以我的房间为题写一篇英语作文 六句话

作者&投稿:止邰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes...

My room is not big, but it's clean and tidy. There is a bed of course. Above the bed, there is a picture of Yaoming, my favorite basketball star. There is a basketball under the bed. Beside the bed there is a desk and a chair where I study and surf the internet there. There is a bookshelf beside the desk by the window. There are hundreds of books and lots of CDs on the shelf. Although there isn't a telephone, I like my room very much. 尽管我的房间不大,但它干净整洁。 里面当然有张床了。 在床头上面有张我最喜欢的篮球明星姚明的图片。 床下有个篮球。 在床边有个书桌和椅子。我在那里学习及上网。 在桌子旁有个书架。 上面有上千本书和很多CD。 尽管里面没有电话,但我非常喜欢我的房间


I have a lovely room. The desk is next to the window, and my chair lies beside it. My homework and my pens are put on the desk. A map is on the wall, which is used to learn geography. The bed is pink so I like it very much. This is my lovely room, I love it.

I have a lovely room. The desk is next to the window, and my chair lies beside it. My homework and my pens are put on the desk. A map is on the wall, which is used to learn geography. The bed is pink so I like it very much. This is my lovely room, I love it.




1. 用there be 的句型 写一篇我的卧室的英语作文 初一的水平 My Bedroom I have a beautiful bedroom.There are many things in my bedroom. There are blue wall,yellow floor and o windows in my bedroom.There is a wooden-little-bed behind the wall.And there are o tolls on my ...

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2我有个很漂亮的房间,它就像一个小天地。 3. 以我的书房为题写一篇空间顺序和总分结构的作文 我的书房普普通通,却是个古色古香的书的海洋.步入书房,到处弥漫着书的香味.最引人注目的,便是那成天与我做伴的大书柜了. 我好像是一条书虫,成天爬行在书堆中,从《四大名著》,《资治通鉴》,《雾都孤儿》等名著...

1. 写小练笔我的小房子 猜一猜我的小房子是什么样的?你可能会猜:一个美丽的小阳台,一个漂亮又大的房间、五颜六色的灯、一间宽敞的儿童房和书房、一个 *** 优美的门铃。猜的不错,我的小房子差不多就是这个样。 我的小房子是一栋别墅,有一个一天到晚都是阳光的阳台,三个窗下面长满花朵儿的长房间,...


1. 我的书房的作文以“我的书房”为题,写一篇说明文,600字左右, 以前,我们家又窄又小,我只能在餐桌上学习.每次到吃饭前,我就要把书、笔、本子放进书包,十分不便.如果我想要看课外书,还得从一只硬板纸箱中一本本地找起来,得找好一会儿才找得到,十分费时间.唉,最好能有自己的书房!现在,我们搬进了新房子.新...

巴塘县17179198869: 《我的房间》英语作文例句,五六句就好. -
张仁可润: My roomLook,this is my room,it's small but tidy.There are a desk and a small bed in it.There is a computer on the desk.I ofter do my homework in my room.I love my room.

巴塘县17179198869: 五年级的标准,写一篇英语作文,不少于六句话! My room -
张仁可润: Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small table, a bookcase and a closet .There is a hat in the closet. The bed is near the desk . There is a backpack on the table.There is a shelf near the ...

巴塘县17179198869: 用英语写篇我的房间.不少于6句话 -
张仁可润: Thisismyroom.Itisveryattractive.Itisthepink.Looked!Thatisthebabykingdom!LovableTidyXiongHethebeautifulbananaplantisbeckoningcomparedtothebabytoyou!Inthebabykingdomalsohasthetoycar,thetoypuppy!

巴塘县17179198869: 用英语介绍自己的房间6句用my bed - room为题 -
张仁可润: My bed room is very nice. There is a desk near the window. There are many books on the desk. My bed is near the desk. There is a chair beside the bed. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a map of China between the pictures. I do my ...

巴塘县17179198869: 以《My Room》为题写一篇英语作文 -
张仁可润: I have a new room.. There is bookcase, chair, desk, table, bed in my small room. My hat is on the chair. My baseball is under the bed. My school ID card is on the table. My CDs are in my backpack. Oh, there is a picture of mine on the wall. My room is very nice. I like it very much. Do you have your own room? Tell me!

巴塘县17179198869: 以My living room为题的作文(6句话左右)谢谢啦 -
张仁可润:[答案] my living room is so beautiful in my mind.there are plenty of books here and there.as you can see,there must be a bed to sleepin addition,there is a table.i do my homework on the table every night.alt...

巴塘县17179198869: 写一篇英语作文题目我的房间共六句话 -
张仁可润: My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes...

巴塘县17179198869: 写一篇关于'我的房间'英语作文,4句话,要求,开头用“这是我的房间”要翻译,急急急,在线等 -
张仁可润: My roomThis is my room. 这是我的房间.It's big , beautiful and clean. 它大,漂亮并且干净.There is a bed and a desk in it. 里面有一个床和一个课桌.I like this room because I feel warm in it.我喜欢这个房间,因为我在里面觉得温暖.

巴塘县17179198869: 关于卧室的英语英语作文不少于六句话,必须用上There.be句型 -
张仁可润:[答案] This is my bedroom.There is a desk in it.There are some books on the desk.There is a chair near it.My bedroom is not big,but it's clean.I like my bedroom.

巴塘县17179198869: 以“my room"为题,写一篇60词以上的英语习作,6年级水平,急急急! -
张仁可润: Thanks to dad and mom, I have a very big room. My room is so cute, and it's so lovely spacious! I've just repainted it! It's now in pink. I love pink! Included my my wardrobe, the chair, my bed, they are all in pink.My room has never in a mess. There's ...

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