仁爱英语七年级下同步整合方案 求答案 急急急急急!!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:诺油 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I.1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BCCCB
II.1.to learn 2.really 3.to watch 4.healthy 5.pronunciation 6.musicians 7.were 8.used
9.preferred 10.has been
III.1.home to 2.what else 3.stay away 4.head of 5.interstted in
IV.1.doesn't need 2.where would 3.has he 4.easy enough 5.not to
7.we can talk to them,play and go to the cinema with them
8.Because we can 't live alone in the world
9.some people always expect to make use of their friedns
10.Having a real good friend is better than having many friends
11.plant 12.across 13.banks 14.destroyed 15.changing


Unit 5 Our School Life
1. 掌握并能熟练运用表达交通方式的句型。
2. 掌握频度副词的表达方式。
3. 掌握一般现在是的用法。
Topic1 How do you usually come to school ?
1. on foot go …on foot= walk ( to )…
2. by + 交通工具 “乘坐…” by bus / bike / plane / train / subway / ship / boat / car
3.take the bus = go …by bus ride a bike = go …by bike take the subway = go …by subway
4.on weekdays 在平日 5. after school 放学后 afterclass 下课后 after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐后 6. in their free time 在空闲时间 7. have a rest 休息一下 8. read books 读书 11. go swimming 去游泳 12. listen to music 听音乐 12. watch TV 看电视 13.do(one’s) homework 做作业 14. go to the zoo / park 去动物园 / 公园 15. once a week 一周一次 16. every day 每天 17. have classes 上课 18. for a littlewhile 一会儿 19. go to bed 上床睡觉 20. have breakfast / lunch / supper(dinner)吃早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 22. at the school gate 在校门口 23. come on 快点 、 加油 24. get up 起床 25. talk with / to sb.与某人谈话 26. at school 在学校、在上课 27.go to school 去上学 28. and so on ……等等
三.语法:表时间频率的副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是
1. I never go to school bysubway. 2. Iseldom walk to school.
3. Maria sometimes takes the subwayhome. 4. Li Xiang often rides a bike to school.
5. We usually go to the park onfoot. 6. They always go tothe zoo by bus.
7. How often do you come to the library ? Veryoften / Twice a week / Once a week / Every day.
四. 重要句型1. Happy NewYear! The same to you.
2. Your new bike looks very nice. Thank you.
3. How do youusually come to school ? By bus / car /bike. On foot.
4. It’s time forclass. = It’s time to have class. 该是上课的时候了。
5. The early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先飞。/ 捷足先登。
6. We have no more time. 我们没有更多的时间了。
7. I have four classes in the morning and two in theafternoon.我早上上四节课,下午上两节。
8. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她九点四十五分睡觉。
Topic 2 He is running on the playground.
二.重点短语:1. make cards 制作卡片 2. on the playground 在操场上 3. in the library 在图书馆
4. in the gym在体育馆 5. on the shelf在书架上(shelves 复数) 6. at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处 7.clean the room打扫房间 8.have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 9. have an English class 上英语课 10. write a letter 写信 11. some of his photos= some photos of his 他的一些照片 12. on time 准时/in time及时 14. do better in sth 在某方面做得较好 15.put on 穿、戴上、上演(代词it / them放在中间,名词中间或后面,put it / them on ) 16. show sb.around… 令某人参观……
现在进行时态 主语+ be(is / am / are )+ 动词ing+ 其他 。表示正在进行或发生的动作。常与now = at the moment 现在 、 look看 、 listen听 等连用。
1. I’m looking for mypurse. 2. They aren’t sleepingat the moment.
3. Are you doing your homework ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
4. Is he / she singing now ? Yes, he / sheis. No, he / she isn’t.
5. What is your brother doing ? He is running inthe gym.
四. 重要句型
1.Excuse me, may I borrow your story book ? Of course. =Sure. (borrow sth from…从……借回某物……)
2. How Long may I keep the book ? Two weeks. ( keep 借用,后面常跟一段时间连用)
3.You must return them on time. ( return 归还,return sth to …把……归还给……)
4. Thank you. It’s a pleasure. = A pleasure = Mypleasure. 别客气。
5. Sorry, I don’t have any. Thank you all thesame. 仍然感谢你。
6. See you soon. 回头见. 7. What else ? 还有别的什么?( else 其他的、别的,常放在疑问词what/ where / who…和不定代词something/ somebody等的后面)
Topic 3 Myschool life is very interesting.
二. 重点短语:1. outdooractivity 课外活动 2. easy andinteresting 容易又有趣 3. difficult and boring 又难又乏味 4. be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb. 对某人友好 5.between…and… 在……之间… 6. learn…from… 向……学习……/ 从…中学…… 7. from…to… 从……到…… 8.in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上9.on Monday 在星期一 on Monday morning在星期一的早上 11. tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事
一般现在时 主语+动词原形/ 动词第三人称单数s/es + 其他。表示经常或习惯性的动作。常与频率副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是或every day 每天、in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上 等连用。例如:
I often do my homework in the evening. I don’toften go shopping on Sunday.
Do you usually come to school by car? Yes, Ido. No, I don’t.
Sometimes she watches TV in the evening. She doesn’t like Chinese.
Does she often take a bus to school ? Yes, shedoes. No, she doesn’t.
四. 重要句型
1.What day is it today?It’s Sunday / Monday / Tuesday /Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday.(在英语国家每周的第一天是星期天而不是星期一)
2. What class are they having ? They are having a musicclass.
3. What time does the class begin ? At ten o’clock.
4. What do you think of math? = How do you like math ? 你认为数学怎么样? It’sdifficult and boring.
5. Why (为什么)do you like English ? Because(因为)it’s easy and interesting.
7.What subject (学科)do you like best ? I like history best.
8. At school, my teachers and classmates are veryfriendly to me.
9. I study Chinese, English, politics, geography andsome other subjects.(other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数)
10.English is my favorite (最喜欢的)subject. I alsolike P.E and music.= I like P.E and music , too. (也)
11.Can you tell me something about it ?
a few 几个,一些 + 名词复数 a little 一点儿 +不可数名词 many 许多+名词复数 few几乎没有 little几乎没有 much许多、大量的+不可数名词
other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数 another 泛指又一个、再一个、另一个+ 名词单数 the other 两者中的另一个

Unit 6 Our Local Area
Topic1 Is there a sofa in your study?
2、掌握there be的各种形式及用法
4、熟练掌握方位介词in, on, behind,under, near, next to, in front of
On the first floor 美式英语一楼floor地板,此处指“楼房的层”。英式英语用the ground floor 表示一楼
1. Why not =Why don’t you 复习其他提建议的方式
2. Go upstairs上楼 Go downstairs 下楼
3. A moment later 一会以后
4. You have a nice study。 study名词:书房 动词:学习与learn的区别
5. In the front of the house 在屋子(里面的)前面 In front of the house在屋子(外面的)前面
6. Talk about谈论 talk with sb.和某人谈论
7. Put them away 把他们收拾好
8. Look after = take care of 照顾,看管
9. In the tree(非树本身的东西)在树上 Onthe tree(树本身的东西)
10. On the river浮在水面上 overthe river 在河上(悬空)
11. On the wall在墙上 in the wall 在墙里
12. Get a letter from sb= hearfrom sb 注意hear from宾语是人不是信,her of听说某人(物),hear听到,听见,侧重听的结果。常用 hear sb doing sth/do sth
13. Tell sb about sth Tell sb to do sth Tell sb sth
14. want sb to do sth/want to dosth
三、语法知识: There be 句型的用法
There be句型是英语中常见的特殊句型,用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。
1、在there be 句型中,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。
eg. ① There is a birdin the tree.
② There is a teacher and many students in ourclassroom.
③ There are two boysand a girl under the tree.
2、There be句型与have的区别:
There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 eg.①He has two sons.
②There are two men in the office.
当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。
eg. A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week.
There be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.。例如:
There are some pictures on the wall. →There aren't any pictures on the wall.=There are no pictures on the wall.
There is a bike behind the tree. → There isn't a bike behind the tree. =There is no bike behind the tree.
There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:
① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用\"Who\'s+介词短语?\";当主语是物时,用\"What\'s + 介词短语?\"。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如:
There are many things over there. →What's over there?
There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room?
② 对地点状语提问:提问地点当然用"Where is / are+主语?\"啦!例如:
There is a computer on the desk. → Where is the computer?
There are four children on the playground. →Where arethe four children?
③ 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:
How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?
How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?
used to表示过去常常做某事.
例句: I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.
be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.
used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。
Mother used not to be so forgetful.
Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)
be used to + doing: 对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。
He is used to a vegetarian diet.
Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)

Topic 2 What’s your home like?
重点语法:There be 句型
① There be句型的否定句
② There be句型的疑问句
③ There be句型的就近原则
④ There be句型的反意疑问句
⑤There be句型与have/has的区分
be like / an apartment building/ a townhouse /in the surburbs/
on the street corner/ rent a house withfurniture to others / keep money
①What’s your home like?
②What’s the matter ……?
③I hear you playing the piano.
④I can’t hear you ,the line is bad.
⑤I’ll get someone to check it right now .
⑥The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.
⑦There aremany old people and many families with young children living there .
一What’syour home like?
Like 动词“喜欢”,介词“像”。be like像和look like看起来像。be like 主要用来询问人的性格、外貌和事物特征。Look like 主要用来询问外貌。
二for rent 出租。wanted求租.rent sth to sb把某物租给某人rent sth from sb 从某人处租某物。
三call sb at+ 号码。请打......电话与某人联系。
四I hear youplaying the piano.
hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事(强调动作进行)
hear sb do sth (强调全过程)
五Many shopsand restaurants are close to my home .
be close to 离……近。close 与near 都有“靠近”的意思,但close 比near 更近。

仁爱的教材的编排方式更生动。 仁爱版的主人公是康康,整套书都围绕着康康展开的故事。并且每个小孩都具有自己的性格特点。比如,康康是智多星、迈克尔是个开心果。整本书的故事性强,通过展示几个主人公的学习生活设置对话和短文。而相对来说人教版的单元是独立的,趣味性不及仁爱版。

unit 1 pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲 Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大 France 法国 the United States 美国 Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国 country 国家 Sydney 悉尼 New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎 Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京 live 住 lauguage 语言 world 世界 in English 用英语 Japanese 日本人 ...

这里给大家分享一些关于仁爱版七年级下册的英语教学计划,方便大家学习。 仁爱版七年级下册的英语教学计划1 【一】指导思想: 在本学期的英语教学中,坚持以下理念的应用:1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们 学习英语 的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神;2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放...

http:\/\/wenku.baidu.com\/link?url=5WIDdz1ZEghr0p8Qhtye7NwHmrtXSYY7lSyy-bNXRUE6DXXdYKae6Wx5P5UtpoJxwTwSUU_D8cskmii29GwbgbAUVhzMfghSYkw0rgV9-yW 如果帮助了你,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮

city.And there are many visitors every years.You can get there by train.If you want to get there more faster,you will get there by air plane.At last,I hope you will have agood trip!Weicome to Jia Yuguan!参考资料:我自己的《初中新课标同步学习指导与测评·七年级英语(下)》


Ⅰ.1.B on foot 步行,固定搭配,注意:名词 foot 前不能加任何冠词和物主代词,故选B。 2.B 考查固定短语do one’s homework。主语是第三人称单数,动词用does,故选B。时间 活动内容 早 晨 6:00 起床 6:40 读半小时英语 7:10 早餐 上午 上四节课 中餐 下午 上三节课 ...

1、Every one wants to keep healthy today, especially our students. But we don’t pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, especially at the weekends. Many boys ...

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藤米中性: 全都七下

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藤米中性: 1. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A2. ⑤ ③ ④ ② ①4. 1) √ 2) * 3) * 4) * 5) √7. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A8. 1) * 2) √ 3) √ 4) * 5) * 6) √11. 1) favourite 2) leaf 3) straight 4) drink 5) foot 6) turn12. c a b d e13. 1) lights stop...

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藤米中性: 仁爱英语七年级下册全套教案,共233页,这里无法全部复制,你到我们网站去下载吧 七年级(下)教案 张友川 中学英语一级 Unit 5 一 、教学目标 (一)语言知识 语音 /t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 词汇 掌握wake,early,first,day,term,must,still,by,...

四平市18263389273: 仁爱英语七年级下册同步练习册的答案 -
藤米中性: 用云盘给你http://l3.yunpan.cn/lk/Q89gmrW8kqLmj

四平市18263389273: 七年级下册仁爱英语同步练习与测试Unit 5 Section C答案 -
藤米中性: 1.sitting writing back around drawing2.bbdab3.she iswritingaletter she isn't doing her homework he is drawing pictures. he isn't making cards.the man is watchang tv. he isn't working on acomputer.they are playing baskball. they aren't running.they ...

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