
作者&投稿:穰聂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
微笑在某人的脸上,英语翻译应该是,smile in one' s face 还是 smile on one's face,介词要用IN 还是ON~


(1) at表示一天中的某时刻,不用冠词,如:
at six o'clock(在六点钟), at dawn(在黎明), at sunrise(日出时), at noon(在正午)。
I arrived at school at seven.

(2) at表示一瞬间或短暂的时间,如:
at that moment(在那一瞬间),
at present(目前),at that time(那时)。
Your memory is always poor at this time.

(3) at表示节日或年龄,如:
at Christmas(在圣诞节,指整个节日), at the age of ten(在十岁时)。
How could you be so forgetful at the age of ten?

on Monday(在星期一), on Friday afternoon(在星期五下午), on the morning of August the eighth(在八月八日早晨), on Christmas Day(在圣诞节,指在当天)。
You were late on Monday last week.

You mean I was late on May the fifteenth?

in 1996(在1996年), in May(在五月), in spring(在春季), in the 20th century(在二十世纪), in the eighties(在八十年代), in modern times(在现代), in the night(在晚上)。

Sorry, I am late, the first time in May.

I got up at six in the morning.

For example,there a big smile on my face.我笑了。所以选择介词on.



在英语中,打在脸上,是用on the face,还是in the face, 还是on one's...
on是在什么上面的意思,比如书在课桌上,books on the desk!书和课桌有个接触面!而in呢,则有嵌入的意思了!你体会一下

in the face和on the face有什么区别呢?
2、on the face:在脸上。二、侧重点不同 1、in the face:是一句俚语。2、on the face:是一个短语,固定用法。三、引证用法不同 1、in the face:face的基本意思是“面孔”“脸”,为可数名词。引申可指“面部表情”“外表”“表面”“威严”“厚脸皮”等。2、on the face:face用作名词...


in face和on face有什么区别?
in face在面对;有面子;合面子.in face of在……对面较常用 on face 在脸上

英语中打某人某部位用bit+sb+prep.+部位 具体哪些部位用什么介词?
表示打在某人的脸上,也有固定用in.要说hit sb. in the face.说身体部位受到伤害或感到疼痛时,也常用in。如:I was wounded in the leg(shoulder).我的腿(肩膀)受伤了。She said she had got a pain in her head.她说她有点儿头疼。2.on:表示身体部位表面和面部表情,常用on. 如:He ...

in the face和on the face有什么区别?
lake(在湖面上) on the wall(在墙上,例如在墙的平面上挂幅画) 再比较:We swim in the river.(我们在河里游泳) We have a house on the river.(我们有座房子在河面上)最后,记住一个口诀:外来物用in,所以in the face是脸上的外来物,on the face指的是脸上本来就有的东西。

hit sb. in和hit sb on有何区别呢?
at在身体部位名词前用介词at的时候不多,by常与动词take, seize, catch, lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、抓住身体某部位”。如:She said she had got a pain in her head.她说她有点儿头疼。He stared at her with that peculiar expressions on his face.他脸上带着奇怪的表情注视着她。hit sb ...

down his face.泪水顺着他的脸往下流。来源:《牛津词典》18.She pushed her face towards him.她把脸凑近了他。来源:《牛津词典》19.She looked him full in the face.她径直望着他的脸。来源:《牛津词典》20.A smile flitted across his face.他脸上笑容一闪而过。来源:《牛津词典》...

你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下:这要看咬在身体的哪个部分,如果是在头上,后背上比较硬的部位用on,如果是在脸上,肚子上比较软的部位用in ^^^ 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)^^^ ...


雨湖区18218496216: 在脸上有笑容是用IN,ON还是AT -
陈没盲威乐: For example,there a big smile on my face.我笑了.所以选择介词on.

雨湖区18218496216: 微笑在某人的脸上,英语翻译应该是,smile in one' s face 还是 smile on one's face,介词要用IN 还是ON -
陈没盲威乐:[答案] 应该用on

雨湖区18218496216: 脸上带着笑容 用英语怎么说 -
陈没盲威乐: 例如:she talked with a smile on her face.

雨湖区18218496216: When the boy got home, his mother saw the look of joy -- his face. A.on B.at C.with D.in -
陈没盲威乐: 脸上的表情用on: his smile on his face; a strange look on his face 打某人的脸用in: hit sb in the face

雨湖区18218496216: the eyes in the face还是the eyes on the face? -
陈没盲威乐: 通常来说in the face是指来脸上的外来异物.on the face是指脸上本来就有的.例如:①There is some water in your face because of the tiny rain.(你的脸被细雨打湿了) ②As usual,there are two eyes and a nose of course a mouth on human being's face.(通常来说,人类的脸上都长了两个眼睛,一个鼻子,还有一个嘴巴)

雨湖区18218496216: "脸上"是说"on the face"还是"in the face"
陈没盲威乐: 如果前面无动词,用on表方位.如果有动词,如打在脸上,要用句型hit sb in the face/on the nose,语法书说face软所以动作用in,nose硬所以用on.拓展打肚子in, 撞桌墙on.注意要有个动作.

雨湖区18218496216: 英语翻译.!
陈没盲威乐: occur 一般指“发生”什么问题. smile 还是用 appear / rise 之类的词好些. The smile rises on your face only. The smile appears on your face only.

雨湖区18218496216: John hit Jack - -----face. A.on the B.in the C.on -
陈没盲威乐: B 考点:介词+the+身体部位 “打在某人的脸上”固定用in,要说hit sb. in the face. 1. in:表示在身体部位内部用in,这是较理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体表面较软或较“空”的部位也用in. 如:He hit me in the mouth(eye, stomach).他打了我的嘴(眼、肚子). 2. 表示身体部位表面和面部表情,常用on. 如: He stared at her with that peculiar expressions on his face.他脸上带着奇怪的表情注视着她. He was hit on the head. 有人打了他的头.

雨湖区18218496216: Silly is very happy,There is a big smile( )her face.A.on B.in C.at .选哪个?
陈没盲威乐: A on her face 可用描述面部表情 化妆也可 eg. make up on her face in her face 表示由于外力使面部皮肤 肌肉变形 eg. a slap in her face 一巴掌打到她脸上 at her face 的用法不经常见 如果表示位置、高度之类的表达也可以的

雨湖区18218496216: 脸上的微笑 用英语怎么写 -
陈没盲威乐: the smile on face

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