11、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该...


张学良曾对人说周总理是他一生中最值得交的一个朋友 9.马克思和恩格斯的故事 青年的马克思就有着改造社会的强烈愿望并付诸行动,因而他受到反动 *** 的迫害,长期流亡在外。 1844年,马克思在巴黎认识了恩格斯,共同的信仰使彼此把对方看得比自己都重要,马克思长期的流亡,生活很苦,常常靠典当,有时竟然连买邮票的钱都...

关于朋友间的友情、友谊的名人名言:●【患难识朋友。】——(苏)列宁 ●【挚友如异体同心。】——亚里士多德 ●【友谊是人生最大的快乐。】——(英)休谟 ●【择友宜慎,弃之更宜慎。】——(美)富兰格林 ●【一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。】——毛泽东 ●【朋友间的不和,就是敌人...


有关友谊的名言如下:1、对别人述说自己,这是一种天性;因此,认真对待别人向你述说他自己的事,这是一种教养。——歌德。2、脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。——达尔文。3、人与人之间最大的信任就是关于进言的信任。——培根 ...

有关友谊的名言如下:1、对别人述说自己,这是一种天性;因此,认真对待别人向你述说他自己的事,这是一种教养。——歌德。2、脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。——达尔文。3、人与人之间最大的信任就是关于进言的信任。——培根 ...

—— 鲁迅 “真正的朋友,是在你成功时为你高兴,在你失败时为你担忧的人。他们会在你迷失方向时给你指引,在你失落时给你力量。”—— 佚名 “朋友之间应该是相互尊重、相互理解、相互帮助的关系。我们应该珍惜每一个与我们真诚相待的朋友。”&mdash...

关于朋友的名人名言如下:1、世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的朋友。——爱因斯坦 2、一个人没有朋友,就像生活里没有阳光。——苏联 3、人生最美丽的回忆就是他同朋友的友谊。——林肯 4、朋友之间的友谊应该是两个人永远做心灵上的近邻,各自有自己独立的人生道路,互不侵入...

我不愿意把我们之间的友谊比作铁链;因为铁链也许会被雨水锈蚀,或被倒下来的树砸断。 ——彭威廉 友谊的最大努力并不是向一个朋友展示我们的缺陷,而是使他看到自己的缺陷。 ——拉罗什夫科 友情是平等的人之间,离开利害关系所结的交际,而欺诈却是暴君和奴隶之间的卑鄙关系。 ——歌尔德斯密斯 别...

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