
作者&投稿:嬴婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Roth grew up in the Weequahic neighborhood of Newark, New Jersey, as the second child of first-generation American parents, Jews of Galician descent, and graduated from Newark's Weequahic High School in 1950.[2] Roth went on to attend Bucknell University, earning a degree in English. He then pursued graduate studies at the University of Chicago, where he received an M.A. in English literature and worked briefly as an instructor in the university's writing program. Roth went on to teach creative writing at the University of Iowa and Princeton University. He continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991.

While at Chicago, Roth met the novelist Saul Bellow, as well as Margaret Martinson, who became his first wife. Their separation in 1963, along with Martinson's death in a car crash in 1968, left a lasting mark on Roth's literary output. Specifically, Martinson was the inspiration for female characters in several of Roth's novels, including Lucy Nelson in When She Was Good, and Maureen Tarnopol in My Life As a Man.[3]

Between the end of his studies and the publication of his first book in 1959, Roth served two years in the United States Army and then wrote short fiction and criticism for various magazines, including movie reviews for The New Republic. His first book, Goodbye, Columbus, a novella and five short stories, won the National Book Award in 1960, and afterward he published two novels, Letting Go and When She Was Good. However, it was not until the publication of his third novel, Portnoy's Complaint, in 1969 that Roth enjoyed widespread commercial and critical success.

During the 1970s Roth experimented in various modes, from the political satire Our Gang to the Kafkaesque The Breast. By the end of the decade Roth had created his Nathan Zuckerman alter ego. In a series of highly self-referential novels and novellas that followed between 1979-1986, Zuckerman appeared as either the main character or as an interlocutor.

In Sabbath's Theater (1995), Roth presented his most lecherous protagonist yet with Mickey Sabbath, a disgraced former puppeteer. In complete contrast, the first volume of Roth's second Zuckerman trilogy, 1997's American Pastoral, focuses on the life of virtuous Newark athletics star Swede Levov and the tragedy that befalls him when his teenage daughter transforms into a domestic terrorist during the late 1960s. I Married a Communist (1998) focuses on the McCarthy era. The Human Stain examines identity politics in 1990s America. The Dying Animal (2001) is a short novel about eros and death that revisits literary professor David Kepesh, protagonist of two 1970s works, The Breast and The Professor of Desire.

Events in Roth's personal life have occasionally been the subject of media scrutiny. According to his pseudo-confessional novel Operation Shylock (1993), Roth suffered a nervous breakdown in the late 1980s. In 1990, he married his long-time companion, English actress Claire Bloom. In 1994 they separated, and in 1996 Bloom published a memoir, Leaving a Doll's House, which described the couple's marriage in detail, much of which was unflattering to Roth. Certain aspects of I Married a Communist have been regarded by critics as veiled rebuttals to accusations put forth in Bloom's memoir.

In one of his most audacious books to date, The Plot Against America (2004), Roth imagines an alternative version of American history: What if Charles A. Lindbergh, aviator hero and isolationist had been elected U.S. president in 1940? In the imagined history that follows, Roth gives an account of a U.S. that negotiates an understanding with Hitler's Nazi Germany and embarks on its own program of anti-Semitism. It has been hailed as Roth's masterpiece. "[H]uge, inflammatory, painfully moving… It may well be his best, and it may well arouse more controversy than all the rest combined.… That Roth has written The Plot Against America in some respects as a parable for our times seems to me inescapably and rather regrettably true."[4]

Roth's 182-page novel Everyman, a meditation on illness, desire, and death, was published in May 2006.

Exit Ghost, which features his alter ego Nathan Zuckerman, was released in October 2007. According to the book's publisher, it is the last Zuckerman novel[5].

Indignation, Roth's twenty-ninth book, was published on September 16, 2008. Set in 1951 to the backdrop of the Korean War, it follows Marcus Messner's departure from Newark to Ohio's Winesburg College, where he begins his sophomore year.


第一阶段从1959年到1969年。这10年中主要的作品有《再见吧,哥伦布》、《放任》(Letting Go ,1962 ) ,《当她顺利的时候》(When She was Good ,1967)和《波特诺的主诉》 ( Portnoy' s Complaint , 1969 ),这段时间基本上处于艺术上的现实主义阶段。
第二阶段为整个1980年代,这10年中的代表作品有《我们这一伙》(Our Gang ,1971)、《乳房》(Breast ,1972 )、《我作为男人的一生》(my live as a Man,1974 )以及1977年出版的《情欲教授》(The Professor ofDesire)等,这段时间罗斯的创作以模仿现代主义风格为主。
最后的第三阶段即以《鬼作家》(The Ghost Writer ,1979)为转折,走向了后现代主义实验写作的阶段,其风格更趋多样,甚至打破常规,杂揉各派,自出机杼。

1886年①1月29日,德国曼海姆专利局批准卡尔·本茨为其在1885年研制成功的三轮汽车申请的专利,这一天被大多数人称为现代汽车诞生日。②德国人哥德利普·戴姆勒制成世界上第一辆四轮汽车。③奥托宣布放弃自己所获得的四冲程发动机专利,任何人都可根据需要随意制作。 1887年①卡尔·本茨将他的第一辆汽车卖给了法国人埃米...


渭城区15726898343: 凡人作者多大了 -
巩重英路: 小说《凡人》 作者:菲利普·罗斯菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth),出生于美国新译西州纽瓦克市的一个中产阶级犹太人家庭,1954年毕业于宾夕法尼亚州巴克内尔大学,1955年获芝加哥大学文学硕士学位后留校教英语,同时攻读博士学位,但在1957年放弃学位学习,专事写作,以小说《再见吧,哥伦布》(1959)一举成名(该书获1966年美国全国图书奖).

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巩重英路: 《失物之书》(爱尔兰. 约翰康诺利) 《地狱的第十九层》(蔡俊) 《凡人》(美. 菲利普罗斯) 《找回你的生命礼物》(加. 克里斯多福) 周国平:《灵魂只能独行》《爱与孤独》《只有一个人生》《思想的星空》 《战争史笔记》(朱增泉) 《麦田里的守望者》(美. 塞林格) PS:【希望可以帮到您,为您送上最美好的祝福,愿您一生平安,健康,幸福,快乐. 另外,本人在冲击问问满级,需要大量声望和经验,如果对答案满意请采纳,采纳时请点上“能解决”“原创”感谢您的信任与支持.】

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巩重英路: 钢铁是怎样炼成的》是一部描写新人成长历程和揭示新人优秀品质的优秀小说.通过保尔.柯察金的成长道路,小说告诉人们,一个人只有在革命的艰难困苦中战胜敌人也战胜自己,只有在把自己的追求和祖国、人民的利益联系在一起的时候,才会创造出奇迹,才会成长为钢铁战士.革命者在斗争中百炼成钢,这是小说的一个重要主题.可以这样来概括小说的主题思想:人的一生应当象保尔.柯察金那样去度过

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巩重英路: 《一千零一夜》的成书过程,是一个对不同地区、不同民族神话、传说、故事不断吸收和融会的过程.更重要的是在吸收、融会的同时,在不同时期现实生活的基础上不断再创作、继续产生新故事的过程.成书时间长达八九个世纪.它的产生、...

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巩重英路: 《在暴风雨里诞生》 他写的内容主要是他创造的的人物从小到大的历程,有他的幼年父亲去世母亲和他来到了姥姥家.为了生活去工作,洗后、、、邂逅了一个漂亮的有钱人家的小姐.后来帮住埃维尔党员(和我们的共产党一样)被捕,后来放了出来. 成为青年后参加革命,表达了对当时的埃维尔党员的不屈、坚强等等. 最后就是他受伤了,没办法继续革命,但是他又振作起来,开始写书,(这是书中的奥) 其实我觉得他写的这本书应该就是本半自传的书.

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